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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 20 october 2021

                          UN atomic agency head to visit Iran as nuke talks uncertain

            (AP)  —  The  head  of  the  November.  Some  countries  his comments came as world
            U.N.’s  atomic  watchdog  are pushing for the board to  powers are stepping up pres-
            plans  to  visit  Iran  before  condemn  Iran’s  nuclear  ac-  sure on Iran to return to talks
            the  end  of  next  month  tivity, including violations of  intended  to  bring  both  Iran
            amid    questions    about  the nuclear deal known as the  and  the  United  States  back
            whether  Iran  will  return  Joint Comprehensive Plan of  into  compliance  with  the
            to  negotiations  aimed  at  Action or JCPOA.             deal.
            reviving  the  languishing
            2015 nuclear deal.           Grossi, who met on Monday  Since former President Don-
                                         with Secretary of State Anto-  ald  Trump  withdrew  the
            International Atomic Energy  ny  Blinken,  would  not  pre-  U.S.  from  the  nuclear  deal
            Agency  chief  Rafael  Grossi  dict whether the IAEA board  and began a “maximum pres-
            said  Tuesday  he  intends  to  would take such action, say-  sure”  campaign  on  Iran  by
            visit Tehran “soon” to discuss  ing  it  will  likely  depend  on  reimposing severe sanctions,
            and hopefully resolve specific  what Iran does in the mean-  Tehran  has  been  blowing
            concerns about Iran’s nuclear  time.                      through  limits  on  uranium
            program. Iran is in violation                             enrichment  and  the  use  of
            of several aspects of the 2015  “I think it will all depend on  advanced  centrifuges.  In  ad-  in  question  but  the  method  Iran’s  new  hardline  govern-
            deal that the IAEA is charged  what  happens  from  now  to  dition,  IAEA  surveillance  and timing of the move have  ment led by President Ebra-
            with monitoring and has sus-  the third week of November.  cameras  at  at  least  one  sen-  yet to be settled. At the time,  him Raisi, which took power
            pended  some  elements  of  So many things will happen,”  sitive  nuclear  site  have  been  Grossi called the agreement a  in August, has hinted it will
            other  cooperation  with  the  Grossi  said,  referring  to  his  dismantled,  destroyed  or  “stopgap” measure that must  return to the nuclear talks in
            watchdog.                    upcoming  visit  and  the  po-  damaged.                  be enhanced. The IAEA has  Vienna but has balked at set-
                                         tential  for  a  resumption  in                           said  its  activities  have  been  ting a date. In the meantime
            On  a  visit  to  Washington,  the nuclear talks, which have  After  Grossi’s  last  visit  to  “seriously   undermined”  it  has  called  for  an  interim
            Grossi told reporters that he  been stalled since June.   Tehran  in  September,  Iran  since  February  by  Iran’s  re-  meeting  with  the  European
            expects  to  go  to  Iran  before                         had  agreed  to  allow  IAEA  fusal  to  let  inspectors  access  Union  and  the  other  re-
            the next meeting of the IAEA  Grossi’s  visit  to  Tehran  has  inspectors  to  install  new  their monitoring equipment.  maining parties to the deal in
            board  of  governors  in  late  not  yet  been  scheduled  but  memory cards in the cameras                         Brussels before it commits.

                               Jumping onto trucks to get to Britain: A migrant’s day

            (AP)  —  Mohammad  and  Jaber  of commercial trucks that pass each                                          are  discovered,  they  are  forced  out
            spend  every  day  looking  for  the  week between France and Britain.  Once  aboard  a  rig,  the  jumpers  pay  of the vehicles by police. More than
            right truck, and this afternoon it                                      close  attention  to  the  truck’s  route.  18,000 were discovered in trucks last
            feels like it could happen.         Many of the migrants in Calais want  Only one sequence of left and right  year, and 11,000 so far in 2021.
                                                to reach the UK in search of econom-  turns will lead them to the promised
            This truck seems right. They scream  ic  opportunity  or  because  of  family  land across the Channel. If the com-  Refugee advocacy groups and human
            to  their  friend  to  jump.  He  runs,  and community ties. French authori-  bination  is  the  wrong  one,  they  get  rights observers report receiving calls
            latches on to the moving rig between  ties say another big draw is lax British  off and start over again.   for help from migrants in refrigerated
            the cab and the cargo compartment,  rules  toward  migrants  without  resi-                                 trucks  who  say  they  are  suffocating
            and  squeezes  in.  The  truck  doesn’t  dency papers.                  Mohammad twice managed to get on  or  about  to  die  from  hypothermia.
            stop,  meaning  the  driver  hasn’t  no-                                a truck unnoticed but had to jump off  Some say they have been roughed up
            ticed.                              Only  young  and  fit  migrants  unen-  when he realized it was not going to  by police when caught.
                                                cumbered by other family members  the UK.
            The truck and its stowaway then dis-  dare attempt the truck-jumping. It’s                                  Some suffer broken bones or worse
            appear  down  a  French  highway  to-  a team effort.                   Some ride in the space between the  from  trying  to  jump  onto  moving
            ward the English Channel tunnel, the                                    cab and the cargo. Some climb into  trucks. In late September, 20-year-old
            man’s friends hoping he makes it to  On a cold autumn day in Calais last  the  cargo  compartment  if  they  can  Yasser Abdallah was crushed to death
            his destination: Britain.           week, five young men crouched by a  pry the doors open.                 by a truck.
                                                roundabout at a muddy construction
            Mohammad and Jaber are young Su-    site, watching as trucks emerged from  And even if the vehicle is going in the  Abdallah,  too,  had  fled  Sudan.  He
            danese refugees who escaped war in  a warehouse. A sixth young man hid  right direction, more challenges and  dreamed  of  being  a  taxi  driver  in
            their  country,  endured  kidnappings  close to the road.               danger  await  the  stowaways.  Police  Britain. The Calais migrant commu-
            or beatings in Libya, and crossed the                                   use technology at the Channel tun-  nity grieved for him, and a week later,
            deadly  Mediterranean  to  Italy.  They  When  a  promising-looking  truck  nel to scan trucks for body heat and  more than 300 came out to march in
            are now in the northern French town  came out, the other men screamed at  moving  shadows.  If  the  stowaways  his memory.
            of Calais, and like hundreds of other  him to jump on.
            people  mostly  from  East  Africa  and
            the Middle East, they are trying to get  There’s a code to tell jumpers which
            to Britain by hiding in trucks in what  one of the exiting trucks they should
            has proved to be a dangerous and po-  grab onto.
            tentially lethal method.
                                                “We tell them number one, no, num-
            Politicians on both sides of the Eng-  ber two, no, number three, yes!” Mo-
            lish Channel are arguing about how  hammad  explained,  giving  only  his
            to make them stop, after thousands of  first name for fear of arrest or expul-
            people crossed into Britain by various  sion for trying to cross borders ille-
            means in recent months in a flow that  gally.
            has  been met  with  heightened  anti-
            immigrant rhetoric.                 The  truck  drivers  check  to  see  that
                                                no one enters their rigs, or stop to tell
            While  those  with  some  money  can  would-be stowaways they they’re not
            pay to go to Britain on flimsy, over-  going  to  Britain  and  that  there’s  no
            crowded  boats  in  often  dangerous  point  in  climbing  aboard.  Police  in
            waters,  the  ones  who  can’t  have  to  patrol cars come by often, too, their
            jump on one of the tens of thousands  sirens blaring, to deter the men.
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