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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 20 october 2021

                          Boone returns on 3-year contract, Yankees demand success

            (AP) — Aaron Boone will  “That was one of the things I  1998 and is signed to a five-
            be  back  with  the  New  had to struggle through with  year contract through 2022.
            York  Yankees  next  year,  for  a  couple  days,”  Boone
            their  first  manager  since  said. “That was a tough cou-  “Ultimately,  it  falls  on  me,”
            Miller Huggins in 1922 to  ple  days  for  me,  honestly.  I  he  said.  “Obviously  if  (con-
            return  for  a  fifth  season  did have to, I guess, do some  trolling  owner)  Hal  Stein-
            after failing to win a title  soul searching.”            brenner or anybody wants to
            during his first four.                                    decide to make some changes
                                         A  third-generation  major  down  the  line,  that’s  above
            “A  manager  is  only  as  good  leaguer  who  hit  a  pennant-  me.”
            as the players he’s got,” gen-  winning  home  run  for  the
            eral manager Brian Cashman  Yankees  in  2003,  Boone  led  New  York  remains  without
            said  Tuesday  after  announc-  the team to a 328-218 record  a  World  Series  appearance
            ing a three-year contract for  and  four  postseason  appear-  since  winning  the  2009  title
            Boone  that  contains  a  club  ances  but  just  one  AL  East  under  manager  Joe  Girar-
            option for 2025.             title.                       di  —  in  the  last  full  season
                                                                      before  the  death  of  George  possesses  the  baseball  acu-  career from 1992-2005.
            “If he was entering the free-  “I think I can help lead us to  Steinbrenner, Hal’s father.  men and widespread respect
            agent  market,  I  believe  he’d  the top. That’s why I’m here.                        in our clubhouse to continue  New York was Major League
            be the number one manage-    That’s  why  I  came  back,”  New  York  beat  Oakland  in  to guide us forward,” he said.  Baseball’s streakiest team this
            rial  candidate  in  baseball,”  Boone  said.  “Ultimately,  the 2018 AL wild-card game  “As a team and as an organi-  season, with winning runs of
            Cashman  said.  “There’s  a  though, the proof will be in  and  lost  to  rival  Boston  3-1  zation, we must grow, evolve  13, seven and six games, and
            number  of  different  vacan-  the pudding.”              in the Division Series, swept  and improve. We need to get  two each of five and four, but
            cies, and we would be going                               Minnesota in the 2019 Divi-  better. Period.”             also  skids  of  seven,  five  and
            to market looking for some-  Cashman  revealed  he  is  in  sion Series and lost to Hous-                           four of four.
            one like him.”               the market for a shortstop to  ton in a six-game Champion-  Boone,  48,  was  an  All-Star
                                         replace Gleyber Torres, who  ship Series, swept Cleveland  third baseman and an ESPN  Even  after  in-season  moves
            Cashman  and  Boone  held  was moved to second base on  in the 2020 Wild-Card Series  broadcaster  and  had  never  to  add  Rougned  Odor,  An-
            lengthy  end-of-season  news  Sept. 13. He also said right-  and  lost  to  Tampa  Bay  in  a  managed when he was hired  thony Rizzo and Joey Gallo,
            conferences,  explaining  the  hander  Jameson  Taillon  will  five-game  Division  Series,  by the Yankees.        Yankees  left-handed  batters
            decision  to  fire  third-base  have ankle surgery next week  and lost to the Red Sox in this                       were last in the majors with
            coach  Phil  Nevin,  hitting  and  will  not  be  100%  when  year’s wild-card game.   Boone’s grandfather, Ray, was  a  .207  batting  average,  26th
            coach  Marcus  Thames  and  spring  training  is  scheduled                            a two-time All-Star infielder  in  home  runs  with  53  and
            assistant  hitting  coach  P.J.  to start.                “We  want  more  and  we  ex-  from  1948-60.  His  father,  28th in RBIs with 148. Their
            Pilittere.                                                pect more,” Cashman said.    Bob, was a four-time All-Star  righties  hit  .249  with  169
                                         “Bottom  line,  shortstop  is                             catcher  from  1972-90,  then  homers and 518 RBIs.
            Boone  had  talked  to  Nevin  an  area  of  need,”  Cashman  Steinbrenner  issued  a  state-  managed  Kansas  City  from
            about  returning  and  said  of  said. “I think Gleyber is best  ment insisting on progress.  1995-97 and Cincinnati from  “It was at times both unstop-
            getting rid of the trio: “That  served at second base.”                                2001-03.  His  brother,  Bret,  pable  but  many  other  times
            hurt, honestly.”                                          “We have a person and man-   was a three-time All-Star sec-  unwatchable,” Cashman said.
                                         Cashman has been GM since  ager  in  Aaron  Boone  who  ond baseman in a big league

                            NBA preview: Silver says he hopes Irving gets vaccinated

            (AP)  -  Adam  Silver,  the  and  San  Francisco  requiring  ees,  must  be  vaccinated  by  window opened.         rebounds.  Only  the  third
            basketball fan, would pre-   vaccinations as a prerequisite  league mandate.           — Adding an in-season tour-  such  game  with  that  many
            fer to see Kyrie Irving on  for  working.  The  Nets  said                             nament,  something  Silver  points and rebounds in NBA
            the  court  again  with  the  last  week  that  Irving  would  “I  hope  that  Kyrie,  despite  has  sought  for  some  time  Finals  history.  The  Milwau-
            Brooklyn  Nets  as  soon  as  not  be  involved  in  team  ac-  how  strongly  he  feels  about  and models in part after what  kee  Bucks  were  crowned
            possible.                    tivities “until he is eligible to  the  vaccination,  ultimately  exists  in  European  soccer,  world  champions  for  the
                                         be a full participant.”      decides to get vaccinated be-  remains  a  viable  possibility  first  time  in  50  years,  Ante-
            Adam Silver, the NBA com-                                 cause I’d love to see him play  going forward. “I think we’re  tokounmpo  —  who  played
            missioner,  would  prefer  to  And at this time, that means  basketball this season,” Silver  still in the process of formu-  through a knee injury in the
            see Irving vaccinated.       vaccinated. Silver would not  said.                       lating what would be the best  series — was the easy choice
                                         disclose if he has spoken with                            proposal  for  all  concerned,”  as NBA Finals MVP.
            Silver said Monday he hopes  Irving directly, but made his  In  other  matters  Silver  dis-  Silver said.
            Irving — one of the few play-  stance clear.              cussed Monday:                                            And  if  that  wasn’t  enough,
            ers in the league who has not                             — Silver said the league’s $10  — Expansion will be a serious  the  story  might  have  gotten
            yet  chosen  to  be  vaccinated  “There’s  nothing  fair  about  billion revenue projection for  topic again, “at some point,”  even  happier  for  Bucks  fans
            —  changes  his  mind  before  this  virus,”  Silver  said.  “It’s  2021-22  is  based  on  having  Silver  said.  Seattle  is  a  city  two months later when Ante-
            long and clears a path to get  indiscriminate  in  terms  of  full arenas all season. He said  the league is eyeing, but the  tokounmpo  announced  that
            back  on  the  floor  with  the  who it impacts. And I think  the  league  missed  revenue  league  won’t  look  at  grow-  he’s just getting started.
            Nets.                        it’s perfectly appropriate that  projections by about 35% last  ing past the current 30 teams
                                         New  York  and  other  cities  season, largely because arenas  until it is “fully through the  “I  don’t  care  about  tro-
            “I would like to see our play-  have passed laws that require  were  not  filled  for  much  of  pandemic  and  know  that  phies. I don’t care about the
            ers  vaccinated,  because  I  people  who  both  work  and  the year.                  we’re  back  operating  on  all  MVP’s.  I  don’t  care  about
            think  it’s  a  public  service  of  visit arenas to be vaccinated.                    cylinders.”                  defensive player of the years.
            sorts,  particularly  to  young  That  seems  to  be  a  respon-  —  There  still  are  no  reso-                   All  those  things,  I  don’t
            people who might not see the  sible public-health decision.”  lutions  to  league  investiga-  Some other storylines enter-  care,“Antetokounmpo  said.
            value  of  getting  vaccinated,”                          tions into the sign-and-trade  ing the 2021-22 season:    “I  care  about  getting  better
            Silver said on the eve of the  About  96%  of  NBA  players  deals that sent Lonzo Ball to                          because I know if I do that,
            league’s 75th anniversary sea-  have  been  vaccinated,  Silver  Chicago  and  Kyle  Lowry  to  The  last  time  there  was  an  there’s more things coming.”
            son, the third to be impacted  said.  That  means  that  about  Miami this summer. The in-  NBA  contest  that  mattered,
            by the coronavirus pandemic,  20, or less than one per team  vestigations are trying to de-  Giannis   Antetokounmpo  The Bucks will try to become
                                         on  average,  are  not.  Anyone  termine if the Bulls or Heat  picked  the  perfect  time  to  the first Eastern Conference
            Irving  cannot  play  for  the  working games in proximity  broke league rules by making  have the game of his life.  team  to  win  back-to-back
            Nets in large part because of  to  players  this  season,  from  contact  with  the  players  be-                   NBA  titles  since  Miami  in
            rules  unique  to  New  York  referees to stat-crew employ-  fore  the  NBA’s  negotiating  His  numbers:  50  points,  14  2012 and 2013.
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