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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 2 november 2022

            Ayrton Schenker:

            An 8 year old golfer dreaming of US Kids Golf

            ORANJESTAD  –  “My  dad  the same connection, and  cated to making golf easier
            encouraged  me  and  I  decided  to  sign  him  back  to learn so that it can be en-
            found the sport fun.” Those  up  for  golf.  Neomar  says  joyed by children. They rec-
            are the first words that Ayr-  that  he  was  happy.  “Ac-  ognize  the  need  of  imple-
            ton Schenker said during a  tually  when  I  was  in  Cura-  menting  training  programs
            special  interview  with  our  çao  I  was  living  by  myself,  for   youth   competitions.
            reporter  in  which  he  was  and  as  a  distraction  I  be-  They  also  organize  more
            asked to speak about what  gan  with  golf.  When  Ayr-   than 1,600 events through-
            he loves the most, golf and  ton  would  come  stay  with  out  the  year,  thus  becom-
            soccer.                      me we would go in nature,  ing  the  biggest  organizers
                                         and that’s where the con-    of  golf  tournaments  in  the
            During his first interview with  nection came from and he  world.
            the  press,  Ayrton  showed  picked that up. Now I dare
            he  is  a  nice  third  grader  say  that  he  plays  better  This  organization  makes
            at  Mon  Plaisir  School,  who  golf than me”, he said.   sure that children between
            began  finding  his  passion                              the ages of 4 and 12 years
            for sport from a very young  Ayrton’s  father  points  out  old  can  receive  the  op-
            age.                         that  golf  has  importance  portunity  in  different  states
            His  father,  Neomar  told  us  for  a  person  during  their  where  competitions  are
            that four to five years ago,  whole life, “where you chal-  being held. “But before you
            he  was  living  in  a  hotel  in  lenge  yourself  and  have  can reach US Kids Golf you
            Curaçao  where  he  was  discipline.” This is why when  need to go through certain
            on  a  special  assignment.  Ayrton  showed  interest  in  qualification,  before  you
            There  he  was  taking  golf  playing  golf,  his  father  be-  can  get  there”,  Neomar
            lessons  recreationally,  and  gan dedicating all his time  said.
            when  Ayrton  would  come  to it,  so  that his  son would
            stay  with  him  they  would  grow in this sport.         They  began  making  con-
            play  golf  together.  This  is                           tact  with  the  organization
            how golf became Ayrton’s  Currently  Ayrton  is  training  in order for Ayrton to reach   cal player, in order to travel  vorite  subject  is  math,
            favorite  sport.  “There  we  in Tierra del Sol with coach  this goal. Neomar says that   around  the  world  doing  which he uses a lot and ap-
            began  realizing  that  he  James  Kiley  (golf  profes-  they want to go to Medel-    what  he  loves  the  most  –  plies for golf.
            has love for the sport, and  sional instructor at Tierra del  lin,  Colombia  so  that  Ayr-  playing  soccer  or  golf  ac-
            he began showing interest  Sol) in order to achieve his  ton  can  play  and  qualify   companied  by  his  father,  To  finalize,  Neomar’s  mes-
            since  he  was  three  years  dream of going to the Unit-  in six rounds, increasing his   who is also his number one  sage  to  other  parents  is
            old”, Neomar mentioned.      ed States with US Kids Golf  score so that he can go to   supporter, always standing  this: “Let children go in that
                                         Foundation. Ayrton says his  the  United  States  “so  they   behind him.              which  they  enjoy.”  Ayrton
            He also said that he signed  idol is Tiger Woods.         can see how Ayrton is do-                                 finished his interview saying
            Ayrton  up  for  baseball  as                             ing  and  he  can  obtain  his   All  this  without  leaving  “never give up and always
            well,  but  there  he  realized  US Kids Golf was created in  official handicap.”      school  aside.  Ayrton’s  fa-  go after your dreams.”q
            that  his  son  didn’t  have  the year 2000 and is dedi-  In  golf  terms,  handicap  is
                                                                      an average of hits per tour-
                                                                      nament  that  each  player
                                                                      has. This is also depending
                                                                      on the terrain on which was

                                                                      Aruba doesn’t have its own
                                                                      approved  organization  or
                                                                      federation like US Kids in the
                                                                      United States. “You cannot
                                                                      qualify  in  Aruba  and  see
                                                                      how  your  score  is  in  order
                                                                      to  reach  US  Kids.  Golf  is  a
                                                                      game  heavily  based  on
                                                                      gentleman and must have
                                                                      people  to  witness  if  the
                                                                      child is really that good. This
                                                                      is why you need to have a
                                                                      qualification  to  certify  the
                                                                      child’s  level”,  Neomar  as-
                                                                      sured us.

                                                                      But  Ayrton’s  dream  is  split,
                                                                      because  he  also  enjoys
                                                                      playing  soccer  and  wants
                                                                      to  play  this  sport  profes-
                                                                      sionally.  Aside  from  beign
                                                                      as  good  as  his  idol  Tiger
                                                                      Woods, he wants to be as
                                                                      good  as  Dylan  Ross,  a  lo-
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