Page 14 - HOH
P. 14

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 2 november 2022

            Post Aruba published a new stamp series:

            ‘Landscapes of Aruba'

            On November 1, 2022, Post Aruba N.V. is-   can have a beautiful view over the island.
            sued a new stamp series. This stamp series  The Lighthouse in California (Hudishibana)
            is  called  'Landscapes  of  Aruba'  and  was  stands imposingly in the middle of a beau-
            designed by Mr. Elvis Tromp.               tiful landscape bordered by dunes on one
                                                       side  and  the  turquoise  blue  sea  on  the
            Aruba  is,  although  small,  rich  in  different  other.
            types  of  landscapes.  The  landscape  is  Through  the  North-East  wind,  the  trees  in
            largely desert like, because the climate is  particular  the  Watapana  and  Fofoti  are
            very dry all year round.  In the south, the  fused  to  the  southwest.  These  trees  that
            landscape is quite flat with miles of white  grow with the wind direction are very pop-
            beaches  and  the  sea  is  relatively  calm  ular  and  are  often  used  as  promotional
            there.                                     material for Aruba. The aloe plant and the
            The northern part is more hilly and the sea  cactus provide a unique and spectacular
            is rougher there. This turbulent sea on the  unit.                                     For  more  information  about  the  issue  'Landscapes  of
            north coast has ensured the formation of  This stamp series and First Day Cover en-    Aruba' please visit the Facebook page: Aruba Stamps or
            several natural bridges.                   velope  are  available  at  all  post  offices,   Webpage: q
            Very striking in the landscape of Aruba are  namely  in  Oranjestad  and  San  Nicolas
            the suddenness of giant boulders, originat-  and  via  the  web  page
            ing from volcanic activities. Known are the  stampshop
            stone formations at Ayo and Casibari.      Make  sure  you  have  this  stamp  series  in
            The  Hooiberg  immediately  stands  out  in  your collection, because the stock is lim-
            the flatter part of Aruba. From the top you  ited.
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