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SPORTS Wednesday 2 november 2022
Painter creating works underwater
To create awareness and protection for marine life
ORANJESTAD – Soon Aruba will be part of a pilot some days the water is calm and some days it the professionals at Pure Diving Aruba, but it
project from a foundation that not only creates is clouded. More information on this project will was here she also began painting again after
a new experience, but also has as its main goal be known in the future. her accident. This was the beginning of a new
to bring awareness to our people regarding the era with new goals and new records.
protection of our environment and marine life. Artist Marion holds the record for the painting
made at the deepest point possible, which re- Her life mission which began nine years ago was
The important figure in this project is painter ceived recognition by the Guiness World Book brought to life again. But everyone who is inter-
Marion Gerard from Canada. of Records (# 15091722461tdup) in 2016, and ested can meet Marion, to chat, dialogue, ex-
Marion H. Gerard is one of 5 sub-aquatic paint- the temperature down there was 3 degrees change ideas and experiences regarding the
ers in the world. A genre and discipline created Celsius. All this was done with the goal of edu- possibilities for a better future for our children.
by Andre Laban in 1968, an engineer famous cating and creating awareness regarding na-
for his collaboration with the famous personality ture, caring for our environment and apprecia- Marion will have her first three works painted
Jacques Cousteau. tion for all that our marine life has to offer. in Aruba during an exhibition at Aruba Art Fair
which will take place next weekend. As soon as
The act is a careful and responsible process During the pandemic, the French-Canadian that is done, from Tuesday on she will begin with
because it involves paintings done under wa- painter suffered an accident which left her the first of six diving sessions for the month of No-
ter, at varying depths and temperatures, but bedbound for two years, and last December vember. All this in connection with the launch
also different types of colors in each dept – the she began walking again after being declared of Red Cactus Foundation Aruba.
deeper you go, the more the colors change un- handicapped by her doctors. During her vaca- This will conclude with an exposition of all her
derwater because of the reflection and lack of tion in Aruba her rehabilitation began and not works, their story, goals and other collaboration
light. This without taking into consideration that only she began diving again with the help of with pillars of care of our beautiful island.q