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A32    sports
               Diaranson 27 october 2021

                           Hall of Famer Payton looks to make mark as college coach

                                                                      but off the court how to be a  Oakland  as  it  is  being  able  great  tradition  of  Oakland
                                                                      man, and he’s just a good role  to go to school out here and  basketball  kind  of  contin-
                                                                      model for all of us to have in  not  have  to  go  somewhere  ues and carries on with him
                                                                      our life at this time.”      further that’s out of the Bay  leading  his  own  team  and
                                                                                                   Area, it’s just a blessing,” said  also with those Warrior con-
                                                                      They are here for an oppor-  Attles. “Couldn’t ask for any-  nections,”  Kerr  said.  “That’s
                                                                      tunity to leave a mark on bas-  thing more. We’re in a good  exciting. I’m going to have to
                                                                      ketball-crazed  Oakland  with  position to succeed. It’s all on  check it out.”
                                                                      a leader in Payton who knows  us now.”
                                                                      how much his mere presence                                Payton  is  counting  on  a
                                                                      guiding this team could mean  Lincoln is located downtown  packed  house  when  Lincoln
                                                                      to  a  city  that  has  seen  two  but  the  Oaklanders  practice  plays  at  Seattle  Pacific  on
                                                                      professional  franchises  leave  in  a  gym  at  Merritt  College  Saturday.  The  team  opens
                                                                      recently and another explor-  and  will  play  games  at  the  Wednesday at Western Wash-
                                                                      ing its options. The Warriors  Warriors’ former home arena.  ington  then  faces  Central
                                                                      relocated  to  San  Francisco,                            Washington two days later.
            (AP) — Way up in the Oak-    which has launched collegiate  the Raiders from Oakland to  “It’s another opportunity for
            land Hills, Gary Payton is  athletics for the first time in  Las  Vegas  and  the  Athletics  kids  in  Oakland,”  said  War-  No  matter  the  early  results,
            hollering  good-naturedly  its  101-year  history,  and  he  are  pursuing  possibilities  in  riors  guard  Juan  Toscano-  Payton  will  have  his  play-
            as if he’s still on the court  is determined to make a last-  Las Vegas if they can’t build a  Anderson,  who  grew  up  in  ers  disciplined.  He  figures
            during  his  days  as  a  dy-  ing impression on the young  new ballpark here.         the  city.  “Obviously,  Gary  if  he  can  build  fundamen-
            namic  point  guard  with  players at the small school in                              is a Hall of Famer, Oakland  tally sound athletes commit-
            the  Seattle  SuperSonics,  his  hometown  of  Oakland,  “It’s  the  only  reason  I  took  legend  and  I  think  the  kids  ted  to  learning  and  making
            but this time he’s instruct-  California.  There’s  guard  this  job,  is  that  I  can  bring  will  respect  that.  Everybody  big  strides  the  program  will
            ing his Lincoln University  Jairren  Lillard,  the  younger  something  back  to  Oakland,  in the basketball community  gain steam and grow. And, he
            assistant  coaches  exactly  brother  of  Portland  Trail  California,” said Payton, who  in  Oakland  admires  Gary.  hopes,  eventually  attract  not
            where to stand for a group  Blazers  star  Damian  Lillard.  wrapped up his Hall of Fame  He  knows  what  he’s  talk-  only top recruits but nation-
            photo,  moving  them  into  And  another  guard  named  NBA career in 2007. “And I  ing  about,  he  knows  what  ally ranked opponents.
            position just so.            Isaiah Attles, the grandson of  can bring a lot of players from  he’s doing, so I’m excited to
                                         Golden  State  Warriors  Hall  this  Bay  Area  and  let  them  see  what  happens  up  there.  “Well,  I’m  not  going  to  tell
            “Coach,  the  other  way,”  he  of Famer Al Attles.       see that we’ve still got a lot of  It’s just another opportunity  you  about  the  way  I’m  go-
            orders Lester Conner on his                               basketball players that’s good  for  kids  in  Oakland  to  fol-  ing about it, but it’s kind of
            right,  adjusting  him  by  the  “His presence is strongly felt  around  here.  These  young  low  their  dreams.  If  it’s  not  tough,”  Payton  said  with  a
            shoulders  before  looking  to  in any room he steps in,” the  kids, they don’t know how to  with  basketball,  opportuni-  big  grin  and  chuckle.  “And
            CJ  Ashford  on  his  left  and  younger  Lillard  said.  “With  play basketball right now but  ties in the classroom around  my  kids  are  understand-
            commanding, “You turn this  him  stepping  in  the  room  they will get it.”           the game. Hopefully, it goes  ing. I’ve got a good group of
            way.”                        with us young men and hav-                                well.”                       kids.  They  know  I’m  a  no-
                                         ing to take that on, it’s differ-  Most are upperclassmen and                          nonsense coach, I don’t take
            Payton  even  throws  both  ent, because a lot of us came  transfers seeking a fresh start.  Golden  State  coach  Steve  that. I don’t take all the crazi-
            hands  up  almost  as  if  “The  from  a  program  where  we  Isaiah  Attles  already  played  Kerr can’t wait to follow how  ness. I’m very strict, and once
            Glove”  is  playing  his  signa-  weren’t really coached. They  at Contra Costa College and  Payton does.           you put it into them and they
            ture  smothering,  lockdown  threw  a  ball  out  to  you  and  Alcorn State.                                       buy in, they have to buy into
            defense again.               just said ‘play ball.’ With him,                          “We have such a deeply root-  what’s  going  on,  and  when
                                         there’s going to be structure.  “The  support  we  have  from  ed connection with Oakland,  they buy in they get the re-
            Payton  is  the  new  men’s  He’s going teach you not only  Gary  and  our  other  coaches  so I think that’s cool that Gary  sults.”
            basketball  coach  at  Lincoln,  on the court how to be a man  and having the support from  is there coaching and that the

                                  Texas Tech fires Matt Wells after demoralizing loss

            (AP)  —  Texas  Tech  fired  coach  No. 4 Oklahoma on Saturday.         Kingsbury was hired as offensive co-  NFL as Arizona’s coach. In his third
            Matt Wells on Monday, two days                                          ordinator at Southern California after  season, the Cardinals are 7-0 for the
            after  the  Red  Raiders  couldn’t  Hocutt is looking for a coach for the  leaving Texas Tech. He never coached  first time since 1974.
            hold  a  two-touchdown  halftime  third time since 2013. Hocutt made  for the Trojans, instead going to the
            lead in a loss at home to Kansas  the latest move after a 25-24 loss to
            State.                              his  alma  mater,  Kansas  State,  when
                                                the Wildcats trailed 14-0 early and 24-
            Wells had a shot at his first winning  10 at halftime before rallying.
            record  in  his  third  season  with  the
            Red Raiders, but an inability to win  Wells’ future was in question after a
            Big 12 games plagued him just as it  4-6 finish in the pandemic-shortened
            did predecessor Kliff Kingsbury, who  season last year left the Red Raiders
            also was fired.                     at 8-14 in his first two seasons. But
                                                Hocutt called a postseason news con-
            The  Red  Raiders  (5-3,  2-3  Big  12)  ference to say Wells would return.
            didn’t  win  consecutive  conference
            games under Wells, who came from  The first sign of trouble for Wells this
            Utah State to replace Kingsbury. Tex-  year  was  a  70-35  loss  at  rival  Texas
            as Tech was 13-17 overall and 7-16 in  in  the  Big  12  opener,  followed  two
            conference  under  Wells.  Kingsbury  weeks later by a 52-31 loss at home to
            was 19-35 in league play in six sea-  TCU. That’s the only win in the past
            sons.                               five games for the Horned Frogs.
            Athletic  director  Kirby  Hocutt  an-  Wells is 57-51 in eight-plus seasons,
            nounced the move and said offensive  including a 44-34 mark at Utah State.
            coordinator  Sonny  Cumbie  would  He  was  hired  at  Texas  Tech  after  a
            serve  as  interim  head  coach  for  the  10-2 season with the Aggies.
            remainder of the season. Tech visits
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