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A30    world news
               Diaranson 27 october 2021

                              Brazil senators to vote on urging charges for Bolsonaro

                                                                      activity  aimed  at  stopping  of  the  points  in  Calheiros’  as it is received.
                                                                      the  virus’  spread,  saying  the  report.  They  met  Monday
                                                                      economy  needed  to  keep  to  hammer  out  final  adjust-  The  report  also  contains
                                                                      humming so the poor did not  ments to the text.           recommendations  for  two
                                                                      suffer  worse  hardship.  He                              counts of “crime of responsi-
                                                                      also has insistently touted an  Changes  include  recom-  bility”, which are grounds for
                                                                      anti-malaria  drug  long  after  mending charges for 13 addi-  impeachment. Lower House
                                                                      broad testing showed it isn’t  tional people, many of them  Speaker Arthur Lira, a staunch
                                                                      effective against COVID-19,  former  or  current  Health  Bolsonaro ally, would need to
                                                                      assembled  crowds  without  Ministry  employees,  as  well  bring  a  vote  on  whether  to
                                                                      wearing  masks  and  sowed  as  the  governor  of  hard-hit  open impeachment proceed-
                                                                      doubt about vaccines.        Amazonas state, according to  ings.  That’s  highly  unlikely,
                                                                                                   Calheiros.  The  final  report  considering Lira is currently
                                                                      Bolsonaro has defended him-  recommends charges  against  sitting on more than 120 oth-
                                                                      self by saying he was among  two  companies  and  79  peo-  er impeachment requests, ac-
                                                                      the world’s only leaders cou-  ple,  including  Bolsonaro,  cording to information from
                                                                      rageous  enough  to  defy  po-  current and former members  the Lower House.
            (AP)  —  A  Brazilian  Sen-  whether to file charges would  litical  correctness  and  global  of his administration, dozens
            ate  committee  will  vote  be up to Brazil’s prosecutor-  health   recommendations,  of  allies  and  the  president’s  Bolsonaro’s  son,  Sen.  Flávio
            Tuesday  on  a  report  rec-  general, a Bolsonaro appoin-  and that he hasn’t erred in the  three  sons,  who  are  politi-  Bolsonaro,  told  journalists
            ommending President Jair  tee who is widely viewed as  slightest.                      cians.                       Tuesday  the  report  is  legally
            Bolsonaro face a series of  protecting the president. The                                                           weak  and  politically  moti-
            criminal  indictments  for  allegation  of  crimes  against  Report  author  Sen.  Renan  It also adds an additional vio-  vated.
            actions that allegedly add-  humanity  would  need  to  be  Calheiros first presented the  lation for allegedly spreading
            ed  to  the  world’s  second-  pursued by the International  nearly 1,200-page report last  false  news  following  Bolso-  “The intent of some senators
            highest  COVID-19  death  Criminal Court.                 week. It says that by insisting  naro’s  live  broadcast  on  so-  on the investigative commit-
            toll.                                                     on  treatment  with  the  anti-  cial  media  last  week  claim-  tee is to cause the maximum
                                         Regardless of whether the re-  malarial  drug  hydroxychlo-  ing incorrectly that people in  amount of wear and tear on
            The report is the culmination  port leads to charges, it is ex-  roquine  as  “practically  the  the  U.K.  who  received  two  the president,” he said.
            of  the  11-member  commit-  pected to fuel criticism of the  only  government  policy  to  vaccine doses are developing
            tee’s six-month investigation  divisive president, whose ap-  fight the pandemic, Jair Bol-  AIDS  faster  than  expected,  An earlier draft of Calheiros’
            of the government’s handling  proval  ratings  have  slumped  sonaro  strongly  collaborated  the senator told the AP.  report had recommended the
            of  the  pandemic.  It  calls  for  ahead  of  his  2022  reelection  for  COVID-19′s  spread  in                   president also be indicted for
            Bolsonaro  to  face  charges  campaign  —  in  large  part  Brazilian  territory”  and  as  a  Committee approval is need-  homicide  and  genocide,  but
            ranging  from  charlatanism  because  of  Brazil’s  outsize  result is “the main person re-  ed  before  the  report  goes  that was scrapped even before
            and inciting crime to misuse  COVID-19  death  toll.  The  sponsible for the errors com-  to  the  office  of  Prosecutor-  its  presentation  last  week.
            of  public  funds  and  crimes  investigation  itself  has  for  mitted by the federal govern-  General  Augusto  Aras,  who  Some   committee   mem-
            against humanity, and so hold  months provided a drumbeat  ment during the pandemic.”  could ask the Supreme Court  bers opposed their inclusion
            him responsible for many of  of damaging allegations.                                  for authorization to carry the  while  others  expressed  con-
            Brazil’s  more  than  600,000                             Committee  members  in  the  investigation  forward  and  cern  that  bombastic  claims
            COVID-19 deaths.             Since the start of the pandem-  so-called “G7” group of sena-  eventually  pursue  charges.  could undermine the report’s
                                         ic,  Bolsonaro  has  sabotaged  tors who aren’t from Bolso-  His office said the report will  credibility.
            If approved, the decision on  local  leaders’  restrictions  on  naro’s  base  agreed  on  most  be carefully reviewed as soon
                             Iran says cyberattack closes gas stations across country

            (AP)  —  A  cyberattack  crippled  “I have been waiting a couple of hours  Where  is  our  gas?”  Another  said:  woes.
            gas stations across Iran on Tues-   for the gas stations to reopen so that  “Free  gas  in  Jamaran  gas  station,”  Subsidies allow Iranian motorists to
            day,  leaving  angry  motorists  I can fill up,” said a motorcyclist who  a  reference  to  the  home  of  the  late  buy regular gasoline at 15,000 rials per
            stranded in long lines.             gave his name only as Farzin. “There  Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah  liter. That’s 5 cents a liter, or about 20
                                                is no fuel wherever I go.”          Khomeini.                           cents a gallon. After a monthly 60-li-
            No  group  immediately  claimed  re-  The semiofficial ISNA news agency,                                    ter quota, it costs 30,000 rials a liter.
            sponsibility for the attack, which ren-  which  first  called  the  incident  a  cy-  State  TV  said  Oil  Ministry  officials  That’s 10 cents a liter or 41 cents a
            dered useless the government-issued  berattack, said it saw those trying to  were  holding  an  “emergency  meet-  gallon. Regular gasoline costs 89 cents
            electronic  cards  that  many  Iranians  buy  fuel  with  a  government-issued  ing” to solve the problem. Some gas  a liter or $3.38 a gallon on average in
            use  to  buy  subsidized  fuel  at  the  card  through  the  machines  instead  stations that accept only cash and are  the U.S., according to AAA.
            pump.                               receive  a  message  reading  “cyberat-  not in the subsidy card network con-
                                                tack  64411.”  Most  Iranians  rely  on  tinued pumping fuel.           In 2019, Iran faced days of mass pro-
            It bore similarities to another attack  those subsidies to fuel their vehicles,                             tests across some 100 cities and towns
            months earlier that seemed to directly  particularly  amid  the  country’s  eco-  The use of the number “64411” mir-  over  gasoline  prices  rising.  Security
            challenge Iran’s Supreme Leader Aya-  nomic problems.                   rored an attack in July targeting Iran’s  forces  arrested  thousands  and  Am-
            tollah Ali Khamenei as the country’s                                    railroad  system  that  also  saw  the  nesty  International  said  it  believes
            economy  buckles  under  American  While ISNA didn’t acknowledge the  number displayed. Israeli cybersecu-  304 people were killed in a govern-
            sanctions. Those economic problems  number’s significance, that number is  rity firm Check Point later attributed  ment crackdown. Tuesday’s cyberat-
            worsen as the U.S. and Iran have yet  associated with a hotline run through  the train attack to a group of hackers  tack came in the same month in the
            to  jointly  re-enter  Tehran’s  tattered  Khamenei’s office that handles ques-  that called themselves Indra, after the  Persian calendar as the gasoline pro-
            nuclear deal with world powers.     tions  about  Islamic  law.  ISNA  later  Hindu god of war.             tests in 2019.
                                                removed its reports, claiming that it
            State  television  quoted  an  unnamed  too had been hacked. Such claims of  Indra  previously  targeted  firms  in
            official in the country’s National Se-  hacking can come quickly when Ira-  Syria, where President Bashar Assad
            curity  Council  acknowledging  the  nian outlets publish news that angers  has  held  onto  power  through  Iran’s
            cyberattack,  hours  after  it  aired  im-  the theocracy.              intervention  in  his  country’s  grind-
            ages of long lines of cars waiting to fill                              ing war.
            up in Tehran. Associated Press jour-  Farsi-language   satellite   channels
            nalists also saw lines of cars at Tehran  abroad  published  videos  apparently  Cheap gasoline is practically consid-
            gas stations, with the pumps off and  shot  by  drivers  in  Isfahan,  a  major  ered a birthright in Iran, home to the
            the station closed.                 Iranian city, showing electronic bill-  world’s  fourth-largest  crude  oil  re-
                                                boards  there  reading:  “Khamenei!  serves  despite  decades  of  economic
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