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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 27 october 2021

                        De Kock protest after South Africa team ordered to take knee

            (AP) — Quinton de Kock  Some members of South Af-         support”  for  the  anti-racism
            refused  to  play  in  a  T20  rica’s  team  take  a  knee  with  movement, CSA said.
            World  Cup  game  against  their fists raised. Others stand
            the  West  Indies  on  Tues-  with fists raised. De Kock, fast  However, compelling players
            day in protest after Crick-  bowler  Anrich  Nortje  and  to kneel before games stirred
            et  South  Africa  ordered  batsman  Heinrich  Klaasen,  fierce debate and split opin-
            its  players  to  take  a  knee  who are all white, have stood  ion  back  home  and,  as  de
            before matches in support  with their hands by their side  Kock’s situation showed, has
            of the Black Lives Matter  before recent matches.         created  friction  within  the
            movement.                                                 team.
                                         Ahead  of  the  West  Indies
            CSA issued a statement about  game,  Klaasen  and  Nortje  The  World  Cup  team  is  led
            an hour before the start of the  took a knee, as did every oth-  by Temba Bavuma, the coun-
            match in Dubai saying it had  er South African player, in re-  try’s  first  Black  cricket  cap-
            ordered  players  to  make  the  sponse to the directive.  tain. It is a multiracial squad,
            anti-racism  gesture  ahead  of                           with  Black  players,  white
            their remaining games at the  “Diversity  can  and  should  players,  players  of  Asian  de-
            tournament.                  find expression in many fac-  scent and of mixed-race heri-  when  former  spin  bowler  take a knee in a unified posi-
                                         ets of our daily lives, but not  tage.                    Paul Adams said he was regu-  tion, it said.
            In  a  second  statement  re-  when  it  comes  to  taking  a                          larly  racially  abused  during
            sponding to de Kock’s with-  stand  against  racism,”  said  However, South Africa’s his-  the late 1990s in a song sung  “The  board  felt  it  was  im-
            drawal from Tuesday’s game,  CSA chairman Lawson Nai-     tory  of  racism  under  apart-  by white teammates, includ-  perative  for  the  team  to  be
            CSA said it noted the wick-  doo  in  defense  of  the  new  heid  seeped  into  all  areas  of  ing  Mark  Boucher,  who  is  seen  taking  a  united  and
            etkeeper-batsman’s “personal  policy, which seemingly now  society  —  only  whites  were  now the national team coach  consistent  stand  against  rac-
            decision” not to take a knee  means  players  must  take  a  allowed  to  play  for  sports  and  in  charge  at  the  World  ism,  especially  given  (South
            and would decide on its next  knee if they want to play.  teams  —  and  cricket,  like  Cup.                       Africa’s)  history,”  CSA  said.
            course  of  action  after  a  re-                         many areas, has struggled to                              “Several  other  teams  at  the
            port from team management.  The  different  stances  from  emerge fully from that shad-  Boucher has since issued an  World  Cup  have  adopted  a
            There  was  speculation  that  players  had  previously  pro-  ow.                     apology, saying he didn’t real-  consistent  stance  against  the
            de  Kock,  a  former  national  voked  criticism  from  some                           ize at the time that the song  issue, and the board felt it is
            team  captain,  would  return  quarters  in  South  Africa,  Recently,   South   African  caused offense.           time  for  all  (South  African)
            home from the World Cup.     where  issues  of  racism  are  cricket  has  held  a  series  of                      players to do the same.”
                                         constantly  in  the  headlines  open  hearings  after  Black  CSA  said  its  board  “unani-
            CSA said it decided to force  because of the country’s his-  players  who  were  previ-  mously agreed” to force play-  But there was opposition to it
            players  to  take  a  knee  after  tory  of  forced  segregation  ously  on  the  team  claimed  ers to take a knee after a meet-  being forced.
            “concerns were raised” about  under  the  former  apartheid  they were marginalized, and  ing on Monday, adding it also
            the “different postures” taken  regime.                   sometimes  victims  of  direct  considered  “the  position  of  Former England cricket cap-
            ahead  of  warmup  matches                                racism, even years after apart-  the  players”  before  making  tain  Michael  Vaughan  wrote
            and  the  team’s  first  World  The cricketers, many of them  heid ended in 1994.      the  decision.  The  organiza-  on Twitter: “Surely it’s down
            Cup  game  against  Australia  sporting  idols  back  home,                            tion  was  pushed  into  action  to  the  individual  to  decide
            on Saturday.                 “created  an  unintended  per-  The  most  damaging  rev-  after seeing other teams, like  whether he or she wants to be
                                         ception of disparity or lack of  elation  at  the  hearings  came  England and the West Indies,  involved in any movement.”

                            Solskjaer leads Man United practice amid scrutiny on job

            (AP)  —  Ole  Gunnar  Sol-   Cup  elimination  and  Solsk-  ing for selfies with fans out-  side the stadium later in the  evening.
            skjaer  was  back  with  his  jaer  is  expected  to  take  the
            Manchester  United  play-    team  to  Tottenham  on  Sat-
            ers  on  Tuesday  leading  a  urday. United is eight points
            practice session, trying to  behind  leader  Chelsea  after
            turn  around  the  team’s  nine games.
            fortunes amid scrutiny on
            his future as manager.       There are another two match-
                                         es after Tottenham before the
            A  5-0  rout  by  Liverpool  on  international  break,  away  at
            Sunday  left  United  with  Atalanta  in  the  Champions
            one  point  from  its  last  four  League  and  the  Manchester
            Premier  League  games.  The  derby against City in the Pre-
            squad had a planned rest day  mier League.
            on  Monday  before  they  re-
            ported  back  to  the  training  Solskjaer has been unable to
            facility to see Solskjaer as ex-  win a trophy since replacing
            pected on Tuesday.           Jose Mourinho as manager in
                                         December  2018.  Before  the
            United  has  characteristically  start of the season, the former
            said nothing publicly on Sol-  United striker was handed a
            skjaer’s  future  this  week  to  new  three-year  contract  de-
            feed  any  doubts  raised  over  spite  a  distant  second-place
            his ability to stay in the job.  finish  behind  Manchester
            But  the  club’s  Twitter  ac-  City in the league.
            count  posted  on  Monday:
            “Ole  is  setting  his  sights  on  While the team was booed off
            United’s next three games in  the field at Old Trafford after
            a bid to fight back.”        being embarrassed by Liver-
                                         pool,  the  Norwegian  faced
            There  is  no  midweek  game  no abuse during 10 minutes
            following  United’s  League  signing  autographs  and  pos-
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