Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20211027
P. 26

               Diaranson 27 october 2021

                                                             We sadly announce the passing of a dear daughter,
             El a bisa; Bin serca mi tur cu ta               sister, aunt and friend
             cansa y carga.                                                                                  “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
                             Mateo 11:28                                                                     Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
                                                                                                             E ta hibami na awa trankil,
             Señor  ta  warda  esnan  cu  ta                                                                 Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
             debil.  Mi  tabata  morto  cansa,                                                                                                  Salmo: 23
             Pero E’la salba mi. Awor mi ta
             calmo atrobe. Señor tabata bon                                                                  Cu  dolor  na  nos  curazon  pero  agradecido  pa
             pa mi.                                                                                          tur  locual  ela  nifica  pa  nos,  nos  ta  anuncia
                              Salmo 116
                                                                                                             fayecimento di:
             Cu  hopi  tristesa  y  dolor  den
             nos curazon pero conforme cu
             boluntad di Dios, nos ta anuncia                         Lura Myra Thomas
             fayecimento  di  nos  casa,  tata,                        *15-07-1949 - †21-10-2021
             welo, bisawelo y amigo stima.
                                                             Mother:        †Edna Courtney
                VENANCIO FRANCISCO BELLO                     Niece:   †Clareen Philips who she loved as a
                                “Bubu”                       daughter.
                       * 18-05-1928   † 21 -10- 2021         Left to mourn are her:
                                                             Sisters:  Bonnie Thomas (NY)
                                                             Bobina Courtney Feingold (FL)
             Na nomber di su:                                Cousins:       Lurlyn Creft-Roberts,
             Casa:          Elfride “Frida” Bello-Enser      Raymond Courtney,
                                                             Joe Forrester,
             Yuinan:                                         David Lockiby,
             Luis Bello y Carmen Nuñez Maturana y famia, Mavis   The families Thomas, Courtney, Forrester,
             Bello-Rodriguez                                 Lockiby, Mark, Creft and Nyack and several
             †  Emiterio  “Juni”  Bello  y  Yaneth  Maria  Bello-  relatives too numerous to mention.
             † Margarita Bello                               Numerous friends including Ken Burke, Elsa &
             Antonio  “Tony”  Bello  y  Joan  Bello-Vosjan  y  famia   Chester Berkel, Samuel & Carrol Elscoe, Johannes
             (Hulanda)                                       Brown, Ann Arrindell, Esmee Gillard, Irma Leer,       Hui Keung Werleman Wong
             Margarita “Ita” Geerman y Roberto Kelly y famia  Patsy Daniel, Joann & Francine Bardouille, Julliet      mihor conoci como: ”Mary”
             Richenel “Richi” y Roosje Bello-Angela y famia  Silland, and the Becker family among others.              *06-06-1966 - †18-10-2021
             Marco Werleman y famia (Hulanda)                Special mention and thanks to her kind neighbors
             Francisco y Maria Geerman-Tromp y famia         and dedicated friends Detta & Mundo Sneek, who   Na nomber di su:
             Nilca Enser y famia                             made her life more comfortable during her illness   Casa:
             Edsi Enser y Milo Martes y famia                in the last years of her life, to Adonne Claude, who   Suitbertho “Sombechi” Werleman
             Miriam “Michi” Enser y famia                    worked as Myra’s caregiver in her final days and
                                                             to Henny (Tenchi) & Silvia Adam’s, who for years
             Nieto(a)nan;  †Gino  Bello,  Liselle  Bello  y  famia   were close friends to both Myra and her mother   Yiunan:
             (Hulanda),  Luisito  Bello  y  famia,  Angelo  Bello  y   Edna.                                 Bryan Wai-Kong Werleman
             famia. Antonio “Tonito” Bello, Kayrusan Cabeza Bello  Opportunity for condolences: Thursday October   Bryson Fai-Kwong Werleman
                                                             28, 2021 from 7 to 9 pm at Aurora Funeral Home
             Juan  Luis  Bello  (Hulanda),  José  Antonio  Bello   Date of funeral will be held on Friday October
             (Hulanda),  Raul  Seano  Bello  (Hulanda),  Milagro   29, 2021 from 2 to 4 pm at Aurora Funeral Home,   Rumanan:
             Bello  (Hulanda).  Luigimar  Kock,  Rygel  Bello   then she will be taken to hr final resting place at   Kwai Keung y Famia
             (Hulanda),  Rizhaylee  Bello,  †Mary  Geerman,  Jane   the central cemetery in Sabana Basora    Lei Keung y Famia
             Geerman y famia, Geneyda Geerman y famia, Francis                                               Wei-Hung Wong y Famia
             Geerman.  George  Enser  y  famia,  Carolina  Enser  y
             famia. Ghislaine Enser, Derrick Enser.
                                                                                                             Mama y Tata:
             Tur su bisanieto y bisanietanan.                                                                †Wau Ging Wong
                                                                                                             †Yung Su
             Ruman:  †Celedonio  “Don”  y  †Modesta  Bello-
             Werleman y famia                                                                                Subrino y subrinanan
                                                                                                             Primo y primanan Wong y Su
             Swa:    †Willem “Wim” Enser y famia
             Cuña:  Norma  “Nonoy”  y  †Frank  Wells-Enser  y                                                Amiganan  serka:  Patty  Wong  Swie  San,  A-Jien
                                                                                                             Lie-Kwie, Deepa Babooram
             Amigo di cas: Nandito Hodge                     “Nos ta gradici Dios
                                                             cada bes cu nos                                 Demas Famia y Familiar nan: Werleman, Wong,
             Su primo y primanan, subrino y subrinanan, ihanan,   corda riba bo”                             Su,  Hoo,  Chong,  He  Wu,  Lie-Kwie,  Marlin,
             comer y compernan, bisiñanan, ex coleganan di Lago,   Filipensenan 1:3                          Geerman, Irausquin, amistadnan y bisinjanan
             Granville, Arston y De Palm Tours. Su dokternan; Dr.
             Giel, Dr. Garcia.                                                                               Kier a invita pa e acto di despedida cual lo tuma
                                                             Cu profundo tristeza                            lugar diahuebs 28 di october 2021 di 2 or pa 4or
             Demas famia:                                    na nos curason                                  di atardi na Pray Funeral Home San Nicolaas sigi
             Bello, Enser, Rodriguez, Vosjan, Geerman, Cervantes,                                            pa e cremacion den seno familiar.
             Dirksz,  Kelly,  Angela,  Martes,  Werleman,  Wells,   nos ta anuncia
             Martijn,  Olivierre,  Croes,  Whitfield,  Gonzalez,   fayecimento inespera
             Russel,  Wah,  Rog,  Davelaar,  Somers,  Van  Wilgen,   di :                                    Oportunidad  pa  condolencia  ta  diaranson  27
             Everon, Bernabela, Martina, Nuñez Maturana, Hayer,                                              di october 2021 di 7or pa 9or di anochi na Pray
             Luciana, Prescott, Bennet, Hill.                                                                Funeral Home na San Nicolaas

             Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida un of   Lysandra Lucienne Rivadeneira         Disculpa nos si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida
             otro famia.                                        Mihor conoci como: “Lysan – Lysha of Lis”    un of otro familiar
                                                                       *03-04-1975 - †25-10-2021
             Ta  invita  pa  e  acto  di  entiero  cual  lo  tuma  lugar
             diaranson 27 di oktober 2021 di 2or pa 4or di atardi na                                         Enbes di flor of krans lo nos aprecia un donacion
             Misa Santa Teresita na San Nicolas y despues lo sali pa   Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.  na  Edmund  Harms  Foundation,  lo  tin  un  box
             Santana Catolico na Zeewijk.                                                                    disponible.
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