Page 11 - aruba-today-20230331
P. 11

                                                                                                           local Friday 31 March 2023

            Thayisa Farro:

            “Dancing has and continues to bring joy in my life”

            (Oranjestad)—Thayisa  when  you  started  in  the  the thought that I would be
            Zieryani  Farro  is  a  young  dance world? And why did  able to study dentistry later.
            adult who has been, since  you choose dancing?            Unfortunately,  I  was  never
            very  young,  active  in  dif-  Farro:  “I  started  ballet  les-  chosen  by  the  university.
            ferent hobbies. As an adult  sons  at  4  years  old  at  Si-  After 2 years, I returned to
            and  currently  working  as  madanza  with  Miss  Ina  Aruba.  This  is  when  I  was
            a tax advisor, she still par-  Profet. My mom put me in  advised  to  study  Law  at
            ticipates  in  activities  and  these lessons, because she  the University of Aruba, be-
            continues  to  practice  her  never had the opportunity  cause it was a very broad
            hobbies. In a special inter-  herself  to  do  this.  I  ended  study.  After  I  finished  my
            view with our Aruba Today,  up loving ballet after a few  Bachelor  of  Law,  I  did  my
            she  shares  her  life  story,  lessons. From there my love  Masters in Taxes at the Uni-
            her  hobbies  and  how  she  for  dancing  grew.  Besides  versity of Aruba and Maas-
            hopes  to  continue  to  be  the  lessons  at  Simadanza,  tricht; totally different from
            active for many more years  I also danced with Pierewi-   dentistry,  but  still  a  study
            to come.                     etje, with Miss Martha Figa-  that taught me a lot about
                                         roa. When I turned 10 years  our rights on the island.”
            BDA:  Tell  us  a  bit  about  old, I started folklore lessons
            yourself  and  your  child-  with Miss Astrid Salazar from  BDA: Do you feel that danc-
            hood.                        Simadanza.  I  slowly  start-  ing  made  you  the  person
            Farro:  “Aside  from  school,  ed  participating  in  more  that you are today?
            I  had  a  very  active  child-  dance lessons at Simadan-  Farro: “Looking back, I feel
            hood,  where  I  had  taken  za,  including  jazz-ballet,  that  dancing  helped  me
            dance  lessons,  cuatro  les-  modern   dance,    street  become  disciplined,  de-
            sons, ping-pong and draw-    dance and tap dance.         termined  and  responsible.
            ing lessons. Out of all these                             Dancing taught me to pri-
            activities,  it  was  dancing  When  I  went  to  study  oritize my time so I can fin-
            that I loved the most. After  abroad, I took some dance  ish  my  other  obligations
            I  finished  primary  school,  I  lessons  too.  When  I  came  from school or work before
            attended  Colegio  Aruba-    back  to  the  island,  I  went  I can dedicate it to danc-
            no  secondary  school  and  back  to  Simadanza.  Now,  ing. It’s also a time where I
            at that time I knew that if I  as an adult, I participated in  can be creative and chal-
            didn’t  finish  home  work  or  a few lessons at ArubaSalsa  lenge myself so I can mas-
            finish  studying,  I  would  not  with Miss Melitza Bermudez  ter a certain dance or cho-
            be allowed to go to dance  and  I’m  currently  dancing  reography.”
            lessons,  no  matter  how  with Kids and Youth in Ac-
            much I cried and begged.     tion.”                       BDA:  you  still  dance.  Is  it
                                                                      something you see yourself
            Besides these things, I spent  BDA: What did you study?   doing for a long time?
            a  long  time  with  family,  Farro: “When I was young-   Farro:  “I  sure  hope  so!
            especially  my  sibling  and  er,  I  always  wanted  to  be  Dancing  has  and  contin-
            cousins.  We  spent  a  lot  a  dentist.  When  I  finished  ues to bring joy in my life. I
            of  hours  playing  outside,  secondary  school,  I  was  got to know a lot of people
            going  to  the  beach,  rid-  drawn out to study dentist-  through dancing and I’ll al-
            ing  bikes  and  playing  ball  ry  in  The  Netherlands.  Dur-  ways  have  an  admiration
            games. It was a fun time.”   ing this time, I went to Bel-  for  them.  During  dance
                                         gium  to  study  biomedical  lessons,  we  would  always
            BDA:  How  old  were  you  sciences  y  obstetrics  with  laugh  and  have  a  great
                                                                      time. It’s a time where the
                                                                      stresses of everyday life dis-
                                                                      appear.  Dancing  has  also
                                                                      been proved to reduce the
                                                                      risks  for  certain  chronic  ill-
                                                                      nesses,  like  dementia.  For
                                                                      this  reason,  I  wish  to  be
                                                                      dancing  for  many  more
                                                                      years,  so  I  can  keep  the
                                                                      mind and body strong and

                                                                      BDA:  Where  do  you  see
                                                                      yourself in 10 years?
                                                                      Farro: In 10 years, I hope to
                                                                      still be dancing and be ac-
                                                                      tive in the dance and sports
                                                                      world. I hope to be in good
                                                                      health, spending more time
                                                                      with family and friends, and
                                                                      using my life experiences to
                                                                      help and inspire others.”q
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