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                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 31 March 2023
            Iowa's Caitlin Clark wins AP Player of the Year

            By DOUG FEINBERG                                                                                                    Iowa go 26-6. Clark has 984
            AP Basketball Writer                                                                                                points,  the  sixth-most  in  a
            DALLAS (AP) — Caitlin Clark                                                                                         season by any player in Di-
            has put together one of the                                                                                         vision I women's history. She
            greatest individual seasons                                                                                         also has over 300 assists.
            in  NCAA  history  with  eye-                                                                                       "She  is  spectacular.  I  don't
            popping  offensive  num-                                                                                            know how else to describe
            bers.                                                                                                               what she does on the bas-
            Iowa's junior guard, though,                                                                                        ketball court," Bluder said.
            saved  her  best  perfor-                                                                                           Clark accepted the award
            mance for the game's big-                                                                                           in  front  of  her  Hawkeye
            gest  stage,  recording  the                                                                                        teammates. One of whom
            first  40-point  triple-double                                                                                      asked  Clark  who  were  fa-
            in NCAA history to get Iowa                                                                                         vorite  teammate  was  and
            to the Final Four for the first                                                                                     the point guard deftly side-
            time in 30 years.                                                                                                   stepped  it  by  saying  that
            Clark  was  honored  Thurs-                                                                                         they  "all  were  here  favor-
            day  as  The  Associated                                                                                            ite."
            Press  women's  basketball                                                                                          Next up for the Hawkeyes is
            Player  of  the  Year.  She  re-                                                                                    undefeated South Carolina
            ceived  20  votes  from  the                                                                                        in  the  national  semifinals.
            28-member national media                                                                                            The Gamecocks are led by
            panel that votes on the AP                                                                                          Aliyah Boston, last season's
            Top 25 each week. Voting     Associated Press Sports Products Director Barry Bedlan is flanked by Indiana head coach Teri Mo-  winner  of  the  award.  She
            was  done  before  March     ren and Iowa's Caitlin Clark at a press conference after both was introduced as the AP Coach of   garnered  the  other  eight
                                         the Year and AP Player of the Year Thursday, March 30, 2023, in Dallas.
            Madness began.                                                                                     Associated Press   votes this season.
            "It's  a  huge  honor,"  Clark                                                                                      "There's  so  many  great
            said. "I picked a place that  The  Iowa  coaching  staff  of  some  of  the  children  in  that  you  know  are  going  players, more than just me
            I perfectly fit into and that's  surprised  Clark  by  sharing  the hospital congratulating  through  a  hard  time,"  said  and (Aliyah)," Clark told the
            allowed  me  to  show  my  that  she  won  the  award  Clark  on  an  outstanding  Clark, who grew up in Iowa.  AP.  "You  can  go  on  and
            skill set. I'd be lying if I said  while they were visiting the  season,  and  in  the  middle  "Being  able  to  give  joy  to  on and list the tremendous
            it  didn't  mean  something.  Iowa  Children's  Hospital  —  of it, Iowa coach Lisa Blud-  people  that  watch  you  players.  I  think  that's  really
            It's not the reason you play  a  place  near and  dear  to  er popped on the screen to  play and watch your team  good  for  our  game  when
            basketball,  it's  just  some-  her. It also has huge ties to  tell her she won.       play is amazing."            there's  a  lot  of  great  play-
            thing  that  comes  along  the  Hawkeyes  athletic  de-   "I'm  there  for  inspiring  the  She  averaged  27.0  points,  ers. That's what is going to
            with getting to do what you  partment.                    next  generation  and  be-   8.3 assists and 7.5 rebounds  help this game grow more
            love."                       They  put  together  a  video  ing  there  for  the  people  during  the  season  to  help  than anything else."q

            Pickleball Slam: Roddick, Agassi, McEnroe, Chang take swings

            By HOWARD FENDRICH           “As I’m walking through the  that,  frankly,  I  don’t  know  “Today, right now, nobody  way.”
            AP National Writer           (pickleball) rules, I saw they  that  people  have  the  truly  knows  the  top  pickle-  Likening the appeal of Sun-
            When      Andy     Roddick  took  away  my  youth  with  time  to  learn.”  ESPN/ABC  ball  players.  No  one  can  day’s  event  to  what  drew
            agreed to join John McEn-    (limited)  movement,  and  have  shown  pickleball  in  even name maybe the top  fans to “The Match,” a tele-
            roe,  Andre  Agassi  and  Mi-  they  took  away  my  serve  the past, there is a deal in  50  pickleball  players,”  said  vised  golf  exhibition  that
            chael  Chang  at  the  Pick-  with having to serve under-  place  with  one  league  for  Levy,  the  former  president  began  under  his  watch
            leball  Slam,  the  2003  U.S.  hand,” Roddick said with a  some  of  its  competitions,  of  Turner  Networks.  “(But)  at  Turner  with  Tiger  Woods
            Open champion figured he  chuckle,  “so  I’m  not  really  and there are ongoing dis-  it’s a huge rising phenome-  playing against Phil Mickel-
            had two distinct advantag-   sure what’s left.”           cussions with others.        non in sport. And we decid-  son in 2018, Levy said: “I’ve
            es  against  the  three  other  He  will  face  Chang,  then  “We’re obviously not writing  ed to jump in, in a unique  done this magic before.”q
            International  Tennis  Hall  of  McEnroe   will   take   on  big checks for pickleball at
            Fame inductees participat-   Agassi,  before a  McEnroe-  this moment,” said Tim Bun-
            ing in the made-for-TV exhi-  Chang  vs.  Agassi-Roddick  nell, ESPN senior vice presi-
            bition in Hollywood, Florida.  doubles  competition  at  dent of programming. “The
            At  age  40,  Roddick  is  the  the Pickleball Slam  the lat-  stage  of  development  for
            junior member of the quar-   est  in  a  series  of  attempts  the sport is: We’re all still fig-
            tet  (McEnroe  is  64,  Agassi  to draw eyeballs to a sport  uring out how it translates in
            52,  Chang  51).  And  Rod-  taking over courts in neigh-  the media world. We know
            dick’s serve, which topped  borhoods all over while still  how it translates participa-
            150  mph  back  in  his  days  finding its footing on televi-  tion-wise.”
            on the tennis tour, was the  sion.                        Horizon  Sports  &  Experi-
            fastest  among  the  group  “Everyone  likes  it  instantly.  ences  (HS&E)  is  producing
            of  retired  Grand  Slam  title  It’s pretty well-regarded by  the  Pickleball  Slam  in  tan-
            winners  who  signed  up  for  people  that  play  it,”  Rod-  dem  with  InsideOut  Sports
            something  that  features  dick  said.  “But  you  also  and  Entertainment  (ISE).
            a  $1  million  purse  and  airs  don’t  know  if  it  will  ever  The  idea,  HS&E  co-CEO
            Sunday  on  ESPN  at  noon  translate  to  TV  and  be  a  David Levy explained, was
            Eastern,  before  the  March  very  watchable  product  for bold-faced names from      Andy Roddick returns a shot to Italy’s Fabio Fognini in the third
                                                                                                   round of play at the 2012 US Open tennis tournament, Sept. 2,
            Madness  women’s  cham-      without  knowing  the  ins  one  racket  sport  to  help   2012, in New York.
            pionship game.               and  outs  and  nuances  promote another.                                                          Associated Press
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