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                      Friday 31 March 2023
            CNN preaches patience as ratings tank during turnaround

            By DAVID BAUDER                                                                                                     CNN  expresses  pride  in
            AP Media Writer                                                                                                     some  of  the  efforts,  while
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  CNN’s                                                                                           admitting  some  are  duds.
            leadership  is  preaching                                                                                           Last   Friday,   for   exam-
            patience    even    though                                                                                          ple,  only  295,000  people
            thousands  of  viewers  are                                                                                         watched  Jake  Tapper’s
            abandoning  the  network                                                                                            interview  with  “Ted  Lasso”
            during  its  attempted  turn-                                                                                       star  Jason  Sudeikis.  It  was
            around,  with  no  indication                                                                                       less  than  a  quarter  of  the
            yet  whether  it  will  be  re-                                                                                     people who saw Alex Wag-
            warded.                                                                                                             ner’s  MSNBC  show  at  the
            Cable  news  ratings  are                                                                                           same  9  p.m.  Eastern  time
            down  across  the  board                                                                                            slot, Nielsen said.
            compared  to  2022,  when                                                                                           David Zaslav, president and
            Russia’s invasion of Ukraine                                                                                        CEO of Warner Bros. Discov-
            was fresh in the news. CNN’s                                                                                        ery, delivered a pep talk to
            dip is most dramatic — 61%                                                                                          hundreds  of  CNN  manag-
            in prime time in March, with                                                                                        ers earlier this month to rein-
            Fox  News  Channel  down                                                                                            force the message that he
            27% and MSNBC off by 12%,                                                                                           wanted  to  see  a  network
            according  to  the  Nielsen                                                                                         focused  on  the  news  that
            company.                                                                                                            didn’t  lean  any  way  politi-
            Fox  averaged  2.09  million   The CNN logo is displayed at the entrance to the CNN Center in Atlanta on Feb. 2, 2022.  cally.
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            viewers  in  prime  time  in                                                                                        CNN  saw  strong  ratings
            March, with MSNBC at 1.14  Licht’s  biggest  program-     and CNN is reportedly close  at  9  p.m.  Eastern.  They  in-  under  the  leadership  of
            million and CNN at 473,000,  ming  move  to  date,  a  re-  to  deals  with  CBS’  Gayle  clude talks with first lady Jill  Licht’s  predecessor,  Jeff
            Nielsen said. In the key 25-  vamp  of  “CNN  This  Morn-  King  and  former  NBA  star  Biden  and  Ukrainian  Presi-  Zucker, and Zaslav said he
            54  age  demographic  for  ing,”  hasn’t  borne  fruit  in  turned sportscaster Charles  dent  Volodymyr  Zelenskyy  recognized  that  a  more
            advertisers,  CNN  is  seeing  the  ratings  and  has  been  Barkley  for  shows  that  will  and town halls with Virginia  partisan  approach  could
            some of its lowest numbers  beset  by  bad  publicity,  in-  air once a week, although  Gov.  Glenn  Youngkin  and  bring  more  viewers  and
            in decades.                  cluding  co-host  Don  Lem-  the network wouldn’t con-    one  focused  on  the  Ohio  money,  but  that  “it’s  not
            CNN  is  a  year  into  new  on’s  ham-fisted  reference  firm that. If Licht’s bet pays  train derailment.         what  I  came  here  to  do,”
            corporate    management  to a woman’s prime years.        off,  CNN  will  strengthen  its  The news hours that follow,  according to a transcript of
            with  Warner  Bros.  Discov-  Changes  to  CNN’s  day-    reputation as a news brand  at least for now, are led by  Zaslav’s speech.
            ery,  which  hired  ex-CBS  time look are imminent. Li-   while  also  attracting  view-  Alisyn Camerota and Laura  He said he hoped the net-
            producer Chris Licht to run  cht’s  vision  for  prime  time  ers  who  are  now  watch-  Coates.                   work would be able to fig-
            the network. The chief goal  is  months  away,  though,  ing Netflix or HGTV  not just  “Viewers are a bit confused  ure out what is working and
            has been to rebuild trust as  and  only  beginning  to  competing news networks.       with all of the changes, par-  what isn’t.
            a non-partisan news brand  take  shape.  His  plans  are  As  those  plans  develop,  ticularly  in  the  prime-time  He  urged  the  managers
            after  years  of  criticism  by  to  couple  news  coverage  CNN’s  prime-time  lineup  lineup,” said Jennifer Thom-  to not worry about outside
            former  President  Donald  with  hosts  from  different  has largely been in flux after  as, a former CNN producer  noise.
            Trump  and  his  followers,  worlds, including entertain-  Anderson Cooper’s hour at  who  now  teaches  journal-   “Ratings  be  damned,”  he
            at  a  time  Fox  and  MSNBC  ment, who can talk about  8 p.m. Eastern. The network  ism  at  Howard  University.  said.  “Let’s  focus  on  who
            have  profited  handsomely  the news without a specific  has    experimented     with  She said CNN needs more  we  are.  This  is  our  mission.
            by  appealing  to  specific  partisan  take.  Licht  is  ex-  some  interviews,  events  news  that  impacts  viewers  This is our legacy. And this is
            points of view.              ploring  several  possibilities,  and  subject-focused  hours  and less analysis.      our journey together.”q

            Melissa Joan Hart says she helped ‘tiny kids’ flee shooting

            By LISA BAUMANN              “We helped a class of kin-   “This  is  our  second  experi-
            Associated Press             dergartners  across  a  busy  ence  with  a  school  shoot-
            Actor  Melissa  Joan  Hart  highway,”  she  said,  her  ing  with  our  kids  being  in
            said  she  and  her  husband  voice breaking, “that were  close proximity.

            helped  a  class  of  kinder-  climbing out of the woods  Luckily we are all OK,” she
            gartners  that  was  fleeing  that  were  trying  to,  um,  said.
            the Nashville school shoot-  escape  the  shooter  situa-  She said she recorded the
            ing earlier this week.       tion  at  their  school.  So  we  video  Monday,  but  it  was
            Hart  said  in  a  video  post-  helped  all  these  tiny  little  too raw to post that day.
            ed  on  Instagram  Tuesday  kids cross the road and get  “I  don’t  know  what  to
            that  her  children  attend  a  their  teachers  over  there,  say  anymore,”  she  said.
            school  next  to  the  private  and we helped a mom re-   “Enough is enough.”
            Christian Covenant School.  unite with her children.”     A  spokesperson  for  Hart,
            She  said  she  and  her  hus-  Hart said she had moved to  who has starred in sitcoms
            band  had  been  headed  Nashville from Connecticut  including        “Sabrina   the
            to  her  kids’  school  confer-  and  that  her  kids  had  at-  Teenage  Witch,”  didn’t
            ences  Monday  when  they  tended a school near San-      immediately  return  a  mes-
            helped  some  students  get  dy  Hook  Elementary  when  sage  from  The  Associ-      In this Nov. 5, 2018 file photo, Melissa Joan Hart arrives at the Los
            away  from  the  shooting  26  children  were  shot  and  ated  Press  seeking  further   Angeles premiere of “Ralph Breaks the Internet.”
            that killed six people.      killed there in 2012.        comment.q                                                             Associated Press
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