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                       Tuesday 9 July 2024
            Paramount and Skydance merge, signaling end of a family reign

            in Hollywood and the rise of new power

            By  WYATTE  GRANTHAM-                                                                                               One  Love”  and  “A  Quiet
            PHILIPS                                                                                                             Place:  Day  One,”  and  still
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  to  come  is  Ridley  Scott’s
            NEW YORK (AP) — The enter-                                                                                          “Gladiator” sequel.
            tainment  giant  Paramount                                                                                          The  National  Association
            will  merge  with  Skydance,                                                                                        of Theatre Owners, a trade
            closing out a decades-long                                                                                          organization  that  repre-
            run by the Redstone family                                                                                          sents  over  35,000  screens
            in Hollywood and injecting                                                                                          in  the  U.S.,  said  in  a  state-
            desperately  needed  cash                                                                                           ment Monday that it plans
            into  a  legacy  studio  that                                                                                       to look closely at the details
            has struggled to adapt to a                                                                                         of the merger with an eye
            shifting entertainment land-                                                                                        towards whether it will pro-
            scape.                                                                                                              duce  more  or  less  theatri-
            It  also  signals  the  rise  of  a                                                                                 cal releases.
            new  power  player,  David                                                                                          “We  are  encouraged  by
            Ellison,  the  founder  of  Sky-                                                                                    the  commitment  that  Da-
            dance  and  son  of  billion-                                                                                       vid  Ellison  and  the  Sky-
            aire Larry Ellison, the found-                                                                                      dance  Media  team  have
            er of the software compa-                                                                                           shown  to  theatrical  exhibi-
            ny Oracle.                                                                                                          tion  in  the  past,”  said  Mi-
            Shari  Redstone’s  National                                                                                         chael  O’Leary,  president
            Amusements  has  owned                                                                                              and  CEO  of  the  National
            more than three-quarters of                                                                                         Association   of   Theatre
            Paramount’s Class A voting   Producer David Ellison poses for the media during the ‘Top Gun Maverick’ UK premiere at a central   Owners. “A merger that re-
                                         London cinema, on Thursday, May 19, 2022.
            shares  through  the  estate                                                                       Associated Press  sults in fewer movies being
            of  her  late  father,  Sumner                                                                                      produced will not only hurt
            Redstone. She had battled  son will become chairman  day’s conference call, with  Throughout  its  rich  history,  consumers and result in less
            to  maintain  control  of  the  and chief executive officer  chairman of RedBird Sports  Paramount has had a hand  revenue, but negatively im-
            company  that  owns  CBS,  of what’s being called New  and  Media  Jeff  Shell  not-   in releasing films  from “Sun-  pact  people  who  work  in
            which is behind blockbust-   Paramount.                   ing that they had identified  set  Boulevard”  and  “The  all  sectors  of  this  great  in-
            er films such as “Top Gun”  Ellison  outlined  the  vision  some $2 billion in cost effi-  Godfather,”  to  “Raiders  of  dustry  creative, distribution
            and “The Godfather.”         for  New  Paramount  on  a  ciencies and synergies that  the Lost Ark” and “Titanic.”  and exhibition.”
            Just  weeks  after  turning  conference call about the  they’ll  “attempt  to  deliver  The  studio  also  distributed  Sumner   Redstone   used
            down  a  similar  agreement  transaction Monday. In ad-   pretty rapidly.”             several  early  Marvel  Cine-  National   Amusements,
            with  Skydance,  however,  dition  to  doubling  down  Shell and others addressed  matic Universe films, includ-    his  family’s  movie  theater
            Redstone  agreed  to  a  on  core  competencies,  the declining growth of lin-         ing “Iron Man” and “Thor,”  chain,  to  build  a  vast  me-
            deal on terms that had not  notably  with  a  “creative  ear TV.                       before  the  Disney  acqui-  dia  empire  that  included
            changed much.                first” approach, he stressed  Flagship  linear  brands  will  sition.  In  addition  to  “Mis-  CBS  and  Viacom,  which
            “Given the changes in the  that  the  company  needs  continue to represent a big  sion:  Impossible”  and  “Top  have merged and separat-
            industry, we want to fortify  to  transition  into  a  “tech  chunk  of  the  company’s  Gun,” Paramount’s current  ed a number of times over
            Paramount  for  the  future  hybrid” to stay competitive  operations,  but  learning  franchises  include  “Trans-  the  years.  Most  recently,
            while ensuring that content  in  today’s  evolving  media  how  to  run  this  portion  of  formers,”  “Star  Trek”  and  the  companies  re-joined
            remains  king,”  said  Red-  landscape.                   business  differently  will  be  “Jackass.”               forces in 2019, undoing the
            stone, who is chair of Para-  “You’ve watched some in-    key, he said.                While  Paramount  has  not  split consummated in 2006.
            mount Global.                credibly  powerful  technol-  The  on-again,  off-again  topped the annual domes-      The company, ViacomCBS,
            The  new  combined  com-     ogy  companies  move  into  merger  arrives  at  tumultu-  tic box office charts for over  changed its name to Para-
            pany  is  valued  at  around  the ... media space and do  ous  time  for  Paramount,  a decade, the wild box of-    mount Global in 2022.
            $28  billion.  In  connection  so very successfully,” Ellison  which has struggled to find  fice  success  of  “Top  Gun:  Under  Sumner  Redstone’s
            with the proposed transac-   said. He added that it was  its footing for years and its  Maverick”  in  2022  (nearly  leadership,  Viacom  be-
            tion,  which  is  expected  to  “essential”  for  New  Para-  cable  business  has  been  $1.5 billion worldwide) was  came  one  of  the  nation’s
            close  in  September  2025  mount  to  chart  a  similar  hemorrhaging.  In  an  an-   an important boon to both  media titans, home to pay
            pending  regulatory  ap-     course going forward.        nual  shareholder  meeting  movie theaters and the in-    TV channels MTV and Com-
            proval, a consortium led by  That  includes  plans  to  “re-  in early June, the company  dustry’s  pandemic  recov-  edy Central and movie stu-
            the  Ellison  family  and  Red-  build”   the   Paramount+  also laid out a restructuring  ery. Still, its theatrical output  dio Paramount Pictures.
            Bird  Capital  will  be  invest-  streaming  service,  Ellison  plan  that  included  major  has  declined  somewhat  in  It is a company with a rich
            ing $8 billion.              noted    pointing  to  wider  cost cuts.                  recent  years.  Last  year  it  history,  as  well  as  a  deep
            Skydance,  based  in  Santa  goals  to  expand  direct-to-  Leadership  at  Paramount  released  only  eight  new  bank of media assets, and
            Monica,    California,   has  consumer  business,  such  was  also  volatile  earlier  movies  and  came  in  fifth  Skydance  wasn’t  the  only
            helped produce some ma-      as increasing engagement  this  year  after  its  CEO  Bob  place for overall box office  one  to  gun  for  Paramount
            jor Paramount hits in recent  time  on  the  platform  and  Bakish, following a number  at around $2 billion  behind  in  recent  months    Apollo
            years, including Tom Cruise  reducing  user  churn.  He  of  disputes  with  Redstone,  Universal  (24  films),  Disney  Global  Management  and
            films like “Top Gun: Maver-  also said that the company  was  replaced  with  an  “of-  (17 films), Warner Bros. and  Sony  Pictures  also  made
            ick” and installments of the  aims  to  transition  to  more  fice  of  the  C.E.O,”  run  by  Sony.  This  year  the  release  competing offers.
            “Mission Impossible” series.  cloud-based    production  three executives.             calendar  is  similarly  mod-  Late  last  year,  Warner
            Skydance  was  founded  in  and  continue  the  use  of  Four  company  directors  est, especially with the ab-     Bros.  Discovery  also  made
            2010 by David Ellison and it  generative  artificial  intelli-  were also replaced.    sence  of  “Mission:  Impos-  headlines   for   exploring
            quickly  formed  a  produc-  gence to boost efficiency.   Paramount  is  one  of  Hol-  sible 8,” which was pushed  a  potential  merger  with
            tion  partnership  with  Para-  Executives also outlined fur-  lywood’s  oldest  studios,  to 2025 amid the strikes. The  Paramount.  But  by  Febru-
            mount  that  same  year.  If  ther  restructuring  plans  for  dating  back  its  founding  studio  has  had  some  suc-  ary, Warner had reportedly
            the  deal  is  approved,  Elli-  New  Paramount  on  Mon-  in  1914  as  a  distributor.  cesses,  with  “Bob  Marley:  halted those talks.q
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