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SPORTS              Tuesday 9 July 2024

            Alex Bowman quiets Hendrick speculation with his Cup win on a

            rainy Chicago street course

            By JAY COHEN                                                                                                        Chicagoland Speedway in
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    2019. The Arizona native won
            CHICAGO (AP) — Alex Bow-                                                                                            again  at  Fontana  in  2020,
            man spent his 30th birthday                                                                                         and then earned a career-
            in  an  Iowa  hospital  after                                                                                       best four wins during a break-
            breaking his back in a short-                                                                                       out performance in 2021.
            track accident. Feeling as if                                                                                       But everything changed af-
            he had let everyone down,                                                                                           ter he won at Las Vegas in
            it was a tough moment.                                                                                              March 2022. That same year,
            That was just last year, and it                                                                                     he was sidelined for five rac-
            seemed like a long time ago                                                                                         es after he sustained a con-
            Sunday night.                                                                                                       cussion in a crash at Texas
            Bowman is a NASCAR Cup                                                                                              Motor  Speedway.  Then  he
            Series winner once again af-                                                                                        had the back injury last year
            ter he held off Tyler Reddick                                                                                       that kept him out for three
            in a shortened Grant Park 165                                                                                       points races and the All-Star
            on  a  rainy  street  course  in                                                                                    festivities.  “The  concussion
            downtown Chicago. It was                                                                                            and  then  to  straight  away
            his first victory since March                                                                                       go break my back after re-
            2022 in Las Vegas, stopping                                                                                         covering from that and then
            an 80-race drought.                                                                                                 to just tremendously struggle
            “There’s  a  lot  of  emotions                                                                                      through last year and kind
            that go away with this be-                                                                                          of lose our way a little bit, it
            cause of how hard that has   Alex Bowman gets out of his car after winning a NASCAR Cup Series auto race, Sunday, July 7,   was really difficult,” he said.
            been,” Bowman said.          2024, in Chicago.                                                     Associated Press  Coming into Chicago, there
            With his eighth career Cup                                                                                          was no sign that Bowman’s
            Series win, Bowman became  ishes  this  year,  but  his  win-  have won, to be in that same  said. “But certainly nobody  drought was about to end.
            the last of the four Hendrick  less drought had ramped up  category, and it hasn’t been  has made me feel like I’m on  He had an engine issue at
            Motorsports drivers to secure  speculation about his future  happening. Hopefully this dis-  the hot seat. There’s never  New  Hampshire  that  end-
            a playoff spot. He is the 12th  at Hendrick. That all seemed  pels a lot of the rumors.”  been a single conversation  ed his day on the 144th of
            Cup driver to win this year,  to go away this weekend.    Bowman’s  contract  with  with a single person that has  305 laps. He finished 14th at
            leaving four remaining slots  “I  understand  why  people  Hendrick  runs  through  the  questioned anything to do  Nashville  Superspeedway
            in the playoffs with six races  want to talk. ... It’s a tough  2026  season.  He  made  it  with that at all. It’s all been,  last weekend.
            left in the regular season.  business,” said NASCAR Hall  clear that he felt the specu-  what do you need, how can  “I think the speed has been
            It also was the first Cup win for  of  Famer  Jeff  Gordon,  a  lation about his future was  we help you, how can we  there,” Harris said. “We talk-
            Blake Harris, who took over as  Hendrick executive. “When  overblown, but he definitely  support the team.”         ed, we had an engine failure
            Bowman’s crew chief before  you’re at Hendrick Motors-    heard the talk.              Bowman is in his seventh full  at Loudon and we had an
            the 2023 season.             ports, you do expect, espe-  “I think you need to win races  season at Hendrick. He got  engine failure here last year
            Bowman has 11 top-10 fin-    cially when the other three  whenever you’re at HMS,” he  his first Cup Series victory at  at Chicago. q

            Pete Alonso to compete in Home Run Derby for 5th time, joins Witt,

            Henderson, Bohm in July 15 field

            PITTSBURGH  (AP)  —  Pete  has  donated  portions  of  Vladimir  Guerrero  23-22  and  the  fans  are  there  to  doing  it  because  growing
            Alonso will participate in his  his previous derby prizes to  in  the  final  round,  then  re-  see the same thing,” Alonso  up watching it, was like ‘If I
            fifth straight Home Run Der-  the Wounded Warrior Proj-   peated in 2021 at Denver’s  said.  “I  think  the  cool  part  have an opportunity to do
            by, with the New York Mets  ect  aiding  wounded  ser-    Coors  Field,  beating  Balti-  of our game is seeing balls  it, I will.’ Taking me back to
            first  baseman  trying  to  win  vice  members  and  Tunnel  more’s Trey Mancini by the  hit far and hard. I think it’s  7-year-old me, it’s a dream
            for the third time.          to  Towers,  which  supports  same  score.  There  was  no  a  great  event.  I  really  like  come true.”q
            Kansas City’s Bobby Witt Jr.,  first  responders  and  their  derby  in  2020  because  of
            Baltimore’s  Gunnar  Hen-    families. “It’s something I’m  the coronavirus pandemic.
            derson  and  Philadelphia’s  very excited about and I’m  Alonso  was  eliminated  by
            Alec Bohm also have com-     happy  they  asked  me  be-  Seattle’s  Julio  Rodríguez
            mitted to the July 15 event  cause it’s an opportunity to  in  the  2022  semifinals  at
            at Globe Life Field in Arling-  give  back  to  the  game,”  Dodger Stadium in Los An-
            ton, Texas.                  Alonso  said.  “I  want  to  in-  geles.  Juan  Soto,  then  of
            Alonso  made  the  an-       spire  the  youth,  get  more  Washington,  went  on  to
            nouncement Sunday night  kids out there playing base-     win.
            on Instagram.                ball across the U.S.”        Alonso  was  knocked  out
            Alonso  talked  about  it  Ken  Griffey  Jr.  is  the  only  41-21  by  Rodríguez  last
            more  in-depth  Monday  three-time  champion  of  year  at  Seattle’s  T-Mobile
            before  the  Mets  played  the derby, which started in  Park,  where  Guerrero  took
            the Pirates in Pittsburgh. He  1985, winning in 1994, 1998  the  title  and  joined  Vladi-
            said he wants to use what-   and 1999.                    mir  Guerrero  Sr.  (2007)  to
            ever  winnings  he  earns  to  Alonso  won  the  competi-  become  the  first  father-
            refurbish amateur baseball  tion  in  2019  as  a  rookie  at  son duo to accomplish the   New  York  Mets’  Pete  Alonso  hits  a  home  run  during  the  sixth
                                                                                                   inning of a baseball game against the Houston Astros, Friday,
            fields  through  his  chari-  Cleveland’s    Progressive  feat.  “I  love  participating   June 28, 2024, in New York.
            table  foundation.  Alonso  Field,   edging    Toronto’s  because  it’s  a  full  stadium                                      Associated Press
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