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                       Tuesday 9 July 2024
            Taylor Fritz defeats two-time Grand Slam finalist Alexander Zverev

            in Wimbledon’s fourth round

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                                                  Fritz  hit  15  aces,  with  zero
            AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                    double-faults,  and  Zverev
            LONDON (AP) — Taylor Fritz                                                                                          delivered 19 aces while com-
            turned  things  around  after                                                                                       peting  with  a  gray  sleeve
            dropping the opening two                                                                                            on left knee, which he hurt
            sets  to  defeat  two-time                                                                                          during a fall in his previous
            Grand Slam finalist Alexander                                                                                       match and said had a bone
            Zverev 4-6, 6-7 (4), 6-4, 7-6 (3),                                                                                  bruise.
            6-3 on Monday and reach                                                                                             “It was fairly obvious that I
            the Wimbledon quarterfinals.                                                                                        wasn’t 100% today, right? I
            The  13th-seeded  Fritz,  a                                                                                         wasn’t  moving,  really,  the
            26-year-old from California,                                                                                        entire match. I wasn’t run-
            equaled  his  career-best                                                                                           ning for drop shots. If I was
            showing at a major tourna-                                                                                          running for a drop shot, I was
            ment.                                                                                                               limping there more than run-
            “It was amazing to do that                                                                                          ning,” Zverev said. “Towards
            on Centre Court (at) Wimble-                                                                                        the end  I mean, I thought
            don, two sets down, in front                                                                                        from the fourth and fifth set  I
            of  this  crowd,”  said  Fritz,                                                                                     was really struggling to serve,
            who  lost  to  22-time  major                                                                                       as well, to jump off on my
            champion Rafael Nadal in                                                                                            leg, to create some power.”
            the  quarterfinals  at  the  All                                                                                    The key stat, really, was this:
            England Club two years ago.   Taylor Fritz of the United States falls as he attempts to make a backhand return to Alexander   Fritz  faced  only  two  break
            “The thing was, I felt like I was   Zverev of Germany during their fourth round match at the Wimbledon tennis championships in   points and saved one, while
            still playing really well for be-  London, Monday, July 8, 2024.                                   Associated Press  accumulating four and con-
            ing down two sets. I was just                                                                                       verting two.
            thinking it would suck to be  in  this  edition  of  the  grass-  he played at Wimbledon this  serve  and  return,”  he  pre-  When it ended, Fritz threw his
            playing this well and just lose  court tournament, more than  year and having held in all  dicted.                  head back and let out a yell,
            in three straight, so let’s take  in any other year.      41 of his service games  not  “It’s going to be a match of  before meeting Zverev at the
            the third. … I had that belief.”  The  fourth-seeded  Zverev  even facing a single break  very few chances, and who-  net for an extended chat.
            The 3 1/2-hour match, played  was the runner-up to Carlos  point since the first round.  ever takes the chances, kind  “It felt like in the fifth set, he
            with the main stadium’s re-  Alcaraz at the French Open  But Fritz broke him one time  of comes up with something,  wasn’t moving as well,” Fritz
            tractable roof shut, was the  last month  after blowing a  each  in  the  third  and  fifth  plays  better  in  those  tight  said. “So I just wished him the
            35th to go five sets at Wim-  2-1 lead in sets. He also lost  sets.                    moments, it’s probably go-   best.”
            bledon  this  year,  tying  the  in the final of the 2020 U.S.  Looking ahead to this match-  ing to make the difference.”  Fritz  joined  countryman
            record for the most at any  Open against Dominic Thiem  up, Fritz’s analysis was rather  Both thrived with big serves  Tommy Paul in the final eight,

            Slam event in the Open era,  after wasting a two-set lead  succinct  and, it turned out,  and short exchanges.      giving the United States two
            which began in 1968.         and a match point.           completely accurate.         They combined for 124 win-   men that deep in the tourna-
            And Fritz’s comeback is the  The German entered Mon-      “We’re playing on grass. It’s  ners (69 by Fritz) and 56 un-  ment for the first time since
            11th  from  a  two-set  deficit  day having won all nine sets  just going to come down to  forced errors (23 by Fritz).  2000. q

             UConn, coach Dan Hurley agree to 6-year, $50 million deal a

             month after he spurned offer from Lakers

             STORRS, Conn. (AP) — UCo-   million  contract  through  coaches  nearly  a  month  Athletic  Fund,  the  release  program has rebuilt for sup-
             nn  and  men’s  basketball  the  2029-30  season  that  after he turned down a lu-    added.  It  replaces  the  six-  porters and fans.
             coach  Dan  Hurley  have  makes  him  one  of  the  na-  crative  offer  to  coach  the  year,  $32.1  million  agree-  He  added:  “We  will  con-
             agreed  to  a  six-year,  $50  tion’s highest paid college  Los Angeles Lakers.       ment reached in June 2023  tinue to obsessively pursue
                                                                      Hurley, who passed on guid-  after Hurley won his first na-  championships and historic
                                                                      ing the storied NBA club to  tional  championship  with  success,  while  continuing
                                                                      return  to  the  two-time  de-  UConn.                    to  develop  great  young
                                                                      fending NCAA champions,  Hurley  141-58 in six seasons  men. Bleed Blue!”
                                                                      can also earn more through  with  the  Huskies  and  292-  UConn  President  Radenka
                                                                      performance-based incen-     163 overall entering his 15th  Maric called Hurley the na-

                                                                      tives,  a  Monday  release  as a Division I head coach  tion’s best men’s basketball
                                                                      from the school stated. He  acknowledged  that  the  coach and said he was de-
                                                                      will  receive  $6.375  million  Lakers’  six-year,  $70  million  lighted Hurley will continue
                                                                      next  season  in  addition  to  offer was “obviously tempt-  to  call  it  home.  Athletic
                                                                      his  $400,000  base  annual  ing.”  He  was  also  men-   director  David  Benedict
                                                                      salary, which includes com-  tioned  as  a  candidate  for  praised  Hurley  and  wife
                                                                      pensation  from  speaking,  the Kentucky coaching va-     Andrea  for  pouring  them-
                                                                      consulting  and  media  ob-  cancy  after  John  Calipari  selves  into  rebuilding  the
                                                                      ligations.                   left for Arkansas. But Hurley  program  added  that  the
                                                                      The   agreement,     which  reiterated  last  month  that  contract  recognizes  the
            UConn  head  coach  Dan  Hurley  celebrates  cutting  the  net   includes  a  $1  million  an-  he  belongs  at  UConn  and  “immense”  effort  that  has
            after their win against Purdue in the NCAA college Final Four   nual  retention  bonus,  will  stated  in  the  release  that  produced  the  results  and
            championship  basketball  game,  Monday,  April  8,  2024,  in   be  covered  by  increased  “it’s  an  honor”  to  coach  the dedication it will require
            Glendale, Ariz.                                           ticket  sales  revenue  and  and  represent  the  school  for  the  program  to  sustain
                                                    Associated Press
                                                                      donations  from  the  Husky  and  is  proud  of  what  the  it.q
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