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Friday 8 November 2019
Be active for diabetes
stroke, blindness, kidney is that they emerge in the the family in the manage-
failures, and lower-limb am- hospital in the late stages ment, care, prevention
EAGLE BEACH — This Sun- sugar (or “glucose”) in the putation. Diabetes can be of their condition and have and education of diabe-
day Botica di Servicio hosts blood (also known as “hy- treated and managed with already become in need of tes. Families are urged to
the Diabetes Run & Walk perglycemia”). Depending diet, exercise, and medica- radical treatment. (Source: learn more about the warn-
2019. Join the run or walk of on the type of diabetes, tion. PwC Netherlands) Accord- ing signs of diabetes and
5K or 10 K to spread aware- high blood sugar might ing to the American Dia- find out their risk of type 2
ness of diabetes. Be active be caused by a problem Aruba suffers one of the betes Association (ADA), diabetes. November 14th is
and enjoy the great event with how the body makes highest percentages of di- approximately 21 million a significant date in the di-
along with locals. Novem- insulin, how the body uses abetes in the world; 16.24% Americans have diabetes, abetes calendar because
ber is Diabetes Awareness insulin, or both. Insulin is a of the Aruban population and more people are be- it marks the birthday of the
Month and World Diabetes hormone that is made in suffer from diabetes, versus ing diagnosed every year. man who co-discovered
Day (WDD) is celebrated the pancreas and controls 8.33% globally. Through the The theme for diabetes insulin, Frederick Banting.
globally on November 14 blood sugar level. Diabe- combination of data from awareness month and Banting discovered insulin
to raise awareness about tes is a chronic condition, various health care stake- World Diabetes Day 2019 in 1922, alongside Charles
both Type 1 and Type 2 dia- which means it does not go holders it was estimated is Family and Diabetes. IDF Best.
betes. away. This disease affects that 57% of the diabetes is raising awareness of the
many parts of the body patients are currently un- impact that diabetes has For more information about
Diabetes is a term used to and, if left untreated, can known or hidden from with- on the family and support the event please have a
describe a group of diseas- cause serious health prob- in the health care system. network of those affected, look at the Facebook page
es marked by high levels of lems such as heart disease, The issue with these patients and promoting the role of Botica di Servicio. q
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ORANJESTAD – Did you public. A short recap: he is
know ….. Aruba Today an artist, film maker, body
has a Facebook page and boarder and surfer, nature
website. We would love to lover and nature protec-
welcome you to our online tor.
Aruba To Me Is
The cover picture of the We would also like to por-
Facebook page will show trait you! By inviting you
another picture of a lo- to send us your favorite
cal photographer every vacation picture while en-
couple of months. We love joying our Happy Island.
culture and like to support Complete the sentence:
our local talents, therefore Aruba to me is ……. Send
Aruba Today chooses to your picture with that text
be a platform for showcas- (including your name and
ing art. Photographer Ar- where you are from) to:
mando Goedgedrag took
the new cover picture of and we will publish your
Aruba Today’s Facebook vacation memory.
page, following the former Isn’t that a special way to
local talents that shot the keep your best moments
cover picture: Michael- alive? Please do note: By
Anthony Fowler and Anuar submitting photos, text or
Habibe. Armando’s goal is any other materials, you
to create awareness about give permission to The Aru-
Aruban nature, especially ba Today Newspaper,
with the youth and there- Caribbean Speed Print-
fore he visits schools and ers and any of its affiliated
he is member of Korteweg, companies to use said ma-
an organization of young terials, as well as names,
artists aiming to bring art likeness, etc. for promo- compensation. Thank you for supporting strive to make you a hap-
under the attention of the tional purposes without our free newspaper, we py reader every day.q