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P. 6
CLASSIFIED Friday 8 November 2019
Pacific bird refuge struggles as ocean HEALTH
garbage patch grows DOCTOR ON DUTY
Divi Timeshares Studios,
By CALEB JONES Below Market, For Sale Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Associated Press by owner Tel. 527 4000
MIDWAY ATOLL, Northwest- divi Golf, rm 4201, wk 35, 26 San Nicolas
ern Hawaiian Islands (AP) wks left, 8/31, $1800 IMSAN 24 Hours
— Flying into the uninhabit- divi dutch village, rm 128, wk Tel.524 8833
ed Northwestern Hawaiian 35, 26 wks left, 8/31 $1800 Women in Difficulties
Islands, Midway Atoll ap- divi village, rm 3205, wk 17, PHARMACY ON DUTY
pears out of the vast blue 24 wks left, 4/25, $1700
Pacific as a tiny oasis of divi village, rm7302, wk44, 18 Oranjestad:
coral-fringed land with pris- wks left, 10/31, $$1600 Sta. Anna Tel. 586 8181
San Nicolas:
tine white sand beaches email:, Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
that are teeming with life. US #508-651-0016 Women in Difficulties
But on the ground, there's _______________________________212026 OTHER
a different scene: plastic, Dental Clinic 587 9850
pollution and death. Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
With virtually no preda- In this Oct. 22, 2019, photo, plastic sits in the decomposed car- Urgent Care 586 0448
tors, Midway is a haven for cass of a seabird on Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
+297 588 0539
many species of seabirds Islands. Associated Press Women in Difficulties
and is home to the largest EMERGENCY
colony of albatross in the both a biologically rich and War II battle , and said the Police 100
world. But Midway is also culturally sacred place," plastic that washes ashore Oranjestad 527 3140
at the center of the Great Clark said. "The Hawaiians there each year is just part Noord 527 3200
Pacific Garbage Patch, a call it a place of abun- of the problem. Sta. Cruz 527 2900
vast area of floating plas- dance, or aina momona." "Not only are our beaches San Nicolas 584 5000
tic collected by circulat- But circulating currents getting it, but also our alba- Police Tipline 11141
ing oceanic currents. The now bring an abundance tross will bring it and feed it Ambulancia 911
Hawaiian Islands act like of plastic and other trash to their chicks," Goodale Fire Dept. 115
582 2219
Red Cross
a comb that gathers de- from all around the Pacific said. Albatross spend much
bris as it floats across the Rim to Hawaii's beaches. of their lives at sea feed- TAXI SERVICES
Pacific. A recent analy- The debris ranges from tiny ing and flying thousands Taxi Tas 587 5900
sis found that the patch is microplastics that nearly of miles across the oceans Prof. Taxi 588 0035
accumulating debris at a every animal in this marine before returning to Midway Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
faster rate than scientists ecosystem ingests to huge each year to lay eggs and Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
previously thought. fishing nets that gather raise their young. A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Midway is littered with bird plants, animals and other "So we estimate about 5 Women in Difficulties
skeletons that have brightly debris while bulldozing tons (4.5 metric tons) of TRAVEL INFO
colored plastic protruding across fragile coral reefs. plastic being brought to Aruba Airport 524 2424
from their decomposing "The estimates are that Midway every year just by American Airlines 582 2700
bellies. Bottle caps, tooth- there's about 57,000 adult albatross feeding it to Avianca 588 0059
brushes and cigarette pounds of marine debris their chicks," Goodale said. Jet Blue 588 2244
lighters sit in the centers of that washes ashore within The albatross tend to seek Surinam 582 7896
their feathery carcasses. this part of the archipelago out squid eggs that at-
"There isn't a bird that annually," Clark said. tach themselves to float- Women in Difficulties
doesn't have some (plas- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ing pieces of plastic, which CRUISES
tic)," said Athline Clark, the biologist Kelly Goodale is why so many birds are
National Oceanic and At- lives and works on Midway, eating the material, Clark
mospheric Administration's the site of a decisive World said.q
superintendent for Papa-
hanaumokuakea Marine
National Monument, which November 8
Midway is part of. They "fill November 13
their bellies up with plastics monarch
Women in Difficulties
instead of food and even- Zuiderdam
tually either choke or just AID FOUNDATIONS
don't have enough room FAVI- Visually Impaired
for actual nourishment and Tel. 582 5051
Sharp plastic pieces can Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
also perforate their intes- Narcotics Anonymous
tines and esophagus. Tel. 583 8989
Papahanaumokuakea, Women in Difficulties
which quadrupled in size Tel. 583 5400
under President Barack Centre for Diabetes
Obama in 2016, is the Tel. 524 8888
world's largest marine con- Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
servation area and was in-
scribed in 2010 as a UNES- Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
CO mixed World Heritage General Info
"Papahanaumokuakea is Phone Directory Tel. 118