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sports Diahuebs 12 augustus 2021
Houston NCAA sprinting champ Cameron Burrell dead at age 26
(AP) — Former NCAA track and field community tragic. We ask all Univer-
national champion sprint- in the U.S. and abroad allow sity of Houston and track
er Cameron Burrell has us to gather with our clos- and field fans to keep coach
died. He was 26. est family and friends. We Burrell and his family in their
are profoundly grief-stricken thoughts and prayers.”
The University of Houston, and thank everyone for the
where he starred from 2013- outpouring of prayers and Cameron Burrell was a three-
2018, announced his death. support.” time, first-team All-America
The school said he died in the 60-meter dash (2014,
Monday but did not provide Cameron Burrell won the 2017-18) in the indoor sea-
further details. national title in the 100 me- son and earned first-team
ters in 2018 in Eugene, Or- All-America honors three
Burrell’s father, Leroy egon. He won a second na- times (2016-2018) in the 100
Burrell, a former Olympic tional title with his team that on the outdoor schedule.
gold medal sprinter who season by running the anchor He also was an All-America
coaches Houston’s track leg of the 4x100-meter relay. honoree as the anchor of the
team, released a statement team’s 4X100-meter relay in
through the school. “Words cannot express how 2014 and 2018.
we feel for Leroy, Michelle
“My family is extremely and their family. Cameron He was on the 4x100 relay World Cup. ther’s school record.
saddened with the loss of grew up around the Houston team which won gold at the
our son, Cameron,” Leroy athletics department, worked World Junior Champion- Burrell became the 121st man Along with his father, Burrell
Burrell said. “We are go- hard and developed himself ships in 2012 and earned sil- to run the 100 in less than 10 is survived by his mother,
ing through profound sor- into one of our greatest track ver at the 2019 World Relays. seconds when he posted a Olympic gold medalist Mi-
row and ask that all of our and field stars,” athletics di- He ran anchor on the United time of 9.93 seconds on June chelle Finn-Burrell, and
friends, extended University rector Chris Pezman said. States relay team that won 8, 2017. The mark was .01 of brothers Joshua and Jaden.
of Houston family and the “To lose him so suddenly is gold at the 2018 Athletics a second faster than his fa-
New Missouri athletic director promises championship culture
the school that will priori- and we’re going to win SCC worked with at UNLV and
tize its athletes while also championships. We’re going said she believed the school “She’s going to be making
winning championships to serve as a point of pride has momentum toward some deep but necessary
in the Southeastern Con- and unity for our entire glob- greatness. The people and changes, so business as usual
ference. al Mizzou community.” the atmosphere at Missouri goes out the window with
drew her away from UNLV, our new athletic director,”
Desiree Reed-Francois said Reed-Francois comes to she said. Choi said. “She’s going to
during a news conference the university from UNLV, bring that culture of winning
that she expects a strong where she was athletic direc- Reed-Francois was hired less back to Mizzou.”
work ethic and high account- tor since 2017. She previous- than two weeks after Jim
ability from everyone in the ly oversaw day-to-day opera- Sterk stepped down as Mis- Reed-Francois is the first fe-
athletic department, includ- tions of the football program souri athletic director. male and first Hispanic ath-
ing herself. at Virginia Tech and was lead letic director at Missouri. She
administrator of the men’s University President Mun is the second woman hired
(AP) - Missouri’s new ath- “We want to graduate lead- basketball program at Ten- Choi said the search com- as an athletic director in the
letic director on Wednes- ers with a meaningful career nessee. mittee quickly saw Reed- SEC, after Candice Storey
day promised to help build path,” she said. “We’re go- Francois as “the best person Lee was named AD at Van-
a championship culture at ing to relentlessly compete Reed praised the people she for the job, period.” derbilt last year.
Australian team condemns double-quarantine for 16 Olympians
(AP) — A strict four-week quar- Australian Olympic committee chief lockdown.” 14-day hotel quarantine.
antine imposed on 16 athletes re- executive Matt Carroll on Wednesday The athletes represented an extreme-
turning from the Tokyo Games said South Australia’s decision posed ly low risk to the community after “Athletes subject to home quaran-
has been criticized as “cruel mental health risks for the athletes, being tested daily over many weeks, tine will not be permitted a welcome
and uncaring” by the Australian who have all been fully vaccinated for Carroll said, and the South Australian home hug,” Carroll said. “Either the
Olympic Committee. COVID-19 and lived and competed health department had given no rea- athlete’s family must move away, the
under a strict bio-security conditions son why it rejected an application for athlete must find a way of isolating
All travelers entering Australia dur- since before leaving for Japan. an exemption to the additional do- from the family or the entire family
ing the COVID-19 pandemic are mestic quarantine. goes into quarantine.
subjected to a mandatory 14-day “While other countries are celebrat-
hotel quarantine, and members of ing the return of their athletes, we are Australian Institute of Sport chief “That is not an acceptable option for
Australia’s Olympic delegation have subjecting ours to the most cruel and medical officer Dr. David Hughes someone who is fully vaccinated and
returned in groups to undergo two uncaring treatment,” Carroll said. said he respected the process de- who has already just completed two
weeks of supervised isolation in vari- “They are being punished for proud- signed to keep South Australians safe, weeks’ quarantine.”
ous state capitals. ly representing their country with but described the decision to reject
distinction at the Olympic Games.” an exemption for the athletes as “pro- Australia sent more than 480 ath-
But South Australia is imposing an foundly flawed.” letes to the Tokyo Games, including
additional 14-day domestic quaran- Carroll said the South Australian 56 from South Australia state, and
tine on those athletes who want to re- government ignored medical advice Carroll said after weeks of negotia- placed sixth on the standings with
turn to the state after isolating in Syd- from the Australian Institute of Sport tions with the state government, the 17 gold and 46 medals overall. The
ney, where a coronavirus outbreak which indicated the mental health of AOC was informed the athletes re- Olympics finished on Sunday.
has forced the city into lockdown. athletes could be “severely challenged turning to South Australia from Syd-
And that has sparked outrage among after returning from a highly con- ney would have to home quarantine South Australia is the only jurisdic-
athletes and Olympic officials. strained Tokyo Games environment for two weeks, if they successfully tion in the nation to impose the dou-
into the further isolation of extended applied for an exemption to another ble-quarantine.