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A32    sports
                Diahuebs 12 augustus 2021

                          PSG boss says Messi is 'big asset' for the club commercially

                                                                                                                                flexibility has been provided
                                                                                                                                in the rules due to the COV-
                                                                                                                                ID-19 pandemic and changes
                                                                                                                                are  due  to  the  system  that
                                                                                                                                were designed to stem losses.

                                                                                                                                “We follow the Financial Fair
                                                                                                                                Play regulations from the day
                                                                                                                                one that we started until the
                                                                                                                                end,” he said.

                                                                                                                                “Before we do anything, basi-
                                                                                                                                cally we look with our com-
                                                                                                                                mercial people, with financial
                                                                                                                                people, with legal people so as
                                                                                                                                soon as you see that we sign
            (AP)  —  Lionel  Messi  is  a                             runner to land Messi, whose  influx  of  Qatari  sovereign  Leo that means we could, we
            “big asset” for Paris Saint-  “There’s a lot of positive he’s  No.  30  jersey  was  quickly  wealth  investment  linked  had the capacity to sign him...
            Germain  from  a  com-       bringing to the club and you  made available for sale in the  to  the  emir.  Once  Messi’s  We know that we could sign
            mercial perspective, team  can  see  (it)  in  everything,  team’s  online  store  after  the  Barcelona  contract  expired  him,” Al-Khelaifi said.
            president Nasser Al-Khel-    in  terms  of  commercial,  in  signing.                  — and the Catalan club was
            aifi said Wednesday.         terms  of  social  media,  that’s                         unable  to  afford  to  keep  Al-Khelaifi,  as  chairman  of
                                         amazing,”  Al-Khelaifi  said,  “You’re going to be shocked,  him — PSG was one of the  the  European  Club  Associa-
            The  34-year-old  Argentina  sitting  alongside  Messi.  “He  honestly, in the numbers that  few teams that could finance  tion  and  a  member  of  UE-
            star  joined  PSG  on  a  two-  is a big asset for the club.”  we  have,”  he  said,  before  a  deal  to  sign  the  six-time  FA’s  executive  committee,
            year contract with the option                             joking that “I hope that Leo  world player of the year.   is involved in the process of
            for a third season after leav-  Al-Khelaifi  said  all  key  fig-  doesn’t ask for more salary.”                    discussing a wider update to
            ing  Barcelona  and  was  un-  ures  have  increased  in  the                          Al-Khelaifi  insisted  that  his  FFP  that  could  allow  more
            veiled at a news conference at  past few days since it became  PSG  has  been  transformed  club  complies  with  UEFA’s  unchecked spending again.
            Parc des Princes stadium.    clear that PSG was the front-  over the last decade since the  Financial  Fair  Play.  Some

                        Hammon hopes it becomes normal for women to get NBA jobs

            (AP)  —  Becky  Hammon  can’t  the league and the whole sports world.
            wait for the time when it’s normal  I  can  tell  you  they  were  asking  me
            for  women  to  interview  for  head  legitimate  coaching  questions,”  the
            coaching positions in the NBA and  44-year-old said. “When you get to this
            their gender isn’t the story.         level, you’ve got to hire the best per-
                                                  son for the job and the person who fits
            “It’s  huge  and  important.  It’s  some-  your organization the best.”
            thing that can’t be (checking) the box,”
            the Spurs assistant told The Associated  Hammon spoke from Las Vegas, where
            Press. “You have to hire the best per-  she  was  watching  the  NBA  summer
            son. Half the world’s population hasn’t  league, but on Thursday her eyes will
            been tapped for their mind and ability  be on Phoenix, the site of the inaugural
            and skill sets in the sports world. It’s  WNBA Commissioner’s Cup champi-
            something that needs to change.”      onship game between Seattle and Con-
                                                  necticut,  which  will  be  streamed  on
            Hammon  is  entering  her  eighth  sea-  Amazon Prime Video.
            son as an assistant and has been inter-
            viewed for several head coach openings  “It’s a really good idea. Another oppor-
            but hasn’t gotten an offer to be the first  tunity for people to see these women
            woman to lead a NBA team.             compete at the highest level,” she said.
                                                  “It’s  not  foreign  to  women  playing
            “There’s 30 jobs and they are incred-  overseas. The WNBA players are used
            ibly  hard  to  get,”  Hammon  said  in  a  to it.”
            phone  interview  on  Tuesday.  “When
            I saw there are 30 jobs, not all 30 are  She played in a few cup championships
            available,  so  I’m  really  talking  about  while  competing  overseas  during  the
            three or four and they are really hard  winters.
            to get.”
                                                  “They are always fun, always bonuses
            While Hammon would love to be the  in everyone’s contract. That was over-
            first,  she  hopes  it’s  for  the  right  rea-  seas,” she said. “Put a little something
            sons.                                 extra on the line.”

            “Please don’t hire me to check a box.  While  Hammon  is  excited  about  the
            That’s the worst thing you can do for  game, not all the players are thrilled by
            me,” she said. “Hire me because of my  the timing. Five of the Storm’s players
            skill sets and coaching, who am I as a  were at the Tokyo Olympics, including
            person, hire me for those.”           stars Breanna Stewart, Jewell Loyd and
                                                  Sue Bird, who helped the U.S. win a
            Hammon  was  a  finalist  for  the  Port-  seventh consecutive gold medal.
            land Trail Blazers job, which went to
            Chauncey Billups.                     “Obviously  it’s  not  the  best  for  us,”
                                                  Stewart said in Tokyo. “We’ll see what
            “I can’t speak for organizations across  happens.”
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