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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Monday 27 February 2023
            Rights to ‘Crying Indian’ ad to go to Native American group

            By TERRY TANG                                                                                                       som, whose areas of study
            Associated Press                                                                                                    include  Native  American
            Since its debut in 1971, an                                                                                         pop culture. “I did see how
            anti-pollution ad showing a                                                                                         people  littered,  and  I  did
            man in Native American at-                                                                                          see  how  the  creeks  and
            tire shed a single tear at the                                                                                      the rivers were getting pol-
            sight of smokestacks and lit-                                                                                       luted.” But as she grew up,
            ter taking over a once un-                                                                                          Folsom noticed how media
            blemished  landscape  has                                                                                           devoted little coverage to
            become an indelible piece                                                                                           Native  American  environ-
            of TV pop culture.                                                                                                  mental activists.
            It’s  been  referenced  over                                                                                        “There’s no agency for that
            the  decades  since  on                                                                                             sad  so-called  Indian  guy
            shows  like  “The  Simpsons”                                                                                        sitting  in  a  canoe,  crying,”
            and  “South  Park”  and  in                                                                                         Folsom  said.  “I  think  it  has
            internet  memes.  But  now                                                                                          done  damage  to  public
            a  Native  American  advo-                                                                                          perception  and  support
            cacy group that was given                                                                                           for  actual  Native  people
            the  rights  to  the  long-par-                                                                                     doing things to protect the
            odied  public  service  an-                                                                                         land and protect the envi-
            nouncement  is  retiring  it,                                                                                       ronment.”
            saying  it  has  always  been                                                                                       She   applauded      Keep
            inappropriate.               Iron  Eyes  Cody,  the  ‘’Crying  Indian’’  whose  tearful  face  in  1970s  TV  commercials  became  a   America  Beautiful’s  deci-
            The  so-called  “Crying  In-  powerful symbol of the anti-littering campaign, is pictured in this 1986 photo.   Associated Press  sion  as  an  “appropriate
            dian”  with  his  buckskins                                                                                         move.” It will mean a trust-
            and long braids made the  announcement  to  appro-        good.”                       Massacre,”  Nevada  Smith,  ed group can help control
            late  actor  Iron  Eyes  Cody  priate  owners,”  Noah  Ull-  When  it  premiered  in  the  “A Man Called Horse” and  the  narrative  the  ad  has
            a  recognizable  face  in  man,  a  spokesperson  for  1970s,  the  ad  was  a  sen-   “Ernest Goes to Camp.” On  promoted for over 50 years,
            households     nationwide.  the  nonprofit,  said  via  e-  sation.  It  led  to  Iron  Eyes  television,  he  appeared  in  she said.
            But to many Native Ameri-    mail. “We spoke to several  Cody  filming  three  follow-  “Bonanza,”   “Gunsmoke”  The  ad’s  power  has  argu-
            cans,  the  public  service  Indigenous  peoples’  orga-  up  PSAs.  He  spent  more  and  “Rawhide”  among  ably already faded as Na-
            announcement  has  been  nizations and were pleased  than 25 years making pub-         others. He also was a tech-  tive and Indigenous youths
            a  painful  reminder  of  the  to  identify  the  National  lic  appearances  and  visits  nical  adviser  on  Native  come of age with a great-
            enduring  stereotypes  they  Congress  of  American  In-  to schools on behalf of the  American  matters  on  film  er consciousness about ste-
            face.                        dians  as  a  potential  care-  anti-litter  campaign,  ac-  sets.                     reotypes  and  cultural  ap-
            The nonprofit that originally  taker.”                    cording  to  an  Associated  Dr.  Jennifer  J.  Folsom,  a  propriation. TikTok has plen-
            commissioned  the  adver-    NCAI plans to end the use  Press obituary.                journalism and media com-    ty  of  examples  of  Native
            tisement,  Keep  America  of  the  ad  and  watch  for  From  there,  Cody,  who  munication  professor  at  people parodying or doing
            Beautiful,  had  long  been  any unauthorized use.        was  Italian  American  but  Colorado  State  University  a  takedown  of  the  adver-
            considering  how  to  retire  “NCAI  is  proud  to  assume  claimed to have Cherokee  and a citizen of the Choc-    tisement, Folsom said.
            the  ad  and  announced  the  role  of  monitoring  the  heritage through his father,  taw  Nation  of  Oklahoma,  Robert  “Tree”  Cody,  the
            this week that it’s doing so  use  of  this  advertisement  was  typecast  as  a  stock  remembers  watching  the  adopted  son  of  Iron  Eyes
            by  transferring  ownership  and  ensure  it  is  only  used  Native  American  charac-  public  service  announce-  Cody,  said  the  advertise-
            of the rights to the National  for  historical  context;  this  ter,  appearing  in  over  80  ment as a child.     ment had “good intent and
            Congress of American Indi-   advertisement  was  inap-    films.  Most  of  the  time,  his  “At that point, every single  good heart” at its core.
            ans.                         propriate then and remains  character  was  simply  “In-  person  who  showed  up  “It was one of the top 100
            “Keep  America  Beautiful  inappropriate  today,”  said  dian,” “Indian Chief” or “In-  with  braids  and  buckskins,  commercials,”  said  Robert
            wanted  to  be  careful  and  NCAI   Executive    Direc-  dian Joe.”                   on  TV  or  anywhere  in  the  Cody, an enrolled member
            deliberate  about  how  we  tor  Larry  Wright,  Jr.  “NCAI  His  movie  credits  from  the  movies,  I  glommed  on  to  of the Salt River Pima-Mari-
            transitioned  this  iconic  ad-  looks forward to putting this  1950s-1980s  included  “Sit-  that because it was such a  copa Indian Community in
            vertisement/public  service  advertisement  to  bed  for  ting  Bull,”  The  Great  Sioux  rare thing to see,” said Fol-  Arizona.q

                                                                      FDA  authorizes  combination flu-COVID

                                                                      test for home use

                                                                      scription,  uses  self-collect-  Jeff Shuren, director of the  lecting the samples.
                                                                      ed nasal swab samples and  FDA’s  Center  for  Devices  It  recommends  that  tests
                                                                      delivers  results  in  about  30  and  Radiological  Health,  be reported to healthcare
                                                                      minutes, the agency said.    called the authorization “a  providers and cautions that
                                                                      While at-home COVID tests  major milestone in bringing  there is a risk of false posi-
            The U.S. Food and Drug Administration building behind FDA logos   are readily available, this is  greater  consumer  access  tive  and  negative  results.
            at a bus stop on the agency’s campus in Silver Spring, Md., on   the first home test for influ-  to diagnostic tests that can  “Individuals who test nega-
            Aug. 2, 2018.
                                                     Associated Press   enza  A  and  B,  commonly  be  performed  entirely  at  tive and continue to expe-
                                                                      known  as  the  flu.  The  test  home.”  The  agency  said  rience  symptoms  of  fever,
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  consumers an easy way to  was granted an emergen-            the  test  is  for  individuals  cough  and-or  shortness
            Food and Drug Administra-    determine if a runny nose is  cy use authorization, which  “with  signs  and  symptoms  of  breath  may  still  have  a
            tion  on  Friday  approved  caused by either disease.     facilitates  the  availability  consistent with a respiratory  respiratory  infection  and
            the first combination test for  The  Lucira  COVID-19  &  Flu  of  “medical  countermea-  tract  infection”  and  said  it  should seek follow-up care
            flu and C OVID-19 that can  Home  test,  which  can  be  sures” during public health  can be used on children as  with  their  healthcare  pro-
            be  used  at  home,  giving  purchased  without  a  pre-  emergencies.                 young as 2, with adults col-  vider,” the agency said.q
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