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                 Monday 27 February 2023
            Fleeing Nicaraguans a boon to economy back home

            By GABRIELA SELSER                                                                                                  years and its economy has
            Associated Press                                                                                                    struggled  to  recover  from
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Each                                                                                             the  COVID-19  pandemic.
            month,  Antón  Martínez,                                                                                            Costa Rica President Rodri-
            38, sets aside $200 from his                                                                                        go  Chaves  tightened  the
            wages  as  a  dishwasher  in                                                                                        generous asylum system in
            the  United  States  to  send                                                                                       December,  arguing  that  it
            home to his mother in Nica-                                                                                         was being abused by eco-
            ragua.                                                                                                              nomic migrants.
            Martínez  wishes  it  could                                                                                         Those factors made the U.S.
            be  more,  but  he’s  still  try-                                                                                   a  more  attractive  destina-
            ing to find his footing in the                                                                                      tion  despite  the  distance.
            new  country  and  pay  off                                                                                         Ortega  blames  the  U.S.
            the  debt  of  his  migration.                                                                                      sanctions  for  the  emigra-
            His monthly contribution to                                                                                         tion.
            family back home was part                                                                                           In  Martínez’s  case,  he  left
            of a 50% surge in remittanc-                                                                                        because  he  had  partici-
            es to Nicaragua in 2022, a                                                                                          pated  in  anti-government
            massive jump that analysts                                                                                          protests in 2018 and feared
            attribute  to  the  thousands                                                                                       he  could  be  arrested  at
            of  Nicaraguans  who  emi-                                                                                          any  moment.  “I  miss  my
            grated  to  the  U.S.  in  the                                                                                      mother  and  I  love  Nicara-
            past two years.              A candy vendor walks past a Western Union branch in Managua, Nicaragua, Saturday, Feb. 25,   gua, but there was nothing
            They have been leaving as    2023.                                                                                  else to do. It was leave or
            the  government  intensifies                                                                       Associated Press   be taken prisoner at some
            a  crackdown  on  opposi-    ing  Nicaragua’s  economy  have  been  targeted  to-      and  voices  of  dissent.  point.”
            tion voices since early 2021,  afloat  with  the  more  than  ward  his  inner  circle  and  Ortega cracked down vio-  Many  others  reached  the
            high  global  inflation  slams  $3.2 billion they sent home  members of his administra-  lently after popular protests  same decision.
            families’ buying power and  last year.                    tion to avoid adding more  broke out in April 2018. He  Nicaragua’s     government
            job  opportunities  remain  Last  year’s  huge  jump,  economic hardship for av-       ratcheted  up  the  pressure  released data late last year
            limited at home.             “can  only  be  explained  erage Nicaraguans.             in  2021  ahead  of  national  showing   that   between
            That  swell  of  Nicaraguan  by the disproportionate in-  Still, for the fiscal year end-  elections.               Sept. 17 and Oct. 7, it issued
            arrivals to the U.S. was part  crease  in  migrants,”  Nica-  ing  last  September,  U.S.  Earlier  this  month,  he  put  20,192  passports.  In  the
            of the reason the Biden ad-  raguan  economist  Enrique  authorities  recorded  more  222  imprisoned  opponents  capital,  residents  camped
            ministration  announced  in  Sáenz said.                  than  163,000  encounters  on a plane to Washington,  out on sidewalks just to get
            January that it would begin  Emigration  “has  become  with  Nicaraguans,  more  saying he was sending the  one of the limited numbers
            turning  them  away  at  the  (President Daniel Ortega’s)  than  three  times  the  2021  “terrorists” back to their for-  called each day to process
            border  if  they  did  not  first  main   macroeconomic  total. Encounters peaked in  eign sponsor.                 a passport application.
            register online to make asy-  policy  and  his  main  social  December with more than  Until  last  year,  Costa  Rica  Sabrina  Gazol  Moncada,
            lum petitions. Their numbers  policy,” Saenz said.        35,000  and  then  plummet-  had been the primary des-    a  28-year-old  college  stu-
            have dropped precipitous-    Ortega’s  increasingly  au-  ed to 3,377 in January.      tination  for  Nicaraguans  in  dent who had to drop out
            ly since.                    thoritarian    government  The  reasons  vary  from  a  recent years. But the small  to find work, left Nicaragua
            But  Martínez,  who  arrived  has  drawn  sanctions  from  lack  of  economic  oppor-  neighboring  country’s  asy-  in October, the month after
            in  late  2021,  and  others  the  U.S.  government  and  tunity  to  outright  persecu-  lum system is overwhelmed,  her  husband  travelled  to
            already  there  are  keep-   Europe,  but  the  measures  tion  of  political  opponents  the  wait  now  stretches  the U.S.q

                                                                      Afghan refugees in Pakistan protest

                                                                      delay in U.S. resettlement

                                                                      ity  1  and  Priority  2,  known  their visa applications.   and freedom of expression.
                                                                      as P1 and P2 refugee pro-    The  delay  in  approving  vi-  We are currently asking for
                                                                      grams  were  meant  to  fast  sas  and  resettlement  has  your support and compan-
                                                                      track  visas  for  at-risk  Af-  left Afghan applicants in a  ionship  in  the  bad  days  of
                                                                      ghans  including  journalists  highly  vulnerable  position  life,” read one banner held
                                                                      and rights activists after the  as they contend with eco-  by Afghan demonstrators.
                                                                      Taliban  takeover  in  their  nomic hardship and lack of  Hesamuddin,  an  Afghan
                                                                      homeland.                    access  to  health,  educa-  who  is  waiting  on  the  pro-
                                                                      Those  eligible  must  have  tion  and  other  services  in  cessing of his P2 case, said
                                                                      worked for the U.S. govern-  Pakistan.                    authorities  should  evacu-
            Afghan refugees hold placards during a protest in Islamabad,   ment,  a  U.S.-based  media  Protesters  said  that  appli-  ate Afghan P1 and P2 ap-
            Pakistan, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023.                          organization  or  nongov-    cants  had  yet  to  receive  plicants to a country where
                                                     Associated Press   ernmental  organization  in  the  preliminary  interview  the necessary resettlement
                                                                      Afghanistan,  and  must  be  necessary to begin the visa  support  centers  (RSC)  are
            By RAHIM FAIEZ               sas  protested  in  Pakistan’s  referred  by  the  U.S.-based  application process.    open  and  able  to  con-
            Associated Press             capital  on  Sunday,  as  an  employer.                   “We,  the  holders  of  P1/P2  duct interviews. “They must
            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  Hun-     American program to help  Applicants      have    been  cases, your allies, and col-   evacuate  us  to  another
            dreds  of  Afghan  refugees  relocate  at-risk  Afghans  waiting in Pakistan for more  leagues, played significant  country  where  RSCs  are
            facing  extreme  delays  in  fleeing Taliban rule stalls.  than one and a half years  role  toward  expansion  of  functioning  and  can  pro-
            the  approval  of  U.S.  vi-  The U.S. government’s Prior-  for  U.S.  officials  to  process  democracy,  human  rights,  cess there,” he said.q
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