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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 27 February 2023

            Migrant boat breaks up off Italian coast, killing nearly 60

                                                                                                   of  the  total  number,  with
                                                                                                   nearly half of those fleeing
                                                                                                   from Afghanistan.
                                                                                                   In a statement released by
                                                                                                   the  premier's  office  Sun-
                                                                                                   day, Meloni expressed "her
                                                                                                   deep  sorrow  for  the  many
                                                                                                   human  lives  torn  away  by
                                                                                                   human traffickers."
                                                                                                   "It's inhumane to exchange
                                                                                                   the  lives  of  men,  women
                                                                                                   and children for the 'price'
                                                                                                   of  a  ticket  paid  by  them
                                                                                                   in  the  false  prospect  for  a
                                                                                                   safe  voyage,"  said  Meloni,
                                                                                                   a  far-right  leader  whose
                                                                                                   governing allies include the
                                                                                                   anti-migrant League party.
                                                                                                   She vowed to crack down
                                                                                                   on  departures  arranged
                                                                                                   by  human  smugglers  and
                                                                                                   to  press  fellow  European
                                                                                                   Union leaders to help.
             Rescued migrants sit covered in blankets at a beach near Cutro, southern Italy, Sunday, Feb. 26,   Opposition  parties  point-
             2023.                                                                                 ed  to  Sunday's  tragedy  as
                                                                                  Associated Press
                                                                                                   proof  of  the  flaws  in  Italy's
            By FRANCES D'EMILIO          bright  blue  wood  littered  oni  said  some  200  people  migration policy.
            Associated Press             the sand like matchsticks.   had been crowded into a  "The truth is that the EU to-
            ROME  (AP)  —  A  wooden  "All  of  the  survivors  are  20-meter (66-foot) boat.      day doesn't offer effective
            boat  crowded  with  mi-     adults," Red Cross volunteer  The  rescue  operation  in-  alternatives  for  those  who
            grants  smashed  into  rocky  Ignazio  Mangione  said.  volved  a  helicopter  and  are  forced  to  abandon
            reefs  and  broke  apart  be-  "Unfortunately,  all  the  chil-  police  aircraft,  as  well  as  their country of origin," Fer-
            fore  dawn  Sunday  off  the  dren  are  among  the  miss-  vessels from state firefighter  rara said in a statement.
            Italian  coast,  authorities  ing or were found dead on  squads,  the  Coast  Guard  Another  route  employed
            said.  Rescuers  recovered  the  beach."  A  baby  was  and  border  police.  Local  by  traffickers  crosses  the
            nearly 60 bodies, and doz-   reported among the dead.     fishermen also joined in the  central Mediterranean Sea
            ens  more  people  were  Motorboats  were  expect-        search.                      from  Libya's  coast,  where
            missing in the rough waters.  ed  to  continue  searching  The  bodies  were  brought  migrants often endure bru-
            Officials  feared  the  death  through  the  night,  despite  to the sports stadium in the  tal detention conditions for
            toll  could  top  100  since  worsening  weather  condi-  nearest city, Crotone. A lo-  months before they are al-
            some  survivors  indicated  tions.  Rescue  divers  strug-  cal  priest  said  he  blessed  lowed to board rubber din-
            the  boat  had  as  many  as  gled with tall waves.       many  of  them  while  they  ghies or aging wooden fish-
            200 passengers when it set  Italian state TV quoted sur-  were  still  lying  on  the  ing boats for Italian shores.
            out from Turkey, United Na-  vivors  as  saying  the  boat  beach.                     The route is considered one
            tions  refugee  and  migra-  had set out five days earlier  Many  of  the  survivors,  of the deadliest.
            tion agencies said.          from Turkey.                 wrapped  in  blankets  and  Meloni's  government  has
            At  least  80  people  were  Standing next to the wreck-  quilts, were taken by bus to  concentrated  on  compli-
            found alive, including some  age  on  the  beach,  a  re-  a  temporary  shelter.  State  cating  efforts  by  humani-
            who reached the shore af-    porter  for  Italian  RAI  state  TV  said  22  survivors  were  tarian  boats  to  make  mul-
            ter  the  shipwreck  just  off  TV  noted  a  life  preserver  taken to a hospital.    tiple rescues in the central
            Calabria's  coastline  along  bearing the word "Smyrna,"  Pope Francis told the faith-  Mediterranean  by  assign-
            the  Ionian  Sea,  the  Italian  a Turkish port also known as  ful in St. Peter's Square that  ing them ports of disembar-
            Coast  Guard  said.  One  of  Izmir.                      he  was  praying  for  the  kation along Italy's northern
            the  agency's  motorboats  More  than  170  migrants  dead, the missing and the  coasts,  meaning  the  ves-
            rescued two men suffering  were  estimated  to  have  survivors. He added he also  sels need more time to re-
            from  hypothermia  and  re-  been aboard the ship, the  was  praying  for  the  rescu-  turn to the sea after bring-
            covered the body of a boy.   U.N. High Commissioner for  ers "and for those who give  ing those rescued aboard,
            As  sundown  approached,  Refugees  and  the  Interna-    welcome" to the migrants.    often hundreds of migrants,
            firefighters  said  59  bodies  tional  Organization  for  Mi-  "It's an enormous tragedy,"  safely to shore.
            had been found.              gration said in a joint state-  Crotone  Mayor  Vincenzo  Humanitarian organizations
            One  man  was  taken  into  ment.                         Voce  told  RAI.  "In  solidar-  have  lamented  that  the
            custody  for  questioning  Among  them  were  "chil-      ity, the city will find places  crackdown  also  includes
            after  fellow  survivors  indi-  dren  and  entire  families,''  in  the  cemetery"  for  the  an  order  to  the  charity
            cated  he  was  a  trafficker,  according to the U.N. state-  dead.                    boats not to remain at sea
            state TV said.               ment, with most of the pas-  In  2022,  some  105,000  mi-  after the first rescue opera-
            The  boat  collided  with  sengers  from  Afghanistan,  grants  arrived  on  Italian  tion in hopes of performing
            the  reefs  in  rough,  wind-  Pakistan and Somalia.      shores,  some  38,000  more  other rescues, but to head
            whipped  seas.  Three  big  Earlier,  in  an  indication  of  than in 2021, according to  immediately  to  their  as-
            chunks of the vessel ended  the  difficulty  in  establish-  Interior Ministry figures.  signed  port  of  safety.  Vio-
            up on the beach near the  ing  how  many  passengers  According  to  U.N.  figures,  lators  face  stiff  fines  and
            town of Steccato di Cutro,  had set out on the voyage,  arrivals  from  the  Turkish  confiscation  of  the  rescue
            where splintered pieces of  Italian Premier Giorgia Mel-  route  accounted  for  15%  vessel.q
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