Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200526
P. 28

                       Tuesday 26 May 2020
            Venezuela celebrates docking of tanker with Iran gasoline

            By SCOTT SMITH                                                                                                      pair. The country produces
            Associated Press                                                                                                    a fraction of oil it did when
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             Maduro's  predecessor,  the
            —  Venezuelan  authorities                                                                                          late  Hugo  Chávez,  rose  to
            celebrated    Monday     as                                                                                         power  two  decades  ago
            the first of five Iranian tank-                                                                                     and launched Venezuela's
            ers  loaded  with  gasoline                                                                                         socialist revolution.
            docked in the South Ameri-                                                                                          Critics  blame  corruption
            can    country,   delivering                                                                                        and mismanagement amid
            badly  needed  fuel  to  the                                                                                        an economic crisis that has
            crisis-stricken nation that sits                                                                                    led  to  huge  migration  by
            atop  the  world's  largest  oil                                                                                    Venezuelans seeking to es-
            reserves. The gasoline ship-                                                                                        cape poverty, shortages of
            ments  are  arriving  in  defi-                                                                                     basic goods and crime.
            ance  of  stiff  sanctions  by                                                                                      Deep  gasoline  shortages
            the  Trump  administration                                                                                          have   plagued    Venezu-
            against  both  nations,  and                                                                                        ela  for  years,  though  the
            they mark a new era in the                                                                                          problem had until recently
            burgeoning      relationship                                                                                        largely  spared  the  capital
            between  Venezuela  and                                                                                             of Caracas.
            Iran,  which  is  expanding                                                                                         Despite  Washington's  ob-
            its  footprint  in  the  Western                                                                                    jections,  the  first  ship  ar-
            Hemisphere.                                                                                                         rived  with  no  interference
            State  TV  played  images    People push a car that ran out of gas to a state-run oil company PDVSA filling station in Caracas,   from  U.S.  ships  patrolling
            of  the  ship  pulling  through   Venezuela, Monday, May 25, 2020.                                 Associated Press   the Caribbean on what of-
            Caribbean  waters  as  Ven-                                                                                         ficials  call  a  drug  interdic-
            ezuelan  fighter  jets  flew   tion  of  nearly  60  nations,  ing the party of hiring "mer-  Caracas  Capital  Markets,   tion mission.
            overhead.  Aissami  posted   which  consider  Maduro's  cenaries"  who  carried  out  said  the  Iranian  shipments   Maduro  on  Sunday  ex-
            photographs  on  his  Twitter   election  a  fraud  because  a  recent  failed  incursion,  were anything but a victory   pressed gratitude to Iranian
            account  of  the  sun  rising   his most popular rivals were  among other alleged acts.  for  Venezuelans.  The  first   President  Hassan  Rouhani,
            over the tanker docked at    banned from running.         Guaidó advisers had dealt  tanker carries an estimated    Iran's Supreme Leader Aya-
            El Palito refinery.          In a sign of rising tension in-  with  the  man  leading  the  11  million  gallons  of  gaso-  tollah Ai Khamenei and the
            Washington  says  both  Iran   side  Venezuela,  the  chief  attempt,  though  Guaidó  line to a nation with roughly   Iranian  people,  from  "the
            and  Venezuela  are  ruled   prosecutor   on   Monday  himself denied any involve-     5 million cars, he said.     bottom  of  my  heart."  He
            by repressive regimes. It re-  asked  the  pro-Maduro  Su-  ment.                      "Venezuela,  the  country    said  Iran  and  Venezuela
            cently offering a $15 million   preme  Court  to  decide  The  first  Iranian  ship  to  ar-  with the largest oil reserves   have  a  right  just  like  any
            reward  for  Maduro's  arrest   whether  Guaidó's  political  rive,  the  Fortune,  is  trailed  in  the  world,  is  now  re-  other  nations  in  the  world
            on drug smuggling charges    party Popular Will should be  by  four  other  tankers  ex-  duced to importing millions   to engage in trade.
            in  a  "maximum  pressure"   designated a terrorist orga-  pected  to  arrive  in  the  of gallons of gasoline from   We are "two rebel nations,
            campaign  against  the  so-  nization.                    next  few  days.  The  ship-  another failed pariah state   two  revolutionary  nations
            cialist leader.              "Confronted  with  the  im-  ments, however, only carry  halfway around the world,"    that will never kneel down
            Washington      recognizes   possibility   of   obtaining  enough fuel for two or three  Dallen said.               before  U.S.  imperialism,"
            opposition  politician  Juan   power through votes, Pop-  weeks, analysts say.         Venezuela also has one of    Maduro  said.  "Venezuela
            Guaidó  as  Venezuela's  le-  ular  Will  has  turned  to  vio-  Russ Dallen, head of the Mi-  the world's largest refineries,   has friends in this world, and
            gitimate  leader  in  a  coali-  lence,"  Saab  said,  accus-  ami-based  investment  firm  which  has  fallen  to  disre-  brave friends at that."q

            Ex-strongman Bouterse seeks another term in Suriname

                                                                      President  Dési  Bouterse:  a  pain  is  eased  somewhat  reduced  the  number  of
                                                                      former  coup  leader  and  by food parcels distributed  international  election  ob-
                                                                      strongman,  convicted  of  to  party  supporters,  and  servers,  and  some  believe
                                                                      murder  and  drug  smug-     many credit Bouterse for re-  the virus-prompted ban on
                                                                      gling,  overseeing  a  dire  cent  oil  discoveries  off  the  mass meetings favors Bout-
                                                                      economy.                     Surinamese  coast,  which  erse, who has continued to
                                                                      Yet the charismatic 74-year-  give  some  confidence  in  make  official  visits  to  poor
                                                                      old  president  stands  a  fair  their future.            neighborhoods.
                                                                      chance  of  holding  onto  "This  is  the  last  chance  for  Bouterse first came to pow-
                                                                      power  as  the  small  South  Suriname.  Bouterse  can't  er in a 1980 coup and ruled
                                                                      American  nation  elects  a  be  president  anymore!"  for  seven  years,  marked
                                                                      new National Assembly on  said  a  man  dressed  in  the  by  the  December  1982
                                                                      Monday — a body that will  VHP's orange flag who was  murders  of  15  political  op-
                                                                      choose  the  next  president  first  in  line  to  vote  at  the  ponents.  Last  November,
                                                                      in August.                   Clevia Public School.        a Suriname court convited
                                                                      Bouterse's  National  Demo-  But  the  opposition  is  di-  Bouterse  of  murder  and
            In this Aug. 12, 2015 file photo, Suriname President Desire "Desi"   cratic Party has built deep  vided  among  more  than  sentenced him to 20 years
            Delano Bouterse observes a military parade, after being sworn
            in for his second term, in Paramaribo, Suriname.          support  among  the  coun-   a  dozen  parties  and  there  in prison — though it made
                                                     Associated Press   try's  poor,  many  of  them  are believed to be a large  no move to arrest him and
                                                                      black or of mixed race, who  number of undecided vot-     he  is  appealing.  He  also
            By HARMEN BOERBOOM           (AP)  —  Few  leaders  have  feel Bouterse is the first poli-  ers.   Opposition   activists  faces an 11-year sentence
            Associated Press             the  sort  of  shadows  that  tician ever to pay attention  are  also  worried  that  the  in the Netherlands for drug
            PARAMARIBO,       Suriname  hang      over   Suriname's  to  them.  Their  economic  coronavirus pandemic has  smuggling. q
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