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Tuesday 26 May 2020
Americans finding ways to stay active while keeping distance
By ERIC OLSON 8, and Joe, 5, to fishing
AP Sports Writer holes in and around Oma-
Vicki L. Friedman always ha, Nebraska, four or five
wanted to play golf with times since school let out
her adult sons but until this in March. Even on a chilly,
spring couldn't find time to windy day, they were at
learn the game and prac- Carter Lake wetting their
tice. lines.
Shaun Warkentin was look- "We're trying to get out, get
ing for a diversion when his some fresh air and learn
young sons tired of jumping some new skills," Shaun said
on the backyard trampo- shortly before helping Joe
line and being indoors. He reel in a tiny sunfish. "We're
discovered the joy of tak- kind of new to fishing. I've
ing them fishing. fished most of my life, but
Neighborhood and park these guys haven't done
trails across the country that much. It's a cheap
have been getting higher- way to get outside and do
than-usual use by runners, something different."
walkers and bicyclists as On a nearby bank, Lotp-
people find ways to get lar Laywah of Omaha was
fresh air while maintaining wearing a facemask while
social distancing during the fishing with his children and
coronavirus outbreak. In this Thursday, May 7, 2020, file photo, a person jogs past a closed nightclub in St. Louis. their cousins. The truck driv-
Golf courses are welcom- Associated Press er had no loads to deliver,
ing more beginners and than I would have ever was in April 2019, and for February to the first week so he suggested to the kids
people returning to the dreamed." the first time reservations of May were up 45% over a that they try fishing.
game, states have seen ro- Through last week, rounds were required to ease con- comparable period in 2019 "The kids, all they do is
bust sales of fishing licenses posted to the GHIN handi- gestion on the first tee. and the highest since 2000. watch TV and then they
since the coronavirus hit full cap-tracking app were up National Golf Foundation Vermont had issued 21,270 start fighting with one an-
force in the U.S. in March 22% this May compared president and CEO Joe Be- permits through April, up other and causing trouble,
and fitness tracking tech- with May 2019, according ditz said he's hearing simi- 57%. Missouri for one month and mom really has to yell
nology has shown a surge in to the USGA. Posted rounds lar reports from around the waived the requirement at them," Laywah said. "So
the number of steps record- were up 8% for the year. country. that anglers have a permit we go fishing."
ed. Friedman, who lives in CommonGround in Aurora, "Courses are seeing people so residents could have a The simplest activities, like
Chesapeake, Virginia, took a Denver-area facility op- they haven't seen before diversion during the pan- running and walking, are
up golf at age 54 after the erated by the Colorado or seen very much of," he demic. "If there is a bright apparently popular, based
community college where Golf Association, reported said. "They're seeing hus- spot in this horrible CO- on data generated by Gar-
she works ordered employ- almost 4,800 rounds played bands and wives plays, VID-19 tragedy, it's the un- min fitness tracker apps.
ees to do their jobs from on its 18-hole course in parents and kids. It's kind of precedented interest from Garmin reported steps re-
home. That gave her more April, compared with just surprising to them because fathers, mothers, grand- corded by U.S. walkers log-
than an extra hour a day over 3,100 the same month even with some restrictions parents, aunts and uncles ging their activity was up
she otherwise would spend in 2019. The number of in states, they are still find- all wanting to take their 36% when comparing the
commuting. rounds played on its nine- ing themselves to be busier family out to enjoy nature," first half of March with the
"When you see what's hap- hole course for beginners than a similar time of past Bass Pro Shops founder and second, when coronavirus-
pening around the world, wasn't available, but rev- years." CEO Johnny Morris said in a caused lockdowns began.
you prioritize and ask your- enue from green fees was Minnesota's fishing permit statement. Warkentin said Worldwide, logged activi-
self what are some of the more than double what it sales of 354,080 from mid- he's taken his sons Noah, ties like walking and run-
things you want to do," ning were up 24% in April
she said. "I've always been compared with the same
geared toward work. Right month in 2019.
now you want to invest in Jean Knaack, executive di-
yourself. What else do I want rector of the Road Runners
to do that is fun?"Friedman Club of America, said the
goes to the driving range numbers reflect a combi-
a couple of times a week, nation of avid runners log-
hits plastic wiffle golf balls ging more miles than usual
in her backyard and, as and people who aren't
a Mother's Day gift from regular runners giving it
her son, went to a course a try. "I think if you look at
for the first time and was community chatter, which
treated to nine holes. She isn't super scientific, I would
said on a recent afternoon say most definitely there
she was about to play her has been an uptick in run-
fourth round in three weeks ning and walking during
with the set of used clubs this pandemic, especially
she bought for $30. with places for exercise
"This is a way we can spend having been closed down
time together outside," In this Tuesday, May 5, 2020, file photo, Anastasia Traicoff, left, reaches a bin toward a trout being like swimming pools, pri-
she said. "It's something reeled-in by her friend Julie Barnett as they fish in Blackmans Lake on the first day of a partial vate gyms, public recre-
new. I like sports, and it's reopening of outdoor recreation activities in Snohomish, Wash. ation spaces, basketball
fun. It is more addicting Associated Press courts," she said.q