Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200526
P. 31

locAl           Tuesday 26 May 2020

            Happy to Give Back reached $200k

            ORANJESTAD  —  On  April
            9,   2020,   CEDE    Aruba
            launched  its  “Happy  to
            Give  Back”  relief  initiative
            in  response  to  the  COV-
            ID-19 pandemic, which has
            brought  Aruba’s  only  eco-
            nomic pillar of tourism to a
            complete stop. CEDE Aruba
            has joined forces with sev-
            eral  local  influencers  who
            are  helping  to  support  the
            cause.  The  foundation  is
            very  excited  to  announce
            that they have hit the $200k
            mark.  So  many  local  and
            international  friends  are
            helping the Happy to Give
            Back  initiative  reach  its
            $1M.                         result,  thousands  of  peo-  of Aruba. “We know these
                                         ple  have  already  lost  their  are  hard  times  for  every-
            The whole world has been  jobs  and  many  more  will.  one.  Yet,  we  also  know
            deeply  affected  by  COV-   According  to  projections  how many people love our
            ID-19 and everyone every-    (Standard and Poor’s), Aru-  island and would like to re-
            where  is  doing  what  they  ba will be one of the most  turn  shortly.  This  is  why  we
            can  to  overcome  these  affected economies in the  encourage  you  to  make
            difficult  times.  We  hope  world.                       a  small  donation.  All  do-
            that you, reading this now,                               nations  will  support  volun-
            are  well  and  safe.  Aruba,  The Initiative.            teer projects and initiatives
            known  as  ‘One  happy  Is-  CEDE  Aruba,  established  that will benefit our shared
            land’  and  your  ‘home  in  1986,  is  a  local  commu-  love;  Aruba.  All  donations
            away from home’ is unfor-    nity  foundation  that  sup-  go  100%  to:  Foodbanks  &
            tunately  no  exception.  Af-  ports many non-profits and  Vulnerable Groups who will
            ter  the  closing  of  our  bor-  volunteer  projects  on  our  fund local food banks and
            der, tourism has come to a  island.  With  this  #happy-  warm  meals  for  Aruba’s  in  complete  isolation,  chil-  munity  who  have  lost  their
            complete  halt  (roughly  1.2  togiveback  platform  they  vulnerable  groups,  espe-  dren,  and  the  thousands  jobs due to COVID-19.” q
            million visitors a year). As a  now reach out to all friends  cially  the  elderly,  people  of people in the local com-

               Sea turtle conservation by Turtugaruba Foundation

               ORANJESTAD — Turtugaruba was founded on  nesting activities.
               September 3rd, 2003 by a group of enthusias-  There are 4 different sea turtle species that visit
               tic volunteers. Ten years earlier, in 1993, a Sea  Aruba to lay their eggs, each with their own
               Turtle Recovery Action Plan (STRAP) was intro-  specific season:
               duced in Aruba and the rest of the Caribbean  – Leatherback Sea Turtle – Lederschildpad –
               as an initiative of the United Nations Environ-  Driekiel (March – September)
               ment Program (UNEP). Tom Barmes, who was  – Loggerhead Sea Turtle – Dikkopschildpad –
               working at DLVV (Department of Agriculture,  Cawama (May – September)
               Husbandry  and Fishery) was one of the writ-  – Hawksbill Sea Turtle – Karetschildpad – Caret
               ers of the STRAP for Aruba, together with Karen  (June – December)
               Eckert,  director  of  WIDECAST  (Wider  Carib-  – Green Turtle – Soepschildpad – Turtuga Blan-
               bean Sea Turtle Conservation Network). This is  co (July-November)
               how sea turtle conservation started on the is-  Sea  turtles  play  a  vital  role  in  keeping  our
               land following a plan that is still complied with  oceans  healthy.  The  Green  Turtle,  for  exam-
               today.                                        ple, keeps the sea grasses on the bottom of
                                                             the sea short and therefore a healthy place
               Tom formed a group of volunteers around him,  for many fish to deposit their eggs. The Leath-  •  Do not drive on beaches.
               because nature does not know office hours,  erback,  the  largest  turtle  of  the  world,  eats  •  Do not litter. Do not leave any plastic cups,
               like an organization such as DLVV. This group  mainly  jellyfish  and  helps  maintain  the  bal-  straws or bags on the beach.
               of volunteers used the name Widecast Aruba  ance between jellyfish and plankton. Despite  •  Remove obstacles from the beach.
               and today there are still a few of them active.  the threats that exist on Aruba, the turtles still  •  Do not disturb a nesting sea turtle.
               They first started protecting the Leatherback  keep coming.                                  •  Do not attempt to touch the turtle but stay
               Sea  Turtle  nests  on  Palm  Beach  and  Eagle  Turtugaruba  Foundation  reported  that  may    at a respectful distance (at least 10 me-
               Beach.  This  group  also  investigated  which  14th  Aruba  had  its  first  2020  Leatherback   ters).
               other species of sea turtles use Aruba as their  hatchling. Therefore it is of great importance  •  Do not take a turtle out of the water
               nesting habitat and which beaches are used  to  keep  our  beaches  clean  throughout  the  •  Do not feed the turtles
               by them. For a period of 25 years a study has  year in order to help provide sea turtles with a  •  Do call Turtugaruba (24 hour Turtle Hotline:
               been conducted in which every early morn-     clean nesting environment.                         (297) 592-9393).
               ing the beach was being monitored in which  What you can do to protect the sea turtles       For more information visit the Facebook page
               now  there  is  a  good  overview  of  sea  turtle  •  Lights out for sea turtles.           Turtugaruba Foundation.q
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