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Team Member Appreciation
                                                                                       Saturday                         Week, 2022, Highlights an
                                                                                       July 16, 2022                      Engaging Workplace

                                                                                       T: 582-7800

                                                                                                                                              Page 8
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r

                                                                                                   Aruba number two in

                                                                                                   the Caribbean for CFATF


                                                                                                                                              page 7

                                                                                                   The National Library of

            House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., accompanied by female House Democrats, speaks at an   Aruba presents the digital
            event ahead of a House vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act and the Ensuring Women’s
            Right to Reproductive Freedom Act at the Capitol in Washington, Friday, July 15, 2022.
                                                                                  Associated Press  historic photography

            House votes to restore abortion rights,                                                collection of Maarten van

            Senate odds dim                                                                        Wamelen

            By  FARNOUSH  AMIRI  and  the  impact  of  the  court’s  geous  that  50  years  later,
            MARY CLARE JALONICK          decision.                    women  must  again  fight
            Associated Press             The legislation passed 219-  for  our  most  basic  rights
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  210. The House also passed  against an extremist court.”
            House has voted to restore  a  second  bill  to  prohibit  Republicans  spoke  force-
            abortion  rights  nationwide  punishment for a woman or  fully  against  the  two  bills,
            in  Democrats’  first  legisla-  child who decides to travel  praising   the   Supreme
            tive  response  to  the  Su-  to another state to get an  Court’s decision and warn-
            preme  Court’s  landmark  abortion, 223-205.              ing  that  the  legislation
            decision overturning Roe v.  “Just  three  weeks  ago  would go further than Roe
            Wade.                        the  Supreme  Court  took  a  ever did when it comes to
            The  bill  has  little  chance  wrecking  ball  to  the  fun-  legalizing abortion.
            of becoming law, with the  damental  rights  by  over-    Urging  her  colleagues  to
            necessary  support  lacking  turning Roe v. Wade,” said  vote  no,  Washington  GOP
            in the 50-50 Senate. Yet vot-  House   Speaker   Nancy  Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodg-
            ing marks the beginning of  Pelosi  ahead  of  the  votes,  ers  called  abortion  “the
            a new era in the debate as  gathering with other Demo-    greatest human rights issue
            lawmakers,  governors  and  cratic women on the steps  of our generation.”                                                      page 10
            legislatures  grapple  with  of  the  Capitol.  “It  is  outra-  Continued on next page
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