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Saturday 16 July 2022
Team Member Appreciation Week, 2022, Highlights an Engaging Workplace
ups showed off and challenged
their legwork and soccer skills.
The Gratitude Tree was a pop-
ular inhouse activity, as Team
Members were asked to express
their thoughts of appreciation of
each other and their work place,
by filling a barren tree placed at
the Team Member Cafeteria,
with leaves, each leaf bearing a
written message of appreciation
towards other individuals, the
property, Hilton, Aruba, or even
the universe.
The resort provided blank leaves
to each department to be filled
out with appreciation and grati-
tude messages, and added
them to the tree over a period
of one week. By the end of the
PAlM BEAcH – Over the past two What better way than fun inter- Nature. week, the tree was full of leaves.
weeks, the Hilton Aruba carib- actions in casual, and informal
bean Resort & casino celebrat- environments? Another successful social activity “It’s all about our Team Mem-
ed its Team Appreciation Week Activities took off with a Team was bowling, at the Eagle Bowl- bers,“ says General Manager
during the annual Team Member Members Appreciation Lun- ing Palace, with DJ entertain- Vasco Baselli, “they are the rea-
Appreciation Week. cheon on June 27th, in the ment and prizes for the winning son why the light and warmth of
Grand Ballroom, including a team. The team with the craziest hospitality is shining brighter than
The activities corresponded with magic show. The following day, outfits also received a prize. ever before.” The time spent in
the company’s credo, being in Team Members embarked on the company of peers, filled with
the business of people serving a group hike, from the Balashi The most animated and en- positive gestures and kindness,
people, and continuously invest- Gold mill ruins to the ocean at ergetic activity of the week contributed to an unforgettable
ing in Team Members to ensure Spanish Lagoon, for a unique was the Saturday Night Soccer series of events to help Team
their ongoing job satisfaction. and educational encounter with Match, where two all-star line- Members grow and flourish.q