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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 16 July 2022

            Tourism in June 2022 showed a strong recovery

             ORANJESTAD  –  The  Aruba  second  tourist  destination
             Hotel  &  Tourism  Associa-  with such an impressive re-
             tion (AHATA), recently pub-  covery.
             lished  the  hotel  data  for
             June 2022.                  In  addition  to  the  occu-
                                         pancy grade, the REV PAR
             This data compares the in-  in June 2022 showed an in-
             formation  with  June  2019,  crease of 31.6% compared
             2021, and 2022. It shows a  to  June  2021  and  18,7%
             strong recovery for tourism  compared  to  June  2019.
             for June 2022.              The REV PAR for June 2022
                                         was an impressive $223.97
             Minister of Tourism and Pub-
             lic Health, Mr. Dangui Odu-  The REV PAR is a significant
             ber. The Minister of Tourism  indicator  used  to  measure
             stated  that  it  is  no  secret  the  quality  of  tourists  who
             that   the   Government's  visit  Aruba.  The  REV  PAR
             strategy  is  to  target  high-  is  the  amount  a  tourist  is
             quality tourists with a yearly  willing  to  pay  for  a  room
             income of over $150,000.00  per  night.  Aruba  is  proud
             and  who  spend  plenty  in  of  having  the  highest  REV
             the local economy.          PAR  in  the  Caribbean.  It
                                         shows that the tourists who
             The  occupancy  grade  for  visit Aruba are high-quality                              driver of our economy. The  tourists as indicated by the
             June 2022 increased by 17%  guests.                      The  Average  Daily  Rate  June  2022  results  confirm  AHATA.
             compared  to  June  2021.                                for  June  2022  was  $277.52  that Aruba's tourism recov-
             Compared  to  June  2019,  Another  important  indica-   compared  to  $227.32  in  ery is on the right track. The  The  Minister  of  Tourism,
             Aruba's   record-breaking  tor is the ADR (average dai-  June 2019.                   government  tourism  policy  Dangui Oduber, is grateful
             year for tourism, this is only  ly rate) which also shows an                          is getting good results and  to all who work on the suc-
             3% less. Aruba ranks as the  increase of 22,1%.          Tourism  remains  the  main  is  attracting  high-quality  cess of our tourism.q

              Aruba to Me

              ORANJESTAD – We would like to portrait you! By inviting you to send us
              your favorite vacation picture while enjoying our Happy Island. Com-
              plete the sentence: Aruba to me is …….

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              are from) to: and we will publish your vaca-
              tion memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep your best moments alive?
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              give  permission  to  The  Aruba  Today  Newspaper,  Caribbean  Speed
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              Last but not least: check out our website and Facebook page! Thank
              you for supporting our free newspaper, we strive to make you a happy
              reader every day again.q
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