Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200527
P. 31
locAl Wednesday 27 May 2020
Aruba launches new channel: Aruba.TV
ORANJESTAD — Aruba welcomes lax and where to find the island’s as concerts, beach tennis, beach Aruba worldwide on the popular
it first official tourist channel locally best entertainment. Aruba.TV will volleyball, HI-Winds, golf tourna- “Roku TV”, which now has over 30
and internationally, Aruba.TV. After keep you up to date with the lat- ments and national cultural events. million active users.
a joint agreement between Setar/ est trends, entertainment, culture, We even give you the opportunity The new tourist channel looks for-
Telearuba and Leonardo Madu- shopping, restaurants, activities, to win magnificent prices such as ward to a successful 2020 with a
ro was established, the island’s beaches and tips to get around dinner for two, weekend stays and selection of great programs in the
new channel Aruba.TV had a soft the island. much more just by watching and near future such as Carta Blanca,
launch September 2019. Aruba.TV The programming informs you following us. which is a Spanish program about
team consists of local professional about fascinating historical and Aruba.TV is available all around wine and dine in Aruba, also Island
staff members that have expertise cultural facts. It shows you the mu- the island. Watch it on chan- Lifestyle, an English program that
in the world of media and live tele- seums on the island and promotes nel 49 of cable television Aruba, highlights what it’s like to live on
vision broadcasting. our local artists and our local prod- which is available in most hotels, the island through the eyes of our
ucts. For the local news, Aruba.TV resorts, Airbnb’s and apartments. locals and immigrants. The main
Aruba.TV offers a variety of content signed a collaboration with Aruba In addition to this, Aruba.TV is also purpose is to engage with you as
information that is interesting to our Today newspaper, the only English available on various social media visitor through our channel.
visitors in English and Spanish show- newspaper on the island, to bring platforms such as Facebook, Insta-
ing everything you need to know you daily updates on what’s hap- gram, Twitter and YouTube. Aruba. For more information, contact us
about the island such as where to pening on the island. Furthermore, TV is the only local channel that is by email at
dine, where to shop, where to re- Aruba.TV covers live events such promoting our beautiful island of or call at +297 280-0304.q
Focus on the bees
ORANJESTAD — The national linen, and even construction ma- - avoiding pesticides, fungicides
park Arikok is managed by the terials. or herbicides in our gardens;
Foundation National Park Arikok Unfortunately, bees are under - protecting wild bee colonies
(FNPA) and comprises almost 18 threat: species extinction rates when possible;
% of the island. Its rugged ter- are 100 to 1,000 times higher than - sponsoring a beehive;
rain, desert-like hills filled with tall normal due to human impacts. So - placing a water bowl with some
cacti, breathtaking coastline and let’s appreciate these awesome, stones outside for bees to drink;
protected local flora and fauna life-giving insects and protect - raising awareness by sharing this
welcome you to be explored. The them as best we can. information with others
park informs and educates about As beekeepers, or farmers by:
nature and this time we focus on How can we help bees? - reducing, or changing the usage
the bees. As individuals by: of pesticides and switching to or-
- planting a diverse set of native ganic alternatives;
Bees are effective pollinators and plants, which flower at different - diversifying crops as much as
are critical for food production times of the year; possible, and/or planting attrac-
and human livelihoods, directly - buying raw honey from local tive crops around the field;
link wild ecosystems with agricul- farmers; - planting hedges of native plants ba’s local flora and fauna, visit
tural production systems, and also - buying products from sustain- around the field. the Facebook page Aruba Na-
contribute directly to medicines, able (organic) agricultural prac- tional Park or the website http://
biofuels, fibers like cotton and tices; For more information about Aru- q