Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200527
P. 28

                    Wednesday 27 May 2020
            Hong Kong leader says security law not a threat to freedoms

            By ZEN SOO                                                                                                          it  after  hundreds  of  thou-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    sands of people came out
            HONG KONG (AP) — Hong                                                                                               to protest.
            Kong's leader said Tuesday                                                                                          Beijing   has   increasingly
            that national security legis-                                                                                       pushed  for  measures  such
            lation proposed by China's                                                                                          as  punishment  for  dis-
            legislature will not threaten                                                                                       respecting   the   Chinese
            the  semi-autonomous  ter-                                                                                          national  flag  or  anthem
            ritory's  civil  rights,  despite                                                                                   —  as  often  seen  at  soc-
            widespread criticism of the                                                                                         cer games — along with a
            move as an encroachment                                                                                             boost  to  pro-China  patri-
            on freedom of speech and                                                                                            otic-themed  education  in
            assembly.                                                                                                           schools.  However,  opposi-
            The  city's  chief  executive,                                                                                      tion  in  Hong  Kong's  Leg-
            Carrie  Lam,  told  reporters                                                                                       islative  Council  makes  it
            that there was "no need for                                                                                         unlikely  a  national  security
            us to worry" over the move                                                                                          bill could pass at the local
            being  considered  by  Chi-                                                                                         level,  prompting  Beijing  to
            na's  ceremonial  National                                                                                          utilize  what  some  describe
            People's Congress.                                                                                                  as dubious legal grounds to
            "Hong  Kong  has  proven                                                                                            force the measures through
            that  we  uphold  and  pre-                                                                                         at the national level.
            serve  those  values,"  Lam                                                                                         The Chinese public is largely
            said. "Hong Kong needs this                                                                                         seen as backing Xi's tough
            piece  of  legislation  for  the   Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam listens to reporters' questions during a press conference in   approach to foreign policy
            bigger benefit of the great   Hong Kong, Tuesday, May 26, 2020.                                                     challenges,  including  criti-
            majority of Hong Kong peo-                                                                         Associated Press  cism from the U.S., Australia
            ple."                        laid down by Chinese Presi-  cized  the  proposed  legis-  Hong  Kong's  Central  busi-  and others. Xi has made an
            Lam  also  said  that  transit  dent Xi Jinping, who is also  lation  and  threatened  to  ness  district,  condemning  unswerving line on national
            service  would  resume  at  the head of the ruling Com-   withdraw preferential trade  Lam  and  her  administra-   interests a key signature of
            Hong  Kong's  international  munist Party.                status for Hong Kong.        tion.                        his  rule  since  taking  over
            airport on June 1, but that  Such  a  move  has  long  Some  "foreign  politicians"  The protests are a continu-    leadership of the ruling par-
            foreigners  would  still  be  been  under  consideration  have  "expressed  untrue  ation of a monthslong pro-      ty in 2012.
            banned  from  entering  the  and  was  hastened  by  last  opinions"  about  the  plan  democracy      movement  Abroad,      however,    that
            city  as  part  of  measures  year's street protests in the  to impose the law on Hong  that  began  last  year  and  policy has further bolstered
            to prevent a new wave of  former British colony, which  Kong,  Lam  said,  without  has  at  times  descended  concerns about China's in-
            coronavirus infections.      was  returned  to  Chinese  giving details.               into violence between po-    tentions  to  dominate  mar-
            The move by China to pass  rule  in  1997.  Beijing  prom-  Protesters have returned to  lice and demonstrators.    kets and assert its influence
            the  legislation  signals  the  ised that the territory could  Hong  Kong's  streets  to  op-  Hong Kong's government is  in  the  Asia-Pacific  region.
            central  government's  de-   retain its own relatively lib-  pose  the  legislation,  with  bound by Article 23 of the  That  may  ultimately  add
            termination to take greater  eral  civil,  legal  and  eco-  thousands  turning  out  on  Basic  Law  —  its  mini-con-  to Xi's difficulties in reviving
            control of Hong Kong after  nomic  systems  that  con-    Sunday as police fired tear  stitution  —  to  enact  laws  economic growth and jobs
            months  of  pro-democracy  trast  starkly  with  the  much  gas  and  deployed  a  wa-  to prohibit any act of trea-  at a time when global mar-
            protests  last  year.  Beijing  more  centrally  controlled  ter cannon to disperse the  son,  secession,  sedition  or  kets are partly shut due to
            has  appointed  new  rep-    and authoritarian system in  crowds.  On  Tuesday,  over  subversion  against  China.  the  coronavirus  pandemic
            resentatives  in  Hong  Kong  mainland China.             100 protesters gathered at  It  proposed  legislation  to  and skepticism toward Chi-
            who  follow  the  hard  line  The  U.S.  has  sharply  criti-  a  luxury  shopping  mall  in  do so in 2003, but withdrew  na runs high.q
              Pandemic probe: Brazil police raid Rio governor’s residence

                                                                      dence  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  lice said in a statement.  population  with  allegedly
                                                                      Gov.  Wilson  Witzel  on  "There is absolutely no par-  excessive    stay-at-home
                                                                      Tuesday, part of an inves-  ticipation  on  my  part  in  recommendations     and
                                                                      tigation  into  the  alleged  any  type  of  irregularity,"  restrictions  on  commerce
                                                                      embezzlement  of  public  Witzel said in a statement.  that he says will wreck the
                                                                      resources in the state's re-  He  also  implied  that  he  economy  and  produce
                                                                      sponse  to  the  COVID-19  was the target of political  worse  hardship  than  the
                                                                      pandemic.  Police did not  revenge,  saying  "interfer-  virus.  Bolsonaro,  for  his
                                                                      say  whether  Witzel,  a  for-  ence  announced  by  the  part,  has  been  accused
                                                                      mer  federal  judge,  was  president  of  the  republic  of  attempting  to  improp-
                                                                      personally  targeted  by  has been made official."      erly meddle in the federal
                                                                      any of the 12 search and  Brazilian President Jair Bol-  police  for  political  or  per-
                                                                      seizure warrants in Rio and  sonaro  has  openly  chal-  sonal ends, a claim made
              Federal police leave Laranjeiras Palace, the official residence   Sao Paulo states. An ongo-  lenged  many  governors'  by  former  Justice  Minister
              of Rio de Janeiro Gov. Wilson Witzel, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,   ing  investigation  pointed  measures  for  containing  Sérgio  Moro  when  he  re-
              Tuesday, May 26, 2020.                                  to irregularities in contracts  the  spread  of  the  new  signed last month. The al-
                                                     Associated Press   awarded for the construc-  coronavirus,  with  Witzel  a  legations are at the heart
              By  MARCELO  DE  SOUSA  RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —  tion  of  emergency  field  primary  focus.  Bolsonaro  of an investigation the Su-
              and DIANE JEANTET           Brazil's   Federal   Police  hospitals  in  Rio,  and  in-  has accused governors of  preme  Court  authorized
              Associated Press            searched  the  official  resi-  volved health officials, po-  inciting  panic  among  the  on April 27.q
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