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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 27 May 2020
            GOP govs offer states as alternative RNC convention host

            Continued from Front                                                                                                supported  and  sponsored
                                                                                                                                events have already been
            Kemp’s offer was followed                                                                                           canceled in order to com-
            by  one  from  Florida  Gov.                                                                                        ply  with  CDC  guidelines.”
            Ron DeSantis, who told re-                                                                                          David  Shafer,  chairman
            porters  at  a  Miami  news                                                                                         of  Georgia’s  state  Repu-
            conference that he “would                                                                                           blican Party, said in a text
            love”  to  have  the  GOP  or                                                                                       message that he spoke to
            even the Democratic con-                                                                                            Kemp on Tuesday morning.
            vention,  as  either  would                                                                                         “We have reached out to
            bring  millions  of  dollars  to                                                                                    Republican National Com-
            the  state.  The  Republican                                                                                        mittee  Chairman  Ronna
            governor  said  if  Trump  de-                                                                                      Romney  to  let  her  know
            cides  to  move  the  GOP                                                                                           that, if North Carolina falls
            convention,  it  presumably                                                                                         through,  Georgia  is  ready
            would  have  to  abide  by                                                                                          to  help,”  Shafer  told  The
            any federal health guideli-                                                                                         Associated Press.
            nes and Florida would do its                                                                                        “Under  Governor  Kemp,
            part to uphold them.                                                                                                Georgia has led the nation
            “The door is open, we want                                                                                          in safely reopening its eco-
            to  have  the  conversation,                                                                                        nomy,”  Shafer  said.  “We
            whether  RNC,  DNC,  wha-                                                                                           have  first  class  facilities,  a
            tever, because I think it will                                                                                      skilled workforce and a re-
            be good for the people of    Atlanta Gov. Brian Kemp makes a statement and answers questions from the media following a   putation  for  hospitality  se-
            Florida,” DeSantis said. The   tour of Fieldale Farms while visiting Gainesville, Ga., Friday, May 15, 2020.        cond  to  none.  We  would
            Democratic  convention  is                                                                         Associated Press  be proud to host the Repu-
            scheduled to be held in Mil-  we  will  be  reluctantly  for-  mittee Chair Ronna McDa-  going to have those discus-  blican  National  Conven-
            waukee, and party officials  ced to find, with all of the  niel  said  the  president  “is  sions.”                 tion.” Kemp spokeswoman
            have said they are evalua-   jobs  and  economic  deve-   right  to  ask  for  assurances  The  Democratic  mayor  of   Candice  Broce  declined
            ting  contingency  options,  lopment  it  brings,  another  from North Carolina” about  Atlanta,  Georgia’s  capital   to answer questions about
            including a potential virtual  Republican  National  Con-  the convention.             and  by  far  its  largest  city,   the  hasty  bid  and  instead
            convention,  as  a  result  of  vention site.”            “We  want  to  have  it  in  said  in  a  statement  Tues-  referred  questions  to  Sha-
            the virus.                   GOP  officials  say  a  deter-  North  Carolina,  the  pre-  day that its reopening plan   fer.
            Over  the  weekend,  Trump  mination  is  needed  in  the  sident  wants  to  have  it  in  doesn’t  mesh  with  Kemp’s   Georgia  became  a  light-
            complained    that  North  coming  weeks  in  order  to  North  Carolina,”  she  told  offer  to  hold  the  conven-  ning  rod  for  both  criticism
            Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper  begin final preparations for  Fox News on Tuesday mor-       tion in Georgia.             and  praise  when  it  was
            was “unable to guarantee  the convention.                 ning. “It’s just the governor.  “Like  North  Carolina,  the   one of the first states in the
            that  by  August  we  will  be  White House press secreta-  He has to work with us. Eve-  City  of  Atlanta  is  following   nation  to  allow  busines-
            allowed full attendance in  ry  Kayleigh  McEnany  said  ry state we talk to says we  a    phased,    data-driven   ses  including  tattoo  par-
            the arena.”                  the  president  is  monitoring  want to nominate the pre-  approach  to  reopening.    lors  and  bowling  alleys  to
            He  added  that  Republi-    virus transmission data and  sident here, but this gover-  That  plan  does  not  con-  reopen in late April. Trump
            cans “must be immediately  “wants to see this conventi-   nor is up for reelection and  template  hosting  a  large   criticized  Kemp’s  decision
            given an answer by the Go-   on take place and sees no  hasn’t given us the reassu-    gathering  event  in  Au-    at the time, saying “It’s just
            vernor as to whether or not  reason not to as the nation  rances we need. We need  gust,” Mayor Keisha Lance        too soon,” but later said he
            the  space  will  be  allowed  begins to reopen.”         to be able to move forward  Bottoms  said.  “In  fact,  se-  was  only  expressing  con-
            to be fully occupied. If not,  Republican National Com-   in a concrete way. We are  veral  long-standing  City-    cern about certain places,
                                                                                                                                like  tattoo  parlors,  being
                                                                      McConnell discusses                                       reopened, adding: “I think
                                                                                                                                it’s wonderful.”
                                                                      prospects for another                                     As it tried to nail down con-
                                                                                                                                vention  plans,  the  Trump
                                                                      round of relief                                           campaign  announced  it
                                                                                                                                was  promoting  two  vete-
                                                                                                                                ran  political  aides  to  se-
                                                                      my, the Senate's top lead-  we need," McConnell said      nior  leadership  roles.  Bill
                                                                      er said Tuesday. In his first  during  an  appearance  in   Stepien,  the  former  White
                                                                      public appearances in his  Lexington. "And that could     House political director, will
                                                                      home  state  of  Kentucky  well  lead  to  yet  another   serve as deputy campaign
                                                                      since March 13 due to the  bill."                         manager,  the  campaign
                                                                      pandemic,  Senate  Major-   McConnell  said  another      said. Stephanie Alexander,
              In  this  May  19,  2020,  photo,  Senate  Majority  Leader  Mitch   ity  Leader  Mitch  McCon-  round  of  federal  assis-  a  regional  political  direc-
              McConnell  of  Ky.,  speaks  with  reporters  after  meeting  with                                                tor, will become the cam-
              Senate Republicans at their weekly luncheon on Capitol Hill   nell spoke at length about  tance  to  state  and  local   paign’s chief of staff.
              in Washington.                                          the  prospects  of  another  governments  is  possible,
                                                     Associated Press  round of coronavirus relief  but  he  stopped  short  of   The  pair  bring  additional
                                                                      passing  the  Republican-   committing  to  it.  He  ex-  political experience to the
              By BRUCE SCHREINER          supporting  millions  thrown  led  Senate.  "Obviously,  a  pressed  concern  about   campaign’s  upper  eche-
              Associated Press            out  of  work,  but  surging  lot of Americans have lost  the  financial  plight  faced   lon,  which  is  led  by  cam-
              Faced  with  a  collapsed  debt means there are lim-    their  jobs,  so  we  need  to  by  cities,  counties  and   paign manager Brad Pars-
              job   market,    Congress  its to the scope of federal  make sure we have unem-     states but added that the     cale, a relative newcomer
              needs  to  tend  to  unem-  aid to help heal the coro-  ployment insurance prop-    mushrooming      national     to  national  politics  who
              ployment  insurance  funds  navirus -damaged econo-     erly funded for as long as  debt is also a concern. q     ran Trump’s digital effort in
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