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                    Wednesday 27 May 2020
            From sock feats to leapfrog, Guinness crowns record holders

            By PAT GRAHAM                                                                                                       a senior product manager
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    at a technology company.
            Usain  Bolt  ran  the 100  me-                                                                                      "I was fascinated by it and
            ters in 9.58 seconds. Dr. Vi-                                                                                       would be like, 'Hey, I wish I
            kas Saini recently put on 10                                                                                        could do that.'"
            socks  in  an  official  time  of                                                                                   Jed Hockin is renowned for
            9.23.                                                                                                               his  soccer  skills  and  trick-
            Both  have  the  same  title:                                                                                       shot  artistry.  Last  month,
            world record holder.                                                                                                he set a record by juggling
            From  sock  feats  to  fancy                                                                                        a  roll  of  toilet  paper  with
            footwork  using  rolls  of  toi-                                                                                    his  foot  as  part  of  an  on-
            let  paper,  records  are  still                                                                                    line challenge. This was his
            being  set  even  with  many                                                                                        fourth Guinness record.
            sports  on  hold  due  to  the                                                                                      Next on his radar: Most soc-
            coronavirus     pandemic.                                                                                           cer (football) touches in an
            Guinness  World  Records                                                                                            hour.  The  mark  stands  at
            receives about 1,000 appli-                                                                                         11,901.
            cations  each  month  from                                                                                          "I am looking to break heaps
            would-be  record  breakers                                                                                          more  Guinness  World  Re-
            throughout North America.                                                                                           cords,"  Hockin  wrote  in  an
            The  company  has  long      This photo provided by David Rush shows David Rush preparing to put on T-shirts at his home in   email  from  Toowoomba,
                                         Boise, Idaho. Guinness World Records holds a weekly online challenge that gives everyone a
            been  known  as  the  keep-  chance to be crowned the world’s best. Rush recently became the record holder in the category   Australia.
            er   of   accomplishments    of “fastest to put on 10 T-Shirts” with his time of 15.61 seconds during an online contest. He bruised   Then  there's  Saini,  who
            ranging  from  the  fascinat-  his wrist from knocking it against his head.                                         proved    lightning   quick
            ing   (longest   fingernails)                                                                      Associated Press  while  putting  on  10  differ-
            to  the  far-out  (  most  body                                                                                     ent socks as he sat on the
            piercings  )  and  of  course  bounces in one minute: 656  lished in 1955 and by 1964  cord  holder  through  the  floor in his home in India. His
            the  "give-it-a-whirl"  possi-  (using two basketballs).   a  million  copies  had  been  online  challenge  in  the  strategy: Have fun with it.
            bilities  (walking  on  hands,  The notion of collecting in-  sold. Later, a TV series was  category  of  "fastest  to  put  "Amazing in the sense that
            anyone?).But  their  recent  triguing records was put in  added.                       on  10  T-Shirts."  His  winning  it was not thought even in
            online  challenges  have  motion by Sir Hugh Beaver  Guinness         also   features  time  was  15.61  seconds.  the  dreams  that  on  one
            been  soaring  in  popular-  in the 1950s  when he was  a  Hall  of  Fame.  Among  He  practiced  so  much  he  fine morning I will be having
            ity  with  many  sheltering  at  managing director of Guin-  the  inductees  was  Robert  bruised his wrist from knock-  such  a  prestigious  title  for
            home. Wind up as the top  ness  Brewery.  As  the  story  Wadlow, the world's tallest  ing it against his head.     exercising  (a)  tiny  effort,"
            leapfrogger,  pyramid  can-  goes:  He  was  attending  a  man who was measured at  Rush is no stranger to world  Saini wrote in an email.
            stacker  or  one-handed,  shooting  party  in  Ireland  8 feet, 11.1 inches (2.72 me-  records.  He  already  holds  His burst of speed with socks
            crisscross   LEGO   builder  when he and his compan-      ters)  in  1940.  Another  Hall  many   marks,   including  made  him  appreciate  the
            and,  if  adjudicated,  earn  ions  began  to  squabble  of  Famer  is  Lee  Redmond,  most  juggling  catches  on  quickness  of  Bolt  all  the
            the  label:  "Guinness  World  over Europe's fastest game  whose  fingernails  famously  a  unicycle  while  blindfold-  more.  The  iconic  sprinter
            Records title holder."       bird.  There  was  no  quick  measured  more  than  28  ed  (30),  longest  duration  from  Jamaica  lowered  his
            "We're  inside,  but  we  still  way to solve the dispute.  feet (8.65 meters).        balancing a bicycle on his  100 time to 9.58 at the 2009
            want  to  be  able  to  inspire  He  asked  twins  Norris  and  In  a  typical  year,  Guin-  chin  (6  minutes,  1.07  sec-  world championships.
            creativity, lift people's spirits  Ross  McWhirter,  who  were  ness receives about 47,000  onds)  and  most  baseball  "We  can't  imagine  the  all-
            and  just  continue  to  pro-  fact-finding   researchers,  record  inquiries  from  178  bat spins in a minute (94).  out  effort  made  by  him,"
            vide  an  outlet  for  people  to  compile  a  record  book  countries. Of those, around  "I loved watching the spe-  Saini wrote.
            to learn about and explore  featuring topics that would  8,000 are approved.           cials  on  TV  and  thumbing  Since  the  COVID-19  out-
            world   records,"   records  help solve bar debates.      David Rush of Boise, Idaho,  through  the  book  occa-    break,  Guinness  officials
            manager  Chrissy  Fernan-    The  first  volume  was  pub-  recently  became  the  re-  sionally,"  said  Rush,  who's  have noticed more record
            dez said.                                                                                                           attempts  from  homes  and
            The  online  challenges  are                                                                                        gardens.  They've  received
            designed to be performed                                                                                            applications  for  records
            with  minimal  equipment                                                                                            ranging  from  "most  sticky
            and in a way to adhere to                                                                                           notes stuck on the body in
            stay-at-home    mandates.                                                                                           30 seconds" to "tallest cot-
            There  are  also  kid-friendly                                                                                      ton plant" to "most jumping
            contests.                                                                                                           jacks in one minute."
            As for the book, who didn't                                                                                         Fernandez  is  among  the
            scroll  through  the  pages                                                                                         Guinness  records  manag-
            growing up in search of re-                                                                                         ers  tasked  with  authenti-
            cords to possibly attempt?                                                                                          cating world marks.
            The  Guinness  database                                                                                             Last  fall,  she  attended  re-
            contains more than 50,000                                                                                           cord  attempts  by  the  Har-
            unique marks. A sampling:                                                                                           lem   Globetrotters.   The
            —  The  fastest  hole  of  golf                                                                                     legendary  exhibition  bas-
            by an individual is listed at 1                                                                                     ketball squad set six marks
            minute, 29.62 seconds.                                                                                              that day, including farthest
            — The quickest time to run                                                                                          behind-the-back  shot  and
            the 100-meter hurdles while                                                                                         most  bounced  basketball
            wearing  swim  fins  is  14.82                                                                                      figure-eight   maneuvers
            seconds  for  a  male  and   In this photo provided by Jed Hockin, Hockin poses in front of recycling cans and a basketball   blindfolded in one minute.
            18.523 for a female.         hoop in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.                                              These  days,  records  are
            —  The  most  basketball                                                                           Associated Press  corroborated online. q
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