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                Thursday 22 March 2018
            Want to avoid the flu while flying? Try a window seat

            By MIKE STOBBE                                                                                                      an aisle seat.
             AP Medical Writer                                                                                                  About  80  percent  of  peo-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Worried                                                                                             ple  sitting  on  the  aisle
            about  catching  a  cold  or                                                                                        moved  at  least  once  dur-
            the flu on an airplane? Get                                                                                         ing  their  flights,  compared
            a  window  seat,  and  don't                                                                                        with  62  percent  in  middle
            leave  it  until  the  flight  is                                                                                   seats  and  43  percent  in
            over.                                                                                                               window seats.
            That's  what  some  experts                                                                                         —The 11 people sitting clos-
            have been saying for years,                                                                                         est to a person with a cold
            and  it's  perhaps  the  best                                                                                       or flu are at the highest risk.
            advice  coming  out  of  a                                                                                          That  included  two  people
            new attempt to determine                                                                                            sitting  to  their  left,  the  two
            the risks of catching germs                                                                                         to  their  right,  and  people
            on an airplane.                                                                                                     in  the  row  immediately  in
            It turns out there's been lit-                                                                                      front of them and those in
            tle  research  on  the  risks  of                                                                                   the row behind.
            catching a cold or flu dur-                                                                                         A lot of frequent fliers will be
            ing air travel. Some experts                                                                                        interested in the study's re-
            believed  that  sitting  in  a                                                                                      sults, said Edward Pizzarello,
            window  seat  would  keep                                                                                           an  investor  in  a  Washing-
            a passenger away from in-     In this July 11, 2017, file photo, a United Airlines plane lands at San Francisco International Airport.    ton-area   venture-capital
            fectious  people  who  may                                                                         Associated Press   firm who also writes a travel
            be  on  the  aisle  or  moving                                                                                      blog . "It's absolutely a fear
            around.                      Co. The Chicago-based jet  But it's a novel study about  trigued by the study's find-  I  hear  from  people  all  the
            The  new  study,  published  manufacturer  also  recruit-  a subject that hasn't been  ings  about  how  people  time. They just believe that
            Monday,  came  to  the  ed  one  of  the  research-       well researched, they said.  moved  about  the  cabin  they're  going  to  get  sick
            same conclusion.             ers,  Georgia  Tech's  How-  Studies have looked at how  and came in contact with  from going on an airplane,
            For somebody who doesn't  ard  Weiss,  and  had  input  respiratory  viruses  spread  each other.                   or they got sick from being
            want  to  get  sick,  "get  in  in the writing of the results.  in  labs  and  in  homes,  but  It found:           on an airplane," he said.
            that window seat and don't  "But  there  was  no  particu-  "this  is  the  first  time  I've  —About  38  percent  of  Pizzarello said he's an aisle
            move," the study's lead re-  lar pressure to change stuff  seen it done for airplanes,"  passengers  never  left  their  person, because he doesn't
            searcher, Vicki Stover Hertz-  or orient it one way or the  said  Seema  Lakdawala,  a  seat, 38 percent left once,  want to feel trapped in the
            berg  of  Emory  University  in  other," Hertzberg said.  University  of  Pittsburgh  bi-  13  percent  left  twice,  and  window seat if he needs to
            Atlanta.                     The  article  was  released  ologist who studies how flu  11  percent  left  more  than  get up. Will he now go for
            The  study  was  ambitious:  by  the  Proceedings  of  the  spreads.                   twice.                       the window?
            Squads  of  researchers  jet-  National  Academy  of  Sci-  She and others not involved  —Not  surprisingly,  a  lot  of  Maybe,  he  said,  if  a  sick
            ted around the U.S. to test  ences.                       in  the  research  were  in-  the people getting up had  person sits next to him.q
            cabin  surfaces  and  air  for  The  researchers  did  some
            viruses and to observe how  mathematical      modeling
            people came into contact  and  computer  simulations                                   Researcher captures striking
            with each other.             to  determine  how  likely
            But  it  also  had  shortcom-  people were to come close                               Antarctic video of minke whale
            ings. In a total of 10 flights,  to a hypothetical infectious
            they  observed  only  one  passenger sitting in an aisle                               of one swimming underwa-     problems.  A  researcher  at
            person    coughing.    And  seat  on  the  14th  row  of  a                            ter  near  Antarctica.  Now  the  University  of  Canter-
            though the experiment was  single-aisle  airplane.  They   In  this  Jan.  31,  2018,  image   she thinks they're beautiful.  bury,  Eisert  said  they  were
            done  during  a  flu  season  concluded  that  on  aver-  supplied  by  Dr  Regina  Eisert   Eisert  said  the  whales  look  in  Antarctica  this  year
            five  years  ago,  they  didn't  age, only one person on a   of the University of Canterbury   similar  from  the  surface  mainly  to  research  orcas
            find  even  one  of  18  cold  flight of about 150 passen-  a  minke  whale  floats  to  the   but that she gained a new  in  the  Ross  Sea.  But  she
            and  flu  viruses  they  tested  gers would be infected.  surface through the ice in Mc-  appreciation  for  their  indi-  said  their  observations  of
                                                                      Murdo Sound, Antarctica.
            for.                         Researchers who were not                 Associated Press  viduality  after  seeing  the  minke  whales  could  shed
            It's  possible  that  the  re-  involved  said  it  would  be                          markings on one up close.  new  light  on  their  feeding
            searchers  were  unlucky,  in  difficult to use the relatively   By NICK PERRY         She said her team got the  patterns.  "Baleen  whales
            that  they  were  on  planes  small  study  to  make  any   WELLINGTON,  New  Zea-     underwater  video  by  luck.  are  an  important  part  of
            that happened to not have  general  conclusions  about    land  (AP)  — Marine mam-    They'd  planned  to  film  un-  the ecosystem, but they're
            sick people on them, Hertz-  the  risks  of  an  airline  pas-  mal expert Dr. Regina Eisert  derwater  for  two  weeks  grossly  understudied,"  she
            berg said.                   senger getting a cold or flu,   thought minke whales were  but  managed  to  get  just  said.   The   conventional
            The  new  study  was  initiat-  let alone other diseases like   a little boring until she cap-  90  minutes  of  footage  be-  thinking has been that min-
            ed  and  funded  by  Boeing  measles or tuberculosis.     tured some striking footage  fore running into technical  ke whales mainly chase krill,
                                                                                                                                Eisert said. But she couldn't
                                                                                                                                see  any  krill  where  the
                                                                                                                                whales  were  swimming,  so
                                                                                                                                she  thinks  they  may  have
                                                                                                                                been chasing small schools
                                                                                                                                of fish. She hopes they will
                                                                                                                                be  able  to  find  out  more
                                                                                                                                about what the whales eat
                                                                                                                                after taking a tiny amount
                                                                                                                                of  skin  and  blubber  from
                                                                                                                                the  minke  whales  using  a
                                                                                                                                modified tranquilizer gun.q
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