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a26     obituario/u.s. news
                 Diamars 6 september 2022

                                                                             More kids are repeating a grade

                                                                                         Is it good for them?

               Hierbij maken wij het overlijden bekend van:

                     Abraham Th. Koole
                        *19-07-1951 - †02-09-2022
               Afscheids ceremonie zal later bekend worden
                                                             (AP)  —  As  Braylon  Price  of retained students in the state  students  in  Chicago  and  Balti-
                                                             remembers  it,  he  struggled  jumped by about 20,000, to over  more.
                                                             with pretty much everything  45,000 students.
                                                             the  first  full  school  year  of                              “Kids  see  it  as  punishment,”
                                                             the  pandemic.  With  mini-     Braylon’s mother has no regrets  Reynolds said. “It reduces their
                                                             mal  guidance  and  frequent  about  taking  advantage  of  the  academic  motivation,  and  it
                                                             disruptions,  he  had  trouble  new law.                        doesn’t  increase  their  instruc-
                                                             staying on top of assignments                                   tional advancement.”
                                                             and  finishing  homework  on  “Best  decision  we  could  have
                                                             time.                           made for him,” said Kristi Price,  But  backers  of  retention  say
                                                                                             who lives in Bellefonte, in cen-  none  of  the  research  was  con-
                                                             It was so rocky his parents asked  tral Pennsylvania.           ducted  in  a  pandemic,  when
               John 14: 1-3                                  for him to repeat sixth grade — a                               many  children  wrestled  with
               Don’t let your heart be troubled. Trust in    decision they credit with getting  While  the  family’s  two  daugh-  Zoom lessons and some stopped
               God, and trust also in me. There is more      him on a better track.          ters  managed  to  keep  up  with  logging in entirely.
               than enough room in my father’s home. If                                      school  despite  limited  super-
               this were not so, would I have told you that   “At first I didn’t really want to do  vision,  Braylon  struggled.  He  “So  many  children  have  strug-
               I am going to prepare a place for you? When   it,”  said  Braylon,  now  13.  “But  went  back  to  in-person  school  gled and have had a lot of prob-
               everything is ready, I will come and get you,   then later in the year I thought  for the first full academic year of  lems,”  said  Florida  state  Sen.
               so that you will always be with me where I    it would probably be better for  the pandemic but it was “wishy-  Lori  Berman,  a  Delray  Beach
               am.                                           me if I did.”                   washy,”  his  mother  said.  Stu-  Democrat.  Berman  authored  a
                                                                                             dents were quarantined on and  law aimed at making it easier for
               With deep sympathy we announce the passing    The  number  of  students  held  off, and teachers tried to keep up  parents  to  ask  for  kindergarten
               away of:                                      back  for  a  year  of  school  has  with students learning at home,  to fifth graders to repeat a grade
                                                             surged around the country. Tra-  online  and  in  hybrid  models.  in  the  2021-22  school  year.  “I
                                                             ditionally,  experts  have  said  re-  That  winter,  Braylon  suffered  don’t  think  there  is  any  stigma
                                                             peating a grade can hurt kids so-  a spinal cord injury from wres-  to holding your child back at this
                                                             cial  lives  and  academic  futures.  tling that forced him to go back  point.”
                                                             But  many  parents,  empowered  to remote learning.
                                                             by new pandemic-era laws, have                                  Generally,  parents  can  ask  for
                                                             asked for do-overs to help their  On  his  repeat  of  sixth  grade,  children to be held back, but the
                                                             children  recover  from  the  tu-  Braylon  had  an  individualized  final decision is up to principals,
                                                             mult  of  remote  learning,  quar-  education  program  that  helped  who  make  decisions  based  on
                                                             antines  and  school  staff  short-  him  build  more  focus.  Hav-  factors including academic prog-
                                                             ages.                           ing  more  one-on-one  attention  ress. California and New Jersey
                                                                                             from  teachers  helped  too.  So-  also passed laws that made it eas-
                                                             Twenty-two of the 26 states that  cially, he said the transition was  ier for parents to demand their
                                                             provided data for the recent aca-  easy,  since  most  of  his  friends  children repeat a grade, although
                                                             demic year, as well as Washing-  had been in lower grades or at-  the option was only available last
                                                             ton, D.C., saw an increase in the  tended different schools already.  year.
                                                             number  of  students  who  were
                                                             held  back,  according  to  an  As-  Research in the education world  In  suburban  Kansas  City,  Ce-
                                                             sociated  Press  analysis.  Three  has been critical of making stu-  leste  Roberts  decided  last  year
                                                             states  —  South  Carolina,  West  dents repeat grades.         for  another  round  of  second
                                                             Virginia  and  Delaware  —  saw                                 grade for her son, who she said
               Mr.  Lloyd Benjamin Richard                   retention more than double.     The  risk  is  students  who’ve  was  struggling  even  before  the
                      Better known as Baby Lloyd”                                            been  retained  have  a  two-fold  pandemic.  When  virtual  learn-
                       *14-10-1945 - †04-09-2022             Pennsylvania,  where  the  Price  increased  risk  of  dropping  out,  ing was a bust, he spent the year
                                                             family lives, passed a pandemic-  said Arthur Reynolds, a profes-  learning at a slower pace with his
                Date of the funeral will be announced later.  era law allowing parents to elect  sor at the University of Minne-  grandmother,  a  retired  teacher
                                                             to  have  a  redo  for  their  kids.  sota’s  Human  Capital  Research  who bought goats to keep things
                                                             The following year, the number  Collaborative,  citing  studies  of  fun.
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