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A30 world news
Diamars 6 september 2022
Macron urges French to save energy, seeks
10% drop in use
would be policed or mea- The leaders spoke before an companies whose production
sured. Many French homes emergency European Union costs are much lower than
are already reining in gas energy ministers meeting the market sale price."
and electricity use because of Friday about how the conti-
rising prices, but not every- nent can coordinate to keep Macron also spoke in favor
one will heed Macron's call. warm this winter if Russia of a price cap on Russian gas,
France's prime minister last cuts off gas supplies. which EU leaders are also
week raised the specter of pushing.
two-hour household black- Macron said France and Ger-
outs in the winter if solutions many support the idea of The French leader reiter-
aren't found. requiring energy companies ated his opposition, however,
PARIS (AP) — French are being prepared "in case" that are making big profits on to boosting pipeline capac-
President Emmanuel Ma- they're needed, and that "cuts Speaking after a videocon- recent spikes in gas and oil ity from neighboring Spain
cron is calling for a sharp will happen as a last resort." ference Monday with Ger- prices to make a "contribu- to supply gas and eventually
10% reduction in the man Chancellor Olaf Scholz, tion" to public coffers. other energy sources to the
country's energy use in France is among many Eu- Macron announced a plan rest of Europe. Macron ar-
coming weeks and months ropean countries tightening to boost gas supplies to Ger- French activists and opposi- gued that two existing gas
to avoid the risk of ration- their belts as energy costs many from France to make tion politicians have been pipelines between Spain and
ing and cuts this winter, soar. Russia's main pipeline up for a drop in Russian gas calling in recent days for a France are only used at 53%
amid tensions with sup- carrying natural gas to Ger- supplies from the east. In ex- tax on oil and gas companies capacity.
plier Russia over the war many remains shut down, change, Macron said Germa- making "super-profits" amid Iberia has several liquefied
in Ukraine. and the European Commis- ny will continue supplying Europe's energy crisis. natural gas plants but little
sion president says the EU's electricity to France to com- way of getting the gas to the
Macron warned Monday that electricity market "is no lon- pensate for shortages caused Macron avoided using the rest of Europe, unless a new,
forced energy savings might ger operating" amid knock- by maintenance underway word tax, instead saying he much bigger pipeline is built.
have to be considered in on effects of the Ukraine war. on many French nuclear re- and Scholz support "a mech- Meanwhile the EU is seeking
coming months if voluntary actors. anism of European contri- to move away from gas alto-
efforts aren't sufficient. He Macron did not explain how bution sought from energy gether over the long term.
said energy rationing plans the 10% energy-saving goal
As Africa’s climate warms, rich countries
pledge more funds
MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) Kingdom, France, the Neth- and Development found that
— Rich countries said erlands, the International rich countries had failed to
they will spend about $25 Monetary Fund and others deliver on their 2009 promise
billion by 2025 to boost also offering their support for to spend $100 billion a year
Africa's efforts to adapt to the initiative. to aid developing countries to
climate change as the con- The continent emits just 3% adapt to a warming climate.
tinent continues to strug- to 4% of emissions despite The organization said $83.3
gle with drought, cyclones being home to nearly 17% billion was given to poorer
and extreme heat, accord- of the world's population but nations in 2020, the highest summit. "The continent only
ing to officials at a summit experts say it is particularly ever sum, but still short of receives 3% of the total cli- Ghana's President Nana
in Rotterdam in the Neth- vulnerable to climate change the original amount. mate financing." Akufo Addo said his country
erlands on Monday. as it less able to adapt. African will push for the funds allo-
nations hope to use the funds If the funds promised at the Africa will need between $1.3 cated to adapting to a warmer
The amount promised by the to improve their resilience to Rotterdam summit are de- and $1.6 trillion this decade climate to be doubled at the
Africa Adaptation Accelera- extreme weather events, such livered, the decades-old goal to implement its commit- forthcoming United Nations
tion Program — a joint ini- as droughts or floods, in- will finally be achieved but ments to the Paris climate summit in Egypt in Novem-
tiative between various na- crease tree cover and protect African nations warn this will agreement, an annual cost ber.
tions and organizations — is biodiversity, as well as expand not be enough. between $140 and $300 bil-
billed as the largest ever ad- their renewable energy ca- lion, Adesina said. He added After decades of developed
aptation effort globally. Half pacity. "Africa does not have the that the costs of adapting to countries falling short on
of the amount is pledged by resources to tackle climate climate change are expected their funding promises,
the African Development The summit comes just change," Akinwumi Adesina, to increase by 2050, as the ef- many African nations remain
Bank with representatives weeks after the Organization president of the African De- fects of global warming get skeptical that the funds will
from Denmark, the United for Economic Cooperation velopment Bank, told the more severe. ever reach the continent.
7 killed in Hungary after train collides with vehicle
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — A train passengers had died at the scene.
collided with a vehicle on a railroad
crossing in southern Hungary early Passengers on the train weren't injured, but
Monday, killing seven people, authorities the train's driver was transported to a hospital
said. with minor injuries, according to a police
Police said the crash occurred at a dirt road
crossing around 6:45 a.m. near the village of There was no gate or electric signal at the
Kunfeherto. Early police reports indicated rural railroad crossing, Hungary's state
that five people had died in the collision, but railway company said, adding that the affected
authorities later updated their figure, saying section of the railway line has been closed to
the driver of the vehicle and all six of its train traffic.