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A28     u.s. news
                 Diamars 6 september 2022

                       Red wave crashing? GOP momentum slips as fall sprint begins

                                                                                                                                The former president helped
                                                                                                                                his  loyalists,  most  of  whom
                                                                                                                                embraced his conspiracy the-
                                                                                                                                ories about the 2020 election,
                                                                                                                                win primary elections across
                                                                                                                                the  country  throughout  the
                                                                                                                                spring  and  summer.  But  it's
                                                                                                                                unclear how Trump will help
                                                                                                                                them, if at all, as the election
                                                                                                                                moves into the fall.

                                                                                                                                At  the  same  time,  a  dispro-
                                                                                                                                portionate number of wom-
                                                                                                                                en  are  registering  to  vote.
                                                                                                                                And if recent voting patterns
                                                                                                                                hold,  that's  good  news  for

                                                                                                                                In at least seven states, wom-
                                                                                                                                en made up a higher share of
                                                                                                                                newly  registered  voters  fol-
                                                                                                                                lowing  the  overturning  of
                                                                                                                                Roe  v.  Wade,  according  to
                                                                                                                                an  AP  analysis  of  voter  data
                                                                                                                                from  L2,  a  nonpartisan  data

                                                                                                                                In  the  five  weeks  after  the
                                                                                                                                court  eliminated  the  con-
                                                                                                                                stitutional  right  to  abortion,
                                                                                                                                women made up 64% of new
                                                                                                                                Kansas  registrations.  Then,
                                                                                                                                on Aug. 2, Kansas voters over-
                                                                                                                                whelmingly rejected a ballot
                                                                                                                                measure that would have let
                                                                                                                                state lawmakers impose new
            NEW YORK (AP) — The  president's  first  midterm  role in Trump's push to over-                                     restrictions on abortions.
            possibility  of  a  great  red  election. Ronald Reagan lost  turn the 2020 election.  She  emphasized  Republican
            wave still looms.            26 House seats, Bill Clinton                              leaders' record of supporting  Trump-backed  Republicans
                                         lost  52,  Barack  Obama  63  The state senator and retired  exceptions  for  abortion  in  who  oppose  abortion  rights
            But  as  the  2022  midterm  and Trump 40. Only George  military  officer  helped  orga-  cases of rape, incest and the  are  fighting  for  momentum
            elections  enter  their  final  W.  Bush's  Republican  Party  nize the state's effort to sub-  life  of  the  mother,  sidestep-  in several swing states.
            two-month  sprint,  leading  enjoyed  a  modest  eight-seat  mit fake presidential electors  ping  questions  about  candi-
            Republicans  concede  that  gain  in  his  first  midterm,  beholden to Trump and was  dates like Mastriano, Georgia  A leading Republican Senate
            their party's advantage may be  coming after the Sept. 11 ter-  seen  outside  the  Capitol  as  Senate  nominee  Herschel  super PAC recently canceled
            slipping  even  as  Democrats  rorist attacks.            pro-Trump demonstrators at-  Walker and Florida Sen. Mar-  television  ad  reservations  in
            confront  their  president's                              tacked police on Jan. 6, 2021.  co  Rubio,  who  oppose  such  Arizona,  where  Blake  Mas-
            weak  standing,  deep  voter  Nine  weeks  before  Election  He  has  also  alienated  mod-  exceptions.            ters  is  running,  while  com-
            pessimism and the weight of  Day,  leading  operatives  in  erate  voters  and  even  some                          mitting  $28  million  to  help
            history this fall.           both  parties  expect  Repub-  Republicans  with  divisive  On  the  Republican  Party's  Trump  loyalist  JD  Vance  in
                                         licans to pick up roughly 10  positions  on  several  issues,  broader  midterm  outlook,  Ohio,  a  state  Trump  carried
            The political landscape, while  to  20  House  seats,  which  including abortion, which he  McDaniel said top races were  by  8  points  in  the  last  elec-
            still  in  flux,  follows  a  string  would  give  the  GOP  a  nar-  opposes in all circumstances.  always  likely  to  tighten,  de-  tion.  In  Pennsylvania,  there
            of President Joe Biden's leg-  row  majority  in  the  cham-                           spite  the  conventional  wis-  are  concerns  that  Mastriano
            islative  victories  on  climate,  ber  in  November  and  break  Mastriano's  campaign  didn't  dom that a massive red wave  is dragging down the rest of
            health care and gun violence,  up  Democrats'  control  of  respond  to  an  interview  re-  was building.          the  Republican  ticket,  while
            just as Donald Trump's hand-  the federal government. But  quest for this story.                                    Trump-endorsed  GOP  Sen-
            picked candidates in electoral  many Republicans are losing                            Biden  pollster  John  Anza-  ate  nominee  Mehmet  Oz
            battlegrounds  like  Arizona,  confidence in the high-stakes  Shapiro  will  launch  his  first  lone, who was far less confi-  is  struggling  with  residency
            Georgia,  Ohio  and  Penn-   fight for the Senate majority  TV ad of the fall campaign on  dent about the midterm out-  questions.  And  in  Georgia,
            sylvania  struggle  to  broaden  and key governorships across  Tuesday,  casting  Mastriano's  look at the beginning of the  Walker  is  facing  difficult
            their appeal. But nothing has  the nation.                fierce  opposition  to  abor-  summer.                    questions about his past and
            undermined the GOP's mo-                                  tion rights and gay marriage                              his opposition to abortion in
            mentum  more  than  the  Su-  In Pennsylvania, Democratic  as  a  threat  to  Pennsylvania's  Senate   Republican   lead-  all cases.
            preme Court's stunning deci-  gubernatorial  candidate  Josh  economy. The ad is the first  er  Mitch  McConnell  has
            sion in June to end abortion  Shapiro argues that his focus  spot in a $16.9 million tele-  blamed   GOP   "candidate  Rep. Tom Emmer, the Min-
            protections,  which  triggered  on  public  safety,  education,  vision advertising investment  quality" for why his party was  nesota Republican who leads
            a  swift  backlash  even  in  the  the economy and freedom is  the  campaign  reserved  for  more likely to win the House  the  House  GOP  campaign
            reddest of red states.       driving  his  momentum  but  the nine weeks leading up to  than the Senate.            arm, warned his party against
                                         concedes that his opponent is  Election Day.                                           taking anything for granted.
            History suggests Republicans  also a major factor.                                     Florida Sen. Rick Scott, who
            should  dominate  the  No-                                Republican  National  Com-   leads  the  Senate  GOP  cam-  He  noted  that  most  of  the
            vember elections.            In  one  of  the  nation's  most  mittee  Chair  Ronna  Mc-  paign arm, sees it differently.  seats Republicans are target-
                                         important  swing  states,  Re-  Daniel  acknowledged  that                             ing this fall are set in districts
            In the modern era, the party  publicans  nominated  Doug  the  GOP  must  sharpen  its  Scott   did   acknowledge  Biden  carried,  a  contrast
            that  holds  the  White  House  Mastriano  as  their  nomi-  message  on  abortion  given  some  uncertainty  involving  from  past  elections  where
            has  lost  congressional  seats  nee  for  governor,  even  after  the Democrats' apparent mo-  Trump's  role  in  the  coming  Republicans found success in
            in  virtually  every  first-term  learning  about  his  leading  mentum.               weeks.                       GOP-leaning districts.
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