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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 13 aPriL 2021

                          New Mexico governor set to sign recreational marijuana bill

            (AP) — New Mexico Gov.  legalization efforts faltered.
            Michelle  Lujan  Grisham  Legislators  rallied  behind  a
            was  set  Monday  to  sign  legalization framework from
            legislation  that  will  le-  state Rep. Javier Martinez of
            galize  recreational  mari-  Albuquerque  that  provides
            juana use and sales in the  automated procedures for ex-
            state,  making  it  the  sev-  punging past pot convictions.
            enth since last November  The  bill  gives  the  governor
            to do so.                    a  strong  hand  in  oversight
                                         of  recreational  marijuana
            The  governor,  a  Democrat,  through  her  appointed  su-
            has  supported  marijuana  re-  perintendent  of  the  Regula-
            form as a way to create jobs  tion  and  Licensing  Depart-
            and shore up state revenue.  ment.
            Her  office  in  an  advisory  Regulators can put a cap on
            said  she  was  scheduling  a  marijuana  cultivation  quan-
            bill  signing  ceremony  and  tities and impose a per-plant
            news conference for later in  state fee of up to $50 a year.
            the  day.  New  Mexico  vot-  Some  of  the  state’s  medical
            ers ousted ardent opponents  marijuana producers lobbied
            of legalization from the state  for  market  controls  amid
            Senate  in  the  2020  Demo-  concerns that marijuana pric-
            cratic  primary,  opening  the  es  might  plummet  with  the
            way for legalization of recre-  legalization  of  recreational
            ational marijuana.           marijuana,  undermining  in-
            The governor called a special  vestments and employment.  up  to  2  ounces  (28  grams)  Home  marijuana  growers  per household. The scent of
            legislative  session  to  tackle  People  age  21  and  over  will  of  marijuana  outside  their  will  be  allowed  to  grow  up  marijuana  will  no  longer  be
            the issue in late March after  be allowed to buy and possess  homes.                   to six plants per person, or 12  grounds for police seizures.

                         Judge refuses to sequester jury in George Floyd murder case

            (AP) — The judge in the                                                                said  that  some  narrowing  I think he would have  gone
            George Floyd murder case                                                               of  the  arteries  is  extremely  home,  or  wherever  he  was
            refused  a  defense  request                                                           common, and that Floyd had  going to go.”
            to  immediately  seques-                                                               a mildly thickened or mildly  Nelson  responded:  “So,  in
            ter  the  jury  Monday,  the                                                           enlarged  heart  but  that  that  other  words,  if  he  had  got-
            morning  after  the  killing                                                           would be normal in someone  ten in the squad car, he’d be
            of  a  Black  man  during  a                                                           with high blood pressure.    alive.”
            traffic  stop  triggered  un-                                                          Corroborating   other   ex-  Derek  Chauvin,  45,  who  is
            rest  in  a  suburb  just  out-                                                        perts’  testimony,  Rich  said  white,  is  charged  with  mur-
            side Minneapolis.                                                                      that Floyd was “restrained in  der  and  manslaughter  in
                                                                                                   a  life-threatening  manner,”  Floyd’s May 25 death. Police
            The  request  came  from  the                                                          noting  among  other  things  had  been  called  to  a  neigh-
            attorney  for  former  Minne-                                                          that he was facedown on the  borhood market where Floyd
            apolis  police  Officer  Derek                                                         ground,  a  knee  was  on  his  was accused of trying to pass
            Chauvin.  Defense  attorney                                                            neck,  his  hands  were  cuffed  a counterfeit bill.
            Eric  Nelson  argued  that  the                                                        behind  his  back  and  being  Prosecutors say Chauvin had
            jurors could be influenced by                                                          pushed  upward,  and  a  knee  his  knee  on  Floyd’s  neck  as
            the  prospect  of  what  might  bang grenades.            to a lack of oxygen.         was on the lower half of his  the  46-year-old  Black  man
            happen  as  a  result  of  their  Prosecutor  Steve  Schleicher  When  testimony  resumed  body.                    lay  pinned  to  the  pavement
            verdict.                     argued  against  sequester-  Monday morning, Dr. Jona-    Rich said that as one officer  for 9 1/2 minutes. Bystander
            “Ultimately, your honor, the  ing the jury, saying: “I don’t  than  Rich,  a  cardiology  ex-  noted  on  video  that  Floyd  video of Floyd crying “I can’t
            question  becomes  will  the  think  that  would  be  an  ef-  pert from Northwestern Me-  was passing out, police prob-  breathe!”  until  he  finally
            jury be competent to make a  fective remedy.” He also op-  morial  Hospital  in  Chicago,  ably still could have saved his  went  limp  sparked  protests
            decision regardless of the po-  posed questioning the jurors.  echoed  earlier  witnesses  in  life  if  they  had  repositioned  and  scattered  violence  in
            tential outcome of their deci-  “World   events   happen,”  saying Floyd died of low oxy-  him  so  that  his  lungs  could  Minneapolis and around the
            sion,” Nelson said.          Schleicher said. “And we can’t  gen  levels  from  the  way  he  expand  again.  And  once  an  U.S.
            Judge  Peter  Cahill  said  he  have every single world event  was held down by police.  officer  noted  that  Floyd’s  Chauvin’s  attorney  is  ex-
            will  not  sequester  the  jury  that might affect somebody’s  He  rejected  defense  theo-  pulse had stopped, police still  pected to call his own medi-
            until next Monday, when he  attitude or emotional state or  ries that Floyd died of a drug  had a significant opportunity  cal  experts  to  make  the  case
            anticipates closing arguments  anything  be  the  grounds  to  overdose  or  a  heart  condi-  to save his life by administer-  that  it  was  not  the  officer’s
            will  begin.  He  also  denied  come  back  and  re-voir  dire  tion. Floyd had fentanyl and  ing CPR, he said.     knee  that  killed  Floyd.  The
            a  defense  request  to  ques-  all the jurors.”          methamphetamine  in  his  On  cross-examination,  Nel-    defense has not said whether
            tion  jurors  about  what  they  The judge previously told the  system  and  had  high  blood  son tried to shift blame onto  Chauvin will testify.
            might  have  seen  about  un-  jury to avoid the news during  pressure  and  narrowing  of  Floyd for struggling with po-
            rest  following  Sunday’s  po-  the trial.                the  heart  arteries,  according  lice  when  they  tried  to  put
            lice  shooting  of  20-year-old  The ruling came as the trial  to previous testimony.  him in their car. The defense
            Daunte  Wright  in  Brooklyn  entered  its  third  week,  with  “It  was  the  truly  the  prone  attorney asked Rich if Floyd
            Center.                      the  prosecution  close  to  restraint  and  positional  re-  would  have  survived  if  he
            In the wake of the shooting,  wrapping up its case and giv-  straints that led to his asphyx-  had  “simply  gotten  in  the
            hundreds of protesters broke  ing way to the start of the de-  iation,” Rich said.     back seat of the squad car.”
            into about 20 businesses at a  fense. Prosecutors built their  In fact, the expert said, “Ev-  But  Rich  quickly  reiterated
            shopping  center,  jumped  on  case  on  searing  witness  ac-  ery indicator is that Mr. Floyd  the death was caused by the
            police cars and hurled rocks  counts,  experts  condemning  had actually an exceptionally  officers’ actions: “Had he not
            and other objects at police in  Chauvin’s  use  of  a  neck  re-  strong heart.”       been  restrained  in  the  way
            Brooklyn Center. Officers in  straint, and medical authori-  Rich  said  he  had  reviewed  in which he was, I think he
            riot gear fired gas and flash-  ties attributing Floyd’s death  Floyd’s  autopsy  report.  He  would have survived that day.
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