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A30     world news
                      Diamars 13 aPriL 2021

                                 Shirley Williams, liberal British politician, dies at 90

            (AP)  —  Shirley  Williams,                                                            votes, but have not broken the  She  was  married  twice:  first
            a trailblazing female law-                                                             stranglehold  of  the  Britain’s  to  British  philosopher  Ber-
            maker  who  tried  to  re-                                                             two big parties — Labour and  nard Williams, and after their
            shape  a  British  political                                                           the Conservative — although  divorce to American political
            system dominated by two                                                                the  Lib  Dems  shared  power  scientist  Richard  Neustadt.
            big parties, has died at 90.                                                           in  a  Conservative-led  coali-  Both men died in 2003.
                                                                                                   tion  government  between
            Williams’  party,  the  Liberal                                                        2010 and 2015.               Liberal  Democrat  leader  Ed
            Democrats,  said  she  “died                                                           Despite  her  party’s  ups  and  Davey  said  Williams  was
            peacefully in the early hours                                                          downs,  Williams  was  always  “an inspiration to millions, a
            of Monday.”                                                                            popular.  Her  tousled  hair,  Liberal lion and a true trail-
            Born  in  1930  to  political                                                          easy  smile  and  knack  of  lis-  blazer.”
            scientist  George  Catlin  and                                                         tening with compassion gave
            feminist writer Vera Brittain,                                                         her  a  human  quality  all  too  Former  Labour  Prime  Min-
            Williams was elected to Par-                                                           rare in politics.            ister  Tony  Blair  said  “Shir-
            liament as a Labour lawmak-                                                            “I think I know why people  ley  Williams  was  one  of  the
            er in 1964 after several failed                                                        like me … because I listen to  greatest  social  democrats  of
            attempts. She served as edu-                                                           them and I look as crummy  the last century, an immense
            cation  secretary  in  a  Labour  far to the left, she was one of  stead,  the  SDP  itself  later  as they do,” she once said.  figure of progressive politics
            government in the 1970s —  the  “Gang  of  Four”  Labour  collapsed,  merging  with  the  In later years, Williams served  through the decades, consis-
            one of the country’s first fe-  politicians who split to form  Liberal Party into the Liberal  as a Liberal Democrat mem-  tent  in  her  commitment  to
            male Cabinet ministers.      the  centrist  Social  Demo-  Democrats.                  ber of the House of Lords as  equality,  to  social  justice,  to
            In  1981,  believing  the  La-  cratic Party in an attempt to  The  Lib  Dems  have  some-  Baroness Williams of Crosby,  liberal social democratic val-
            bour  party  was  veering  too  reshape  British  politics.  In-  times  attracted  millions  of  retiring in 2016.  ues and to internationalism.”

                           Somalia’s parliament votes to extend president’s mandate

            (AP)  —  Somalia’s  parlia-  reach  agreement  on  how  to  meeting  in  order  to  “avoid
            ment  on  Monday  voted  carry  out  the  election,  with  instability.”  He  was  fired
            to  effectively  extend  the  the  regional  states  of  Punt-  shortly afterward.
            mandate  of  the  president  land  and  Jubbaland  object-
            and  federal  government  ing on certain issues and the  Somalia now faces the pros-
            by two years in an attempt  international    community  pect  of  its  first  one-person-
            to end a political crisis af-  warning  against  holding  a  one-vote  direct  election  in
            ter national elections were  partial  election.  The  crisis  decades.  Parliament  ordered
            delayed in early February.   led to deadly violence against  that  a  caretaking  council  of
                                         demonstrators  who  opposed  ministers  support  the  elec-
            The vote to hold a direct elec-  an election delay.       toral commission in its prep-
            tion in two years’ time, which                            arations for that vote.
            would  require  the  federal  Monday’s vote in parliament  President  Mohamed  Abdul-
            government and president to  was almost unanimous, with  lahi  Mohamed  “urges  the
            stay in office, came amid in-  149  lawmakers  in  support,  citizens  to  seize  the  historic
            ternational  pressure  on  So-  three against and one abstain-  chance to choose their desti-
            mali leaders to end the stale-  ing.  The  international  com-  ny as the House of the People  commission members for the  famine, left this Horn of Af-
            mate.  The  United  Nations  munity has warned against a  voted to return the elections  breakaway region of Somalil-  rica country of about 12 mil-
            has warned that Somalia, re-  mandate extension.          mandate  to  the  people,”  the  and.                     lion people largely shattered.
            building  after  three  decades                           presidency  said  in  a  Twitter  Somalia began to fall apart in  Al-Shabab  controls  large
            of conflict and still rocked by  The  vote  followed  a  brief  post.                  1991,  when  warlords  ousted  parts of southern and central
            extremist  attacks,  can  hardly  drama  in  which  the  police  Contentious issues in months  dictator Siad Barre and then  Somalia and often targets the
            afford more instability.     commissioner  for  Mogadi-   of talks on the election pro-  turned  on  each  other.  Years  capital  with  suicide  bomb-
                                         shu  and  its  surroundings,  cess  included  the  formation  of conflict and attacks by the  ings.  The  extremist  group
            Somalia’s  government  has  Sadaq Omar Hassan, ordered  of the electoral management  al-Qaida-linked    al-Shabab  has been a frequent target of
            been  unable  for  months  to  police to stop the parliament  commission, the selection of  extremist  group,  along  with  U.S. military airstrikes.

                            Firefighter killed in blaze in Russian city of St Petersburg

                                                                                                    (AP) — A major fire engulfed a business center in St.
                                                                                                    Petersburg, Russia’s second-largest city, on Monday,
                                                                                                    killing a firefighter and injuring two others.

                                                                                                    The blaze spread across all four of the building’s floors and
                                                                                                    was raging in an area of 10,000 square meters (more than
                                                                                                    100,000 square feet), emergency officials said. Around 300
                                                                                                    people were involved in battling the fire, authorities said.
                                                                                                    One firefighter died and two others were hospitalized with
                                                                                                    injuries,  according  to  the  Russian  Emergency  Ministry.
                                                                                                    Forty people have been evacuated from the building, the
                                                                                                    Interfax news agency reported.

                                                                                                    It wasn’t immediately clear what caused the fire, and an
                                                                                                    investigation was launched. The Interfax news agency re-
                                                                                                    ported that the building where the business center was lo-
                                                                                                    cated was erected in the 19th century, and its decrepit state
                                                                                                    made it harder for the firefighters to tackle the blaze.
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