Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210413
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A28 u.s. news
Diamars 13 aPriL 2021
Police: Minnesota officer meant to draw Taser, not handgun
(AP) — Police in a Min-
neapolis suburb where a
Black man was fatally shot
during a traffic stop say
the officer who fired in-
tended to use a Taser, not
a handgun.
Police Chief Tim Gannon
described the shooting as “an
accidental discharge.”
The man identified by rela-
tives as 20-year-old Daunte
Wright died Sunday in
Brooklyn Center, a city of
about 30,000 people on the
northwest border of Min-
neapolis. His death sparked
violent protests, with offi-
cers in riot gear clashing with
demonstrators into Monday
The Minneapolis area was al-
ready on edge because of the
trial of the first of four police
officers charged in George
Floyd’s death.
lier story follows below.
Minn. (AP) — A Black man
died after being shot by po- stay peaceful and focused on had been shot. briefed on the shooting, and vated during the traffic stop.
lice during a traffic stop in a the loss of her son. After determining the driver the White House has been The department said it has
Minneapolis suburb, spark- “All the violence, if it keeps had an outstanding warrant, in touch with the governor, asked the state Bureau of
ing violent protests that going, it’s only going to be police said they tried to arrest mayor and local law enforce- Criminal Apprehension to
lasted into Monday as offi- about the violence. We need him. Then the driver reen- ment, White House press investigate.
cers in riot gear clashed with it to be about why my son got tered the vehicle, and an of- secretary Jen Psaki said. The trial of Derek Chauvin,
demonstrators and the man’s shot for no reason,” she said ficer fired, striking him, po- “We were incredibly sad- the former Minneapolis of-
mother called for calm. to a crowd near the shooting lice said. The vehicle traveled dened to hear about the loss ficer charged in Floyd’s
The man was identified by scene in Brooklyn Center, a several blocks before striking of life at the hands of law en- death, continued Monday.
family as 20-year-old Daunte city of about 30,000 people another vehicle. forcement in Minnesota yes- Floyd, a Black man, died
Wright, who died Sunday in a on the northwest border of Wright’s family offered a dif- terday,” she said. May 25 after Chauvin, who
metropolitan area that was al- Minneapolis. “We need to ferent account, with Katie National Guard troops and is white, pressed his knee
ready on edge because of the make sure it’s about him and Wright saying her son was law enforcement officers against Floyd’s neck. Pros-
trial of the first of four police not about smashing police shot before getting back into continued to guard the front ecutors say Floyd was pinned
officers charged in George cars, because that’s not going the car. of the police department on for 9 minutes, 29 seconds.
Floyd’s death. The judge in to bring my son back.” A female passenger sustained Monday morning. Police More National Guard mem-
that case refused Monday to Protesters who gathered near non-life-threatening injuries were erecting a concrete bar- bers and state law enforce-
sequester the jury after a de- the scene waved flags and during the crash, authorities rier as Minnesota State Pa- ment personnel were to be
fense attorney argued that the signs reading “Black Lives said. Katie Wright said that trol officers joined the line in deployed around the Twin
panel could be influenced by Matter.” Others walked passenger was her son’s girl- front of the precinct. Cities and in Brooklyn Cen-
the prospect of what might peacefully with their hands friend. Several people and report- ter in addition to teams al-
happen as a result of their held up. On one street, some- Court records show Wright ers watched from across the ready in place for Chauvin’s
verdict. one wrote in multi-colored was being sought after failing street as traffic returned to trial at the Hennepin County
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz chalk: “Justice for Daunte to appear in court on charges normal on the street where courthouse in Minneapolis,
tweeted that he was praying Wright.” that he fled from officers and protesters were met with tear Harrington said.
for Wright’s family “as our Officers stopped a motorist possessed a gun without a gas the night before. One There was no visible increase
state mourns another life of a shortly before 2 p.m. Sunday permit during an encounter man yelled at the officers us- in the already high security
Black man taken by law en- for an unspecified traffic vio- with Minneapolis police in ing a megaphone as others presence on Monday morn-
forcement.” lation, police said in a state- June. In that case, a statement flew Black Lives Matter flags. ing outside the courthouse,
Speaking before the un- ment. Authorities planned to of probable cause said police About 20 businesses were which was fortified ahead
rest, Wright’s mother, Katie provide an update later Mon- got a call about a man waving broken into at the city’s Shin- of Chauvin’s trial with tall
Wright, urged protesters to day. a gun who was later identi- gle Creek shopping center, fencing topped with barbed
Katie Wright said her son fied as Wright.” Minnesota Department of wire and coils of razor wire
called her as he was getting Shortly after the shooting, Public Safety Commissioner between the fences and
pulled over. demonstrators began to gath- John Harrington said at a concrete barriers. National
“All he did was have air fresh- er, with some jumping atop news conference. Guard troops with military
eners in the car, and they told police cars. Marchers also The National Guard was vehicles, sheriff’s deputies
him to get out of the car,” descended on the Brooklyn activated, and Brooklyn and county security guards
Wright said. During the call, Center Police Department, Center Mayor Mike Elliott continued to stand watch.
she said she heard scuffling where rocks and other ob- announced a curfew that Meanwhile, all Brooklyn
and then someone saying jects were thrown at officers, expired shortly before day- Center students were to at-
“Daunte, don’t run” before authorities said. The protest- break. tend online classes Monday
the call ended. When she ers had largely dispersed by Police said Brooklyn Center because school buildings
called back, her son’s girl- 1:15 a.m. Monday. officers wear body cameras, were closed, Superintendent
friend answered and said he President Joe Biden was which they believe were acti- Carly Baker said.