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Friday 25 November 2022
Recognition of six musical legends
ORANJESTAD –On Novem- Gina Werleman, sented Aruba on various
ber 22, 2022, during a spe- occasions and delighted
cial event held at the John spouse and representative tourists with his music at
F. Kennedy Education Cen- of Mr. Felix (Chucho) Hoek, different hotels. Currently,
ter, the Ministry of Culture, Mr. Roland (Chicho) Kock, he is performing as a solo
recognized six musical leg- Mr. Cesar Olarte, and Mr. pianist at the Riu Palace
ends in Aruba on Saint Ce- Ivan Quandus. The Minis- Hotel. He produced and
cilia Day, the Patroness of ter expressed gratitude to composed many songs for
music. these musicians on Interna- the Voz-I-Landia competi-
tional Music Day in honor tion and produced many
Minister Xiomara Maduro of Santa Cecilia, patrons of records honoring Mr. Rufo
welcomed the legends musicians. Wever and Padu Lampe.
and all present. The six rec- He also performed with
ognized legends are Mr. Victor Camacho Savaneta Steelpan at the
Victor Camacho, Mr. Hya- Mr. Victor Nicolas Cama- Cas di Cultura in 1965 for
cintho (Casin) Giel, Mrs. cho is a pianist who repre- former Queen Juliana and
Prince Bernard.
Hyacintho Giel
Mr. Hyacintho (Casin) Giel
is a guitarist, pianist, and
singer. He sings rancheras
and boleros. He started his
band ‘Cassenger Sweet
Band’ and is a co-member
and co-founder of many
other bands like Super six musical legends is im-
Combo Casino and Triple S. Roland Kock pressive and extensive.
Mr. Roland Naricisio
Mr. Giel is the composer of (Chicho) Kock, is a band The Minister thanked each
most of the songs of Doble and steelpan player. He one of these musicians for
Sabor. During the Carni- plays bass guitar, guitar, their contributions and mu-
val season, he competes drums, conga, and timbal. sical creations.
with his compositions at the He performed, played with
Tumba Festival. He is Aru- bands, performed at ho- Their songs inspired and
ba's first Tumba King. tels, and played with well- contributed to f our cultural
known local and interna- musical heritage and the
Felix Hoek tional singers. promotion of Papiamento
Mr. Felix (Chucho) Hoek has internationally.q
composed and arranged Cesar Olarte
for many singers and Mr. Cesar Olarte was born
bands. He is also known as into a musical family and
a jingle arranger and com- surrounded by musicians
poser. He was a member throughout his childhood.
and director of numerous He grew up with rancheras
bands and assisted them in being part of the Mariachi
festivals and concerts. He Perla di Aruba family. From
was an instructor of classic, early on, Cesar dominated
electric guitar, and bass different musical genres
guitar. He also gave theory like R&B and has delighted
classes about harmony, ar- crowds both in Aruba and
rangement, and vocal and internationally. His greatest
is now director of the Stich- achievement was winning
ting Arubaanse Muziek- the Latin Grammy with Chi-
school/Scol di Musica Rufo chi Peralta & Son Familia.
Ivan Quandus
Sr. Ivan Quandus is a guitar,
steelpan, and bass guitar
Together with Mr. Carlos Bis-
lip and Mr. Delbert Berna-
bela, they form the Jazz trio
of The Aruba Art Ensemble.
Ivan performed at various
local and international jazz
festivals and was also part
of various musical bands as
a bass guitarist.
The musical career of these