Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
Friday 25 November 2022 locAl
Summary of the Monthly Bulletin of September 2022
Monetary develop- sector on the public sec- exchange of Afl. 452.8 mil- components. The 12-month (B.B.O./B.A.V.P.) (+Afl. 3.0
ments tor (+Afl. 178.5 million) and lion to the public, mainly average inflation rate was million), import duties (+Afl.
In September 2022, money higher claims of the bank- associated with portfolio 4.7 percent in September 3.2 million), wage tax (+Afl.
supply expanded by Afl. ing sector on the private investment and payments 2022, compared to 4.3 per- 2.6 million), land tax (+Afl.
17.3 million to Afl. 5,394.3 sector (+Afl. 15.0 million). for goods imports. These cent in August 2022. 2.2 million), and transfer tax
million, compared to Au- The growth in net claims of were partly offset by net (+Afl. 2.1 million).
gust 2022, resulting from a the banking sector on the purchases of foreign ex- Government
surge in net domestic as- public sector was the result change of Afl. 280.2 million Total government revenue Tourism
sets (+Afl. 189.9 million) and of a decline in government from the public, mostly re- amounted to Afl. 97.7 mil- The number of stay-over
a drop in net foreign assets deposits (-Afl. 184.6 million). lated to foreign exchange lion in September 2022, Afl. visitors amounted to 78,261
(-Afl. 172.6 million). The increase in claims of revenue from tourism ex- 8.9 million more than the in September 2022, which
the banking sector on the ports. same month of the previ- is 17,968 visitors (+29.8 per-
The expansion in the do- private sector was caused ous year. The expansion cent) more than in Sep-
mestic component of the by higher loans to enterpris- Inflation in government revenue tember 2021. The North
money supply was caused es (+Afl. 8.7 million), housing The consumer price index resulted from an increase American market, the
by a growth in domestic mortgages (+Afl. 4.1 mil- (CPI) for September 2022 in tax revenue (+Afl. 14.5 Latin American market,
credit (+Afl. 193.6 million) lion), and consumer credit noted a 7.0 percent rise million) and a decrease in and the European market
and a decrease in non- (+Afl. 2.2 million). year-over-year (YOY) com- nontax revenue (-Afl. 5.6 increased by 10,723 visi-
credit-related balance pared to a 7.7 percent in- million). tors (+22.2 percent), 3,226
sheet items (-Afl. 3.7 million). In September 2022, the de- crease (YOY) for August visitors (+62.5 percent), and
The rise in domestic credit cline in net foreign assets 2022. The main contributors The growth in tax revenue 2,843 visitors (+54.1 per-
was due to a surge in the of the banking sector was to this increase were the was driven by expansion in cent), respectively.q
net claims of the banking due to net sales of foreign “Housing” and “Transport” income from turnover tax
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