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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 25 November 2022

            The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors at Divi Aruba All-inclusive

            Recently,  Kimberley  Rich-                                                            cate  is  the  highest  certifi-  cious  variety  of  foods,  its
            ardson  of  the  Aruba  Tour-                                                          cate that we present, and  safety  and  Aruba’s  warm
            ism Authority had the great                                                            is  given  to  visitors  whom  and friendly people whom
            pleasure  to  honor  Aruba’s                                                           have  been  visiting  Aruba  have become like family to
            loyal and friendly visitors as                                                         35 years or more consecu-    them. Mr. & Mrs. Tripp also
            Emerald  Ambassadors  of                                                               tively.  The  ceremony  was  brought  their  family  to  the
            Aruba.  The  symbolic  hon-                                                            one  of  importance  to  us  island many times before.
            orary  Emerald  Ambassa-                                                               because  honoring  visitors
            dor certificate is presented                                                           whom  have  been  coming  Ms.  Richardson  together
            on behalf of the minister of                                                           to Aruba for over 35 years is  with the representatives of
            Tourism, as a token of ap-                                                             incredibly rare and it was a  the  Divi  Aruba  All-inclusive
            preciation and to say ‘Ma-                                                             very  memorable  moment  presented the certificate to
            sha  Danki’  to  the  guests                                                           for all of us.               the honorees, handed over
            who  visit  Aruba  35  years                                                            Mr. & Mrs. Tripp stated that  some  presents  and  also
            and more consecutively.                                                                they  love  the  island  very  thanked  them  for  choos-
                                                                                                   much,  especially  for  its  ing  Aruba  as  their  favorite
            The honorees were couple                                                               year-round sunny weather,  vacation  destination  and
            Mr. Edward & Mrs. Gail Tripp  Mr.  &  Mrs.  Tripp  has  been  consecutively.  The  Emer-  nice  sandy  beaches  and  as  their  home-away-from-
            from New York, USA.          visiting  Aruba  for  38  years  ald  Ambassador  certifi-  picturesque  sunsets,  deli-  home.q

            The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors on the island Divi

            Village Golf & Beach Resort

            Recently,  Kimberley  Rich-  from Florida, United States.
            ardson  of  the  Aruba  Tour-
            ism Authority had the great  Mrs.  Robarge  stated  that
            pleasure  to  honor  on  of  she  loves  the  island  very
            Aruba’s  loyal  and  friendly  much,  especially  for  its
            visitors as an Emerald Am-   year-round sunny weather,
            bassador  of  Aruba.  The  its nice sandy beaches and
            emerald  Ambassador  is  picturesque sunsets, its de-
            presented on behalf of the  licious variety of foods, the
            Minister of Tourism, as a to-  number of casinos that Aru-
            ken of appreciation and to  ba has, and Aruba’s warm
            say ‘Masha Danki’ to guests  and friendly people whom
            whom  have  visited  Aruba  have  become  family  to
            35 years and more consec-    her.
                                         Ms.  Richardson  together
            The  Emerald  Ambassador  with  the  representatives
            certificate  is  the  highest  of  the  Divi  Village  Golf  &
            certificate that we present,  Beach  Resort  presented
            and is only given            the  certificate  to  the  hon-
            to a few, making every part  oree,  handed  over  some
            of  this  honoring  ceremony  presents, and also thanked
            even more special.           her  for  choosing  Aruba  as
                                         her  favorite  vacation  des-
            Ms.  Richardson  had  the  tination  and  as  her  home-
            great pleasure to meet and  away-from-home.q
            honor  Mrs.  Elaine  Robarge
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