Page 17 - AHATA
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Friday 25 august 2023 LOCAL

            A scientific journey across the island - Part III

            On  the  3rdof  January  1885,  I  re-
            ceived on Aruba: I have received
            a warning; never again travel with-
            out a hammock.

            Meanwhile  the  rays  of  the  sun
            speedily  banished  these  somber
            thoughts.  As  soon  as  it  was  pos-
            sible we set out for Jamanota, and
            were  astonished  to  see  a  puddle
            of  fresh  water  of  about  three  or   ancient  Indian  population  sculp-
            four  feet  across  in  the  slate-bed   tured frogs figure prominently, and
            which comes to the surface there.    to this day people are wont to sing
            My guide scooped some tadpoles       a  monotonous  melody  about  the
            from it. It was known to us that the   dori once recited to me with great
            frog,  the  so-called  dori,  occurred   tenderness by an old woman:
            on  Aruba,  but  everyone  told  us   Dori, dori mako, si mi mori …ken ta
            that  we  should  not  encounter  it,   dera?                            Fontein.” (Prof. Martin proceeds to
            because in the dry season it creeps   The Mako frog...”if I die…who shall  give an explanation of the origin of
            into the soil, being found there oc-  bury me?                           these  caves  informing  us  that  the
            casionally at a depth of as many     Actually  it  is  the  “Sapo”  or  Cane  Indians chose them as their dwell-
            as six meters. This seeming contra-  Toad that the lady in question is re-  ings at a later period, but that now
            diction was resolved the next day    ferring to in this song, who happily  only  bats  and  rats  inhabit  them.
            by  our  finding  a  grown-up  frog,   sings all night in celebration of the  Furthermore  he  describes  the  In-
            which according to all the natives   coming harvest abundance.           dian drawings).
            was  decidedly  different  from  the   “Through  the  dense  undergrowth
            dori,  so  that  the  island  possesses   of spiny Hubada and cacti, prick-  “We  continued  our  journey  along
            two  kinds  of  frogs,  whereas  they   ing our legs and feet and scratch-  the  north  coast  of  the  island,  in-
            do not occur on Curacao and Bo-      ing  our  faces,  and  sometimes  tending  to  ride  along  the  beach   sun-dial,  and  it  even  possesses  a
            naire at all”                        wrenching our hats off our heads,  of  Fontein  to  Daimari,  which  can   type of wind-gauge, made of two
                                                 we  struggled  on  in  a  wide  curve  now be reached from Oranjestad   calabashes.  The  professor  found
            The  dori,  the  species  of  frog  the   sometimes  crossing  narrow  brook-  by an easy path enabling us to ar-  a  man  here  whose  father  was  a
            inhabitant of Aruba is familiar with   beds filled with rubble, in order to  rive there already by noon. It con-  Dutchman,  and  who  had  earned
            appears in great masses at the be-   return to our point of departure on  sists  of  a  single  house  on  the  bay   twenty-four thousand guilders as a
            ginning of the rainy season and it   the north coast.”                   of that name and is, like all other   gold-seeker,  but  had  as  soon  lost
            is  therefore  quite  understandable                                     houses  of  the  residence,  of  a  pe-  them again.”
            that  the  population  greatly  honor   “First  we  arrived  at  Miralamar  culiar construction and subdivision,   …and  so  are  the  stories  of  Aruba
            him, being as he is in a manner of   where  there  is  a  quartz  passage  if one is justified in using this word   in the second half of the 19th cen-
            speaking, their redeemer from the    rich  in  gold  and  where  in  former  at all.  Two small rooms_ just large   tury.
            prolonged  periods  of  drought  in   times a lucrative mine was worked  enough  for  a  few  hammocks,  a
            consequence  of  which  the  pinch   by an English company.  February  crude table and primitive chairs on   To get to know more over Aruba’s
            of hunger and misery is so often felt.   1st,  1885,  Sunday,  our  people  will  which, in fact, we hardly dared sit   and its origins, its animals and cul-
            Already on the implements of the                                                                             ture, we highly recommend you to
                                                 not budge. The donkeys, too, are  for fear of their collapsing under us   book  your  visit  for  our  renowned
                                                 tired, and so we shall have to stay  that was the interior of this house.”    cultural  encounter  session  has
                                                 in  the  vicinity  of  Fontein  till  next  “By the side of the house, which is   been  entertaining  curious  partici-
                                                 morning:  “poco,  poco,”  said  our  spotlessly white-washed, there is a   pants for decades.  Mail us at et-
                                                 guide.                              lean-to, a cooking-place open on    nianativa03@gmail.comto  confirm
                                                                                     several sides in which there is gen-  your  participation.  Our  facilities
                                                 “In the morning we visited the sta-  erally  a  seat.  Daimari  boasts  an   and activities take place close to
                                                 lactite  cave  at  no  more  than  a  object  of  great  luxury.  Before  the   high rise hotels.
                                                 few  hundred  yards  distance  from  door  stands  a  simple  but  usable
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