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                   Thursday 15 June 2017
              Cosecha Oranjestad Welcomed Friends of Wisconsin

            ORANJESTAD  -  Recently
            Jan Londowski and partner
            Ray visited Cosecha Oran-
            jestad.  Jan  and  Ray  have
            been coming to the island
            for 24 years and this is the
            first time they visited Cose-
            cha Oranjestad. They were
            amazed by the local made
            arts and crafts at Cosecha
            and really liked the collec-
            tion of Grace Ashruf.
            This collection of small art-
            works  is  called  ‘Aruban
            Treasures’.  This  series  is  a
            combination of her former
            collections  ‘Treasure’  and
            ‘New Horizons’.
            In  each  of  these  small
            paintings  a  hidden  Trea-
            sure  can  be  discovered.
            These  pieces  are  original
            and are of course one of a
            Artist  Grace  Ahsruf  was
            also  present  to  meet  and
            greet  Jan  and  Ray  and
            to  especially  hand  deliv-
            ered  the  paintings  to  Jan
            and Ray together with the    5 beautiful paintings of Aruba will be  Island of Aruba.                     website
            Cosecha team.  Now in a      hanging  in  their  living  room  so  they  For more information about Cosecha  or  their
            lovely  home  in  Wisconsin   can always think about the beautiful  Oranjestad  or  San  Nicolas  visit  their  Facebook/Aruba Cosecha.q
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