Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20211005
P. 30
A30 world news
Diamars 5 OctOber 2021
Taliban raid suspected IS hideout after bombing in capital
which has ramped up attacks stan with the chaotic depar- 24 people, including new-
against its Taliban enemy ture of the last U.S. troops born babies. Earlier this year,
since their takeover of Kabul on Aug. 31. they were held responsible
in mid-August. for a brutal attack on a school
The Islamic State group had in Afghanistan’s mostly Shi-
Taliban officials had gathered claimed responsibility for the ite neighborhood of Dasht-e-
at the mosque to mourn the horrific bombing on Aug. 26 Barchi that killed more than
passing of Taliban spokes- that killed more than 169 Af- 80 students.
man Zabihullah Mujahid’s ghans and 13 U.S. military
mother. personnel outside the Kabul Sunday’s bombing under-
airport, where thousands of scores the growing chal-
In a statement Monday, Mu- people were trying to reach lenges for the Taliban. The
jahid said Taliban forces raid- the airport to escape Taliban group carried out frequent
ed an Islamic State operations rule. attacks during their 20-year
center in the northern Ka- insurgency, but are now faced
bul neighborhood of Khair The Islamic State reemerged with trying to contain rival
(AP) — Taliban forces day. Khana. It did not say how in Afghanistan in 2020 after militants who have used the
raided an Islamic State many IS insurgents killed or being weakened by a heavy same methods. And they are
affiliate’s hideout in the Sunday’s bombing outside whether any Taliban were in- U.S. bombing campaign di- doing so during a national
Afghan capital and killed the Eid Gah mosque killed jured in the operation. rected against them in the economic meltdown without
several insurgents, hours five civilians, and while no eastern part of the country in the massive foreign aid given
after a deadly bombing claim of responsibility was Sunday’s bombing was the 2019. They were blamed for to U.S.-backed government
outside a mosque in Ka- made, suspicion quickly fell deadliest attack since the Tal- a horrific attack in 2020 on a they toppled.
bul, the Taliban said Mon- on the Islamic State group, iban took control of Afghani- maternity hospital that killed
Tunisians march to support president’s usurpation of power
(AP) — Thousands of Tunisians at- nisia’s democratic transition.
tended demonstrations in Tunis and
other cities this weekend in a show On Sunday, Tunisia’s state agency TAP
of support for President Kais Saied’s reported that a lawmaker and a television
recent consolidation of power — a host had been arrested over TV remarks
move that his critics have dubbed a critical to Saied, quoting lawyer Samir
coup. Ben Amor.
Thousands stood on Tunis’ central thor- But the crowd at Sunday’s demonstra-
oughfare Sunday waving the nation’s tion was a satisfied and hopeful one.
crimson flag demanding tough action
against corruption, and chanting “The “I came here to support the dissolution
people want the dissolution of parlia- of the parliament, because we are tired of
ment!” One demonstrator wore a T- these corrupt politicians, these thieves,”
shirt emblazoned with “We are Kais demonstrator Intissar Slits, 45, told The
Saied.” Another held a sign that read Associated Press. “We are here to support
“You are not alone Mr. President, we are our president, this is the will of the peo-
with you.” ple. The people are tired of being poor,
tired of being hungry, we are tired of ev-
On July 25, following nationwide anti- erything.”
government protests, Saied abruptly dis-
missed his prime minister, assumed all Another demonstrator said the country’s
executive powers and froze parliament 2014 constitution was a failure and did
in the North African nation. not represent the wishes of the Tunisian
people, only those of a small group of
While constitutional lawyers and politi- politicians.
cal opponents including the influential
Islamist party say his actions are unlaw- Despite concerns about the legitimacy of
ful, the decision has proven widely pop- Saied’s moves, demonstrator Sonia Bel-
ular with the Tunisian public. It followed nasser said a return to authoritarian rule
a long period of political and economic is impossible for the Tunisian people.
crisis for Tunisia that was exacerbated by
the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The Tunisian people are now on the
street supporting Kais Saied, the profes-
On Sept. 22, Saied followed up on his sor Kais Saied, the president Kais Saied,
“exceptional measures” with the an- because he said no to corruption. If one
nouncement of a new constitutional day he becomes part of the bad system,
order, effectively suspending part of the then all the people will turn against him”
country’s 2014 constitution and trans- she said, adding that she was happy with
ferring sweeping legislative powers to Saied’s appointment of Najla Bouden as
the president, giving him the right to head of government last week, the Arab
rule by decree. world’s first female prime minister.
Thousands gathered for protests last Protests were also held in several cities,
weekend against that decision, notably from the coastal town of Sfax to Sidi
from Islamist party Ennahdha, which has Bouzid in the impoverished interior —
been sidelined by the president’s moves. the birthplace of Arab Spring uprisings.
Human rights advocates and civil society Tunisia was the only country to emerge
organizations have openly condemned from that tumultuous time with a demo-
his actions, calling them a threat to Tu- cratic government.