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world news Diamars 5 OctOber 2021
Japan new PM to seek fresh mandate to handle virus, economy
(AP) — Newly elected and COP-26 climate meet- ter Nobuo Kishi, who is for-
Japanese Prime Minister ings in-person. mer Prime Minister Shinzo
Fumio Kishida said Mon- Abe’s younger brother, were
day he will dissolve the A former foreign minis- retained, ensuring continu-
lower house next week ter, Kishida, 64, used to be ity of Japan’s diplomacy and
in preparation for Oct. known as a moderate but security policies as the coun-
31 elections as he seeks a turned hawkish on security try seeks to closely work with
fresh mandate to deal with and more conservative on Washington under the bilat-
the coronavirus pandem- gender equality and other is- eral security pact in the face
ic, the sagging economy sues, apparently to win over of China’s rise and growing
and security threats from influential conservatives in tensions in the region, in-
China and North Korea. his Liberal Democratic Party. cluding around Taiwan.
His victory in last week’s vote
Kishida was formally elected to replace Suga as the party’s Kishida supports stronger
by parliament earlier Mon- leader was seen as a choice Japan-U.S. security ties and
day to replace Yoshihide for continuity and stability partnerships with other like-
Suga, who resigned after only over change. minded democracies in Asia, Kishida said he is open to Suga’s perceived high-hand-
one year in office. Suga’s Europe and Britain, in part meet with North Korean edness on the pandemic and
support had plunged over Kishida replaced all but two to counter China and nucle- leader Kim Jong Un without other issues.
his handling of the pandemic of Suga’s 20 Cabinet mem- ar-armed North Korea. He preconditions to resolve the
and insistence on holding the bers, and 13 will hold posts pledged to beef up Japan’s issue of Japanese citizens ab- He’ll also have to ensure Ja-
Tokyo Olympics as the virus for the first time, according missile and naval defense ca- ducted to the North decades pan’s health care systems,
spread. to the lineup announced by pability. ago. He said he will cooper- vaccination campaign and
new Chief Cabinet Secretary ate with President Joe Biden other virus measures are
“Our fight against the corona- Hirokazu Matsuno. Most of Kishida acknowledged the in resolving North Korea’s ready for a possible resur-
virus is continuing,” Kishida the posts went to powerful importance to continue dia- nuclear and missile threats. gence of COVID-19 in win-
told his first news conference factions that voted for Kishi- logue with China, an impor- ter, while gradually normal-
Monday night after taking da in the party election. Only tant neighbor and trade part- Kishida also faces worsen- izing social and economic
office. “COVID-19 measures three women are included, ner, but said that “we must ing ties with South Korea activity.
is the urgent and top priority, up from two in Suga’s gov- speak up” against China’s over history issues even after
and I will handle the problem ernment. attempt to change the status he struck a 2015 agreement Voters welcomed new, and
taking into consideration the quo in the East and South with Seoul to resolve a row slightly younger, faces in the
worst-case scenario.” He said Veteran female lawmaker China Seas. over the issue of women who government.
he will review the past virus Seiko Noda, one of four were sexually abused by Ja-
handling and seek to set up a candidates who vied for the Kishida created a new Cabi- pan’s military during World A 28-year-old designer Kar-
crisis management unit. party leadership, became the net post aimed at tackling War II. en Einaka said she hoped
minister in charge of the na- the economic dimensions of the new government takes
He also pledged to push tion’s declining birthrate and Japan’s national security, ap- South Korean President into consideration younger
through with a large-scale local revitalization. Another pointing 46-year-old Taka- Moon Jae-in on Monday people’s opinions and allows
recovery package to support woman, Noriko Horiuchi, yuki Kobayashi, who is rela- sent a letter to Kishida, con- younger politicians to play
those hit by the pandemic. became vaccinations minis- tively new to parliament. gratulating him and offering important roles.
ter, replacing Taro Kono, the to work together to improve
“In order to take large-scale runner-up in the party lead- Finance Minister Taro Aso ties. At least, “Kishida looks more
COVID-19 measures, I need ership race. was shifted to a top party post energetic than Suga,” said
to get the people’s mandate,” and replaced by his 68-year- An urgent task at home will business owner Makoto
Kishida said, adding that he Foreign Minister Toshimitsu old relative, Shunichi Suzuki. be turning around his party’s Okubo.
will pass up attending G-20 Motegi and Defense Minis- declining popularity, hurt by
Koreas talk on hotline restored after North’s missile tests
(AP) — North Korea restored dormant com- by their South Korean counterparts over a set of nication channels, saying he wanted to realize the
munication hotlines with South Korea in a cross-border government and military channels on Korean people’s wishes to promote peace. His
small, fragile reconciliation step Monday in Monday morning for the first time in nearly two influential sister, Kim Yo Jong, earlier said North
an apparent hard push to win outside conces- months. Korea was open to restarting talks and cooperation
sions with a mix of conciliatory gestures and steps if conditions are met.
missile tests. On a separate military channel, the Koreas ex-
changed information about fishing activities along Some experts question the sincerity of such an
It’s unclear how substantially the move will im- their disputed westerns sea boundary — where overture because it came as North Korea renewed
prove ties between the Koreas, as Pyongyang has a several inter-Korean bloody naval battles have oc- missile tests after a six-month hiatus. Kim Yo Jong
history of using the hotlines as a bargaining chip in curred in previous years — to prevent similar skir- has also said South Korea must abandon “double-
dealings with Seoul. It often unilaterally suspended mishes, Seoul’s Defense Ministry said. A ministry dealing standards” and a “hostile viewpoint” if it
then reactivated them when it needed better rela- statement said Seoul hopes the hotlines’ restora- truly wants improved ties, a position largely echoed
tions with its southern neighbor. tion would help reduce tensions on the peninsula. by her brother.
North Korean liaison officers answered phone calls The hotlines are phone and fax channels that the The experts say North Korea is trying to use
Koreas use to set up meetings, arrange border South Korea’s desire to improve ties to pressure
crossings and avoid accidental clashes. They’ve it to convince the United States to relax punish-
been largely stalled for more than a year as the ing economic sanctions on the North. Others say
North cut off them in protest of South Korean ci- North Korea wants South Korea not to criticize its
vilian leafleting campaigns. Communications were ballistic missile tests, which are banned by U.N.
briefly revived for about two weeks this summer, Security Council resolutions, in part of its efforts
but North Korea later refused to exchange mes- to receive an international recognition as a nuclear
sages again after Seoul staged annual military drills weapons state.
with Washington that Pyongyang views as an inva-
sion rehearsal. Lee Jong-joo, a spokeswoman for the Unification
Ministry, said Seoul hopes the two Koreas would
Last week, North Korea leader Kim Jong Un ex- reopen official talks soon on improving ties based
pressed his willingness to reactivate the commu- on the stable operation of the hotlines.