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local Wednesday 22 February 2023
Aruba’s refinery zone to dance group Kids & Youth in action wins “Best
transform into energy Valley Road Show” in Aruba’s 69th carnaval
grand parade
(Oranjestad)—this past sunday, aruba Best Road Show, adding that it is a great
carnaval organization SMAC released recognition for all the hard work put in by
their official list of winners for the grand the dancers, the queen and her team.
parade of aruba’s 69 th carnaval. One of
the categories on the list was “Best road “Preparations for election day were pretty
Show”, and the winner for this category tough; we trained practically every day
was local dance group Kids & Youth in ac- for two weeks. After the elections, we
tion. the group was accompanied by the were happy about how the show turned
Grand Queen of carnaval 69 during their out and we were also invited to be a part
(Oranjestad)— during a The delegation was also performances. of Adrianne’s team to accompany her
video posted on Prime Min- accompanied by Aruba’s during the parades. We of course couldn’t
ister evelyn Wever-Croes’ Minister Plenipotentiary for Kids & Youth in Action is a local dance resist, we were very willing to join in on the
Facebook page, the Min- The Netherlands, Ady Thi- group that has been in existence for 30 parades,” she stated.
ister of energy, Glenbert jsen, as well as Mr. Patrick years now. For the carnaval queen’s elec- She also expressed that the children were
Croes, shared some infor- Cnubben. Cnubben is the tion, this group was invited to support con- very excited to join the parades, and that
mation on his travels to the person in charge of guid- testant Adrianne Jacobs, who was crown this was the first time that some of the chil-
netherlands. “From Gronin- ing the development of the as Carnaval Grand Queen on January dren will be partaking in these parades.
gen to the entire communi- Hydrogen Valley for Aruba. 22nd. Because of her title, she was given She stated that they danced from begin-
ty of aruba, our delegation the responsibility to open all parades. ning to end.
is working towards the re- “I think Aruba is taking The dancers from KYA, choreographed
activation of the entire re- charge to show the rest of and managed by Raisa Montilla during “The kids had a lot of fun. This was the first
finery zone on the island,” the world the Hydrogen the carnaval festivities, accompanied the time many of them joined the grand pa-
he commented. Valley, the Energy Val- queen during the grand parades in San rade. It was hard though, because the sun
ley in San Nicolas, where Nicolas and Oranjestad this past week- was very bright and the route was very
He pointed out that this the refinery is located. This end. long; 5 hours dancing is not easy, but they
zone “is going to be the valley will be a significant all did their best. They looked great, but
Energy Valley: Aruba Hy- non-tourist economic pil- Montilla, who also choreographed Ja- most importantly, they enjoyed it. I want
drogen Valley”, where the lar. This mission is important, cob’s show during the queen’s election, to thank Royal Carnival Group and Adri-
main goal is to reactivate because it concerns the expressed to our reporter that she feels anne’s team for allowing us to join Aruba’s
the energy industry with revival of an energy indus- honored that the group won the title for carnaval queen.”q
renewable, clean energy try that has been closed
“in order to take care of for several years,” Croes
the island’s environment.” mentioned. He expressed
Croes shared that the goal that he hopes to see the
is that everyone would also entire refinery zone re-
be able to get “a good modeled into the Energy
job, good pay, and that Valley, where renewable,
our contractors can under- clean energy will create
take better projects and economic activity and job
get good contracts, so that openings for those who
our economy can flourish lost theirs when the refinery
without the need for black closed down.
smoke from gas emissions.”
The minister’s hope for a Minister Croes did not ex-
better economic and en- pand on the plans for the
vironmental future is the zone, even though the
reason for the delegation’s video showed different
travels to Groningen. images from the presenta-
tions given to the delega-
The delegation in question tion about the project. It
consisted of representa- is expected that upon the
tives from Aruba’s refinery minister’s return to Aruba,
(RdA), WEB ARUBA NV, El- he will expand on this proj-
mar NV and Utilities NV. ect in further detail. q