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a8    local
             Wednesday 22 February 2023

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Divi Aruba All Inclusive Resort

            EAGLE BEACH  -  Recently, Aruba                                                                             Safe for family vacations
            Tourism  Authority  representative                                                                          Staff is friendly and accommodat-
            Ms. Olga Ruiz had the great plea-                                                                           ing
            sure in honoring many loyal Aruba                                                                           Most beautiful beaches
            visitors with their distinctive certifi-                                                                    Divi Golf course
            cates. These certificates are a way                                                                         Feels like our 2nd home!
            to say “Masha Danki” for continu-
            ously  choosing  Aruba  as  a  favor-                                                                       James & Joan Murphy reasons:
            ite  vacation  destination.  The  titles                                                                    The  people  are  welcoming  and
            are as following: 10+ years “Distin-                                                                        friendly
            guished Visitor”, 20+ years “Good-                                                                          The  beach  at  the  Divi  Resort  is
            will  Ambassador”  and  36+  years                                                                          beautiful
            “Emerald Ambassador”.                                                                                       The Divi Divi is an amazing hotel
                                                                                                                        The weather is beautiful all the time
                                                                                                                        The  whole  family  travels  together
            For  this  honoring,  the  representa-                                                                      to Aruba
            tive had the pleasure of honoring
            many of the loyal visitors that have                                                                        Ms. Olga Ruiz representing the Aru-
            chosen Aruba time and time again                                                                            ba  Tourism  Authority,  and  mem-
            as their destination to unwind and                                                                          bers of the Divi Aruba All Inclusive
            relax.                                                                                                      Resort  bestowed  the  certification
                                                                                                                        of  the  Distinguished,  and  Good-
            The  honorees  who  were  honored                                                                           will  Ambassadors  of  Aruba.  The
            as   Distinguished   Ambassadors                                                                            honorees were presented with the
            were:                                                                                                       respectively  certificates  and  with
            Richard & Donna Anastos resident  Colleen Jenkins Murphy resident of  According  to  Honorees  these  are  memorable gifts.
            of  Massachusetts,  United  States  Massachusetts, United States (have  the  top  reasons  for  returning  to  On  behalf  of  the  Government  of
            (have been visiting for 11 years)   been visiting for 21 years)         Aruba:                              Aruba,  we  would  like  to  express
            Kenneth  Duval  resident  of  Massa-                                    Richard & Donna Anastos reasons:    our  gratitude  and  appreciation
            chusetts, United States (have been  This  symbolic  honorary  title  is  pre-  The friendly people          to  all  the  Ambassadors  for  mak-
            visiting for 11 years)              sented on behalf of the Minister of  Warm weather                       ing Aruba their preferred vacation
                                                Tourism as a token of appreciation  Beautiful beach                     destination for so many years. We
            The  honorees  who  were  honored  to  the  guests  who  visit  Aruba  be-  Great choice of restaurants     are so thankful to have had such
            as Goodwill Ambassadors were:       tween the 10-20-35 and more con-    Divi Divi All Inclusive             wonderful Ambassadors as our visi-
            James  &  Joan  Murphy  resident  of  secutive year mark.                                                   tors  after  all  these  years!  Aruba  is
            Rhode Island, United States (have                                       Kenneth  Duval  &  Colleen  Jenkins  unquestionably  their  home  away
            been visiting for 21 years!)                                            Murphy reasons:                     from home!q

                                                                                          SETAR Complete 60+

                                                                        ORANJESTAD  —  SETAR  introduces  their  um Plan. With the choice of one of these
                                                                        newest  package  especially  for  seniors  packages  the  client  will  receive  addi-
                                                                        named ‘SETAR Complete 60+’ which in-     tional free minutes to fixed phone lines,
                                                                        cludes  an  increase  in  free  minutes  for  more TV channels to choose from and a
                                                                        fixed telephone lines.                   higher internet speeds of 170 to 250 Mbs.
                                                                                                                 All these great services for one price. The
                                                                        Since  October  2019,  SETAR  launched  additional free minutes and also the use
                                                                        their  newest  package  SETAR  Complete  of both packages has been increased.
                                                                        60+. The package offers very attractive  The  free  minutes  can  be  used  anytime
                                                                        rates  for  senior  clients  at  the  age  of  60  during the day.
                                                                        years  and  older.  The  beneficial  pack-  For more information check out the web-
                                                                        age consists of three services which are:  site or call +297 525-1700.
                                                                        fixed telephone line, cable and internet.  Clients 60+ interested to apply for the ser-
                                                                        Clients  60+  can  choose  between  two  vice must pass by any Setar Teleshop or
                                                                        packages: the Startup Plan or the Premi-  Setar Store.q
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