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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 22 February 2023

            11-year-old Fabio Alexander fights for his

            dream of playing soccer for Real Madrid

                                                                      received  an  invitation  to
                                                                      travel to Madrid and realize
                                                                      the dream that a lot of kids,
                                                                      adults  and  soccer  fanat-
                                                                      ics have: playing soccer in
                                                                      Madrid  for  the  foundation
                                                                      of  one  of  the  biggest  soc-
                                                                      cer club in the world, Real

                                                                      “I’m  very  happy  that  I  re-
                                                                      ceived  an  invitation.  It’s  who explained more about  pensive  and  we  still  have
                                                                      going  to  be  a  once  in  a  the costs.                 to  pay  for  Alexander  and
                                                                      lifetime  experience  that  I                             his plus one’s flight,” Meriño
                                                                      will  never  forget.  I’m  very  “It’s a big sum, but we are  explained.
            (Oranjestad)—Fabio      Al-  play  in  Madrid,  Spain,  in  excited  to  play  in  Madrid  working  hard  to  make  his
            exander  Montilla  is  an  the  Real  Madrid  Founda-     and  even  meet  some  of  dream  come  true.  It’s  not  The  tournament  will  take
            11-year-old boy with a love  tion World Challenge Tour-   the  professional  players,  if  cheap,  we  have  to  play  place  from  March  31st  to
            for  soccer.  He  currently  nament 2023.                 I’m  lucky,”  Alexander  ex-  for everything. They are of-  April 8th. If anyone is inter-
            plays  for  the  local  club                              pressed.                     fering  a  package  that  in-  est  in  contributing  in  Alex-
            RCA and Team Dreyer, with  Last  year,  Alexander  was                                 cludes   accommodation,  ander’s  dream,  Claudia  is
            whom  he  recently  to  Co-  a  part  of  the  Real  Madrid  To make this dream a real-  food,  transport  and  a  few  available  through  phone
            lombia  with  to  play  in  the  Foundation Clinic that took  ity, Alexander’s parents has  tours, plus uniform and en-  call  at  7307325.  “Any  help
            Future Soccer Cup Tourna-    place  in  Aruba.  Through  to  cover  the  travel  costs  try  for  the  tournament  for  or  contribution,  no  matter
            ment (FSC). In March, Fabio  this, coupled with his talent,  to  Madrid.  Bon  Dia  Aruba  the  plus  one.  However,  how  big  or  small,  will  be
            Alexander  had  the  once  dedication,  discipline  and  talked  with  Alexander’s  even  with  all  these  things  greatly appreciated,” Mer-
            in a lifetime opportunity to  love  for  soccer,  Alexander  mother,  Claudia  Meriño,  covered,  it’s  still  very  ex-  iño finalized.q

            Create museum memories

            ORANJESTAD  —  Museums  preserved  as  one  of  Aru-      After  studying  various  op-
            are an integral part of con-  ba's  monuments.  The  Mu-  tions,  a  project  proposal
            serving  and  honoring  cul-  seum  of  Industry  is  part  of  was  drawn  up,  including
            tures,  and  Aruba  is  no  ex-  Fundacion Museo Arubano  the acquisition and restora-
            ception.  Our  Island  has  a  (FMA),  which  is  a  founda-  tion of historical buildings in
            wide  selection  of  various  tion  set  to  maintain,  pre-  downtown Oranjestad.
            museums for our locals and  serve, and protect the Aru-
            visitors to see. Take this op-  ban  culture  sector,  history,  These  historical  buildings
            portunity to learn about our  and nature. The museum of  were  formerly  the  proper-
            island  and  experience  a  Industry is open daily from 9  ty  of  the  Ecury  family.  The
            different  day  beyond  the  am till 1 pm.                “Ecury Complex”, is a clus-  nanced  by  the  Aruban  exhibit  gives  the  visitor  an
            beach.  Let  us  introduce  to  For more information check  ter  of  single  and  two-story  Government and the Union  insight into the cultures that
            you the these locations.     out  their  Facebook  page  historic  buildings,  mainly  of  Cultural  Organizations  inhabited the island in Pre-
                                         Museum of Industry Aruba.    Dutch  colonial  architec-   (UNOCA),  opened  in  July  Historical  and  Early  Histori-
            Museum of Industry Aruba                                  ture from the late 19th and  2009.                        cal times. The museum also
            Museum  of  Industry  in  San  Archaeological Museum of  20th  century  on  a  plot  of                             hosts  an  attractive  public
            Nicolas,  better  known  as  Aruba                        approximately 1.700 m2.      At  the  new  location  the  program including lectures,
            the  art  capital  of  Aruba.  The  Archaeological  Mu-                                National   Archaeological  educational projects, tem-
            This  museum  presents  the  seum  of  Aruba  is  located  In 1997 the Aruban Govern-  Museum Aruba disposes of  porary  exhibits  and  work-
            history of gold, aloe, phos-  at Schelpstraat 42 in down-  ment bought the complex  approximately  500  m2  for  shops.
            phate,  oil  and  tourism  town Oranjestad. The reno-     for  the  National  Archaeo-  its  permanent  exhibit.  This
            through  elaborated  dis-    vated  historic  Ecury  com-  logical  Museum  project.  exhibit conveys through ar-   The  museum  is  open  daily
            plays  and  multimedia  in-  plex in downtown Oranjes-    In  2004  a  financial  agree-  chaeological  objects  and  from 9:30 am till 4:30 pm.
            stallations.                 tad  has  been  transformed  ment  was  signed  with  the  modern  exhibition  tech-
            The  Museum  of  Industry  is  from  a  family  home  to  a  European   Development  niques  information  on  the  For more information check
            situated in the Water Tower  modern  museum  that  pre-   Fund and in 2006 restaura-   origin  and  culture  of  the  out  the  Facebook  page
            in San Nicolas and narrates  serves  Aruba’s  Amerindian  tion and construction work  first  inhabitants  of  the  is-  Museo  Arqueologico  Na-
            Aruba's  industrial  history  cultural  heritage.  This  21st  began on the monumental  land.  The  new  permanent  cional Aruba.q
            which  began  in  the  19th  century  museum  is  espe-   buildings  and  the  new  to
            century.  The  Water  Tower  cially designed to preserve  build  exhibition  space.  In
            was built in 1939 and con-   valuable  artifacts  dating  December 2007 the key to
            sists  of  three  sections:  the  back  to  the  Pre-Ceramic  the complex was delivered
            substructure, the high-rising  period of 2500 BC.         and the museum’s employ-
            vertical shaft, and the tank                              ees  moved  to  the  new  lo-
            at the top. The Water Tow-   In  the  late  1980’s  AMA  cation. The final design for
            er  was  purchased  by  the  identified  its  need  for  an  the exhibit was completed
            Monuments  fund  in  2003  adequate  housing  for  its  in  November  2007  and
            so it could be restored and  collection  and  activities.  the  permanent  exhibit,  fi-
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