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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 9 December 2020

                         Family: Black man shot by deputy held a sandwich, not a gun

            (AP) — A U.S. attorney said Tues-   tion.”  But  the  investigation  bureau
            day  that  investigators  from  the  believed  Columbus  police  mishan-
            Justice Department and FBI will  dled the process needed for the state
            help  review  the  fatal  shooting  to take the case, leaving it no choice
            by an Ohio sheriff ’s deputy of a  but to decline, according to the office
            Black man whose family says that  of Attorney General Dave Yost, a Re-
            he was holding a sandwich, not a  publican.
            gun, and that he was shot in front  Ginther signed an order in June re-
            of his grandmother and two tod-     quiring  the  bureau  to  investigate  all
            dlers  while  inside  his  home,  not  deaths involving Columbus police as
            outside it.                         a result of racial-injustice protests that
                                                followed the police killings of George
            After the state attorney general’s of-  Floyd  in  Minneapolis  and  Breonna
            fice said it wouldn’t be able to inves-  Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky.
            tigate because Columbus police took  The order came after public criticism
            too long to bring the case to their at-  of  internal  investigations  of  police,
            tention,  the  office  of  U.S.  Attorney  by police, and stated that such probes
            David  M.  DeVillers  in  Ohio  said  create  “a  perception  that  police  use
            Tuesday  that  it  would  look  into  the  of force is unchecked, unlawful and
            matter along with the Justice Depart-  unsafe.”
            ment’s Civil Rights Division, the FBI  The process of seeking an indepen-
            in Ohio and the local police.       dent probe, according to the attorney
            The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office  general, should begin with a call from
            first reported Friday the fatal shooting  police to the Bureau of Criminal In-
            of a man that day on the north side  vestigation when incidents occur.
            of Columbus. It wasn’t until Sunday,  “We  received  a  referral  to  take  a
            more than 48 hours later, that police  three-day-old officer-involved shoot-
            revealed details such as the name of  ing case,” a spokesperson for Yost said
            the  victim,  Casey  Goodson  Jr.,  and  in  a  statement  Monday  night.  “Not  iff’s  Office,  had  been  assigned  to  a  tails that raise cause for extreme con-
            the deputy who was involved.        knowing all the reasons as to why so  U.S.  Marshals  Office  fugitive  task  cern,” the attorneys’ statement reads,
            Since then, Goodson’s family mem-   much time has passed before the case  force.                            including  the  object  Goodson  was
            bers  and  law  enforcement  officials  was  referred  to  BCI,  we  cannot  ac-  The  task  force  had  just  finished  an  holding. Police say it was a gun that
            have  given  conflicting  details.  The  cept this case.                unsuccessful search for a fugitive Fri-  was  later  recovered  from  the  scene;
            sheriff’s  office  does  not  provide  of-                              day  afternoon  when  Goodson,  who  his family says Goodson was holding
            ficers with body cameras, but depu-  “BCI is the first call because we can-  was  not  the  suspect,  drove  by  and  a Subway sandwich.
            ties’ vehicles do have dash-mounted  not be the subject matter experts un-  waved a gun at Meade, according to  “At this point, witness testimony and
            cameras.  The  Associated  Press  has  less we’re on scene from the begin-  U.S. Marshal Peter Tobin.       physical  evidence  raise  serious  con-
            requested that footage.             ning  to  document  the  evidence  of  Meade  confronted  him  outside  cerns about why Casey was even con-
            Mayor  Andrew  Ginther  attempted  what  happened  from  the  start,”  the  Goodson’s  vehicle  in  front  of  the  fronted,  let  alone  why  he  was  shot
            Monday  to  send  the  probe  into  the  statement  continued.  “Three  days  man’s home, Tobin said.       dead while entering his own home,”
            shooting  of  Goodson  by  Frank-   later  after  the  crime  scene  has  been  Tobin reported that one witness heard  the lawyers added.
            lin  County  Sheriff’s  Deputy  Jason  dismantled” and witnesses have dis-  Meade  command  Goodson  to  drop  The  statement  also  pushed  back  on
            Meade to the state Bureau of Crimi-  persed, “does not work.”           his gun and that when he didn’t, the  the detail about Goodson carrying a
            nal Investigation, which the attorney  But  on  Tuesday,  DeVillers’  office  deputy shot him. Goodson was taken  gun, saying even if that were the case,
            general’s  office  oversees,  to  ensure  made  the  announcement  that  it  to a hospital, where he died.  he had a license to carry a concealed
            “another layer of independence.”    would  work  with  other  agencies  to                                  weapon in Ohio.
                                                “review the facts and circumstances”  But  attorneys  for  Goodson’s  family  The  case  now  remains  under  the
            “We  have  felt  the  pain  of  police-in-  of Goodson’s shooting and “take ap-  say that he was shot while walking in  jurisdiction  of  the  Columbus  Divi-
            volved  shootings  across  the  country  propriate action if the evidence indi-  his  home,  and  that  his  grandmoth-  sion  of  Police  Critical  Incident  and
            this  year,”  Ginther  tweeted.  “Every  cates any federal civil rights laws were  er  and  two  toddlers  witnessed  the  Response Team because the sheriff’s
            loss of life is tragic, and each deserves  violated.”                   shooting.                           office has a policy not to oversee in-
            a thorough and transparent investiga-  Meade, a 17-year veteran of the Sher-  Tobin’s narrative leaves out “key de-  vestigations into its own deputies.

                            Judge dismisses Flynn case following pardon from Trump

            (AP)  —  A  federal  judge                                                                                          But he also stressed that a par-
            on  Tuesday  dismissed  the                                                                                         don,  by  itself,  did  not  mean
            criminal  case  against  for-                                                                                       that Flynn was innocent.
            mer  Trump  administra-
            tion  national  security  ad-                                                                                       Flynn  had  twice  pleaded
            viser  Michael  Flynn,  two                                                                                         guilty  to  lying  to  the  FBI
            weeks after a pardon from                                                                                           about his contacts during the
            the  president  effectively                                                                                         presidential transition period
            ended the case.                                                                                                     with the Russian ambassador.

            The order from U.S. District                                                                                        “The history of the Constitu-
            Judge  Emmet  Sullivan  was                                                                                         tion, its structure, and the Su-
            largely procedural in light of                                                                                      preme Court’s interpretation
            the  pardon  from  President                                                                                        of  the  pardon  power  make
            Donald Trump, which wiped                                                                                           clear  that  President  Trump’s
            away  Flynn’s  conviction  for                                                                                      decision to pardon Mr. Flynn
            lying  to  the  FBI  during  the                                                                                    is  a  political  decision,  not  a
            Russia investigation.                                                                                               legal  one,”  Sullivan  wrote.
                                                                                                                                “Because  the  law  recognizes
            Sullivan made clear in a 43-                                                                                        the President’s political pow-
            page order that he was com-                                                                                         er to pardon, the appropriate
            pelled to dismiss the case be-                                                                                      course is to dismiss this case
            cause of the pardon.                                                                                                as moot.
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